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词汇 sort


    [countable] a group or type of people or things that are similar in a particular way种类;类别;品种 synonym kind
    • sort of somebody/something What sort of music do you like?’ ‘Oh, all sorts.’“你喜欢哪一类音乐?” “噢,哪一类都喜欢。”
    • This sort of problem is quite common./These sorts of problems are quite common.这类问题相当普遍。/这几类问题相当普遍。
    • He's the sort of person who only cares about money.他这种人一心只想着钱。
    • The sort/sorts of people who are having large families in the US and Ireland are very similar.在美国和爱尔兰有大家庭的人非常相似。
    • For dessert there's a fruit pie of some sort (= you are not sure what kind).甜点是一种水果派。
    • Most people went on training courses of one sort or another (= of various types) last year.多数人去年都上过这样那样的培训班。
    • (informal) There were snacks—peanuts, olives, that sort of thing.有各种小吃,花生米、橄榄什么的。
    • (informal) There are all sorts of activities (= many different ones) for kids at the campsite.在营地有为孩子们组织的各种各样的活动。
    • (informal) What sort of price did you want to pay? (= approximately how much)你想出什么样的价?
    • (informal) What sort of time do you call this? (= I'm very angry that you have come so late.)你看看这都什么时候了?
    • Statements like these are not the sort of stuff you'd expect from one of Australia's most powerful women.像这样的声明不是你能从澳大利亚最有权势的女性之一那里得到的。
    • (informal) Tracey has been causing her mother all sorts of problems (= many different ones).特雷西给她母亲带来了各种各样的问题。
    Grammar Point kind / sortkind / sort
    • Use the singular (kind/​sort) or plural (kinds/​sorts) depending on the word you use before them:用单数(kind/sort)还是复数(kinds/sorts)取决于之前的用词:
      • each/​one/​every kind of animal每一种/一种/每一种动物
      • all/​many/​other sorts of animals.所有/许多/其他种类的动物
    • Kind/​sort of is followed by a singular or uncountable noun:kind/sort of 后接单数名词或不可数名词:
      • This kind of question often appears in the exam.这类问题在考试中经常出现。
      • That sort of behaviour is not acceptable.那样的行为是不允许的。
    • Kinds/​sorts of is followed by a plural or uncountable noun:kinds/sorts of 后接复数名词或不可数名词:
      • These kinds of questions often appear in the exam.这几类问题在考试中经常出现。
      • These sorts of behaviour are not acceptable.这种行为是不允许的。
    • Other variations are possible but less common:亦可能有其他结构,只是较少见:
      • These kinds of question often appear in the exam.此类问题在考试中经常出现。
      • These sort of things don’t happen in real life.这类事情在现实生活中不会发生。
      (This example is very informal and is considered incorrect by some people.)
    • Note also that these examples are possible, especially in spoken English:另注意下列例句,尤其在口语中可能出现:
      • The shelf was full of the sort of books I like to read.书架上摆满了我喜欢读的那种书。
      • He faced the same kind of problems as his predecessor.他面临着与他的前任同样的问题。
      • There are many different sorts of animal on the island.岛上有许多不同种类的动物。
      • What kind of camera is this?这是哪种型号的照相机?
      • What kind/​kinds of cameras do you sell?你们卖哪种 / 哪些型号的照相机?
      • There were three kinds of cakes/​cake on the plate.盘子里有三种蛋糕。
    • He has been doing the same sort of thing for decades.几十年来他一直在做同样的事情。
    • (informal) You get to go to all sorts of places.你可以去任何地方。
    • It will be a different sort of challenge from last year.这将是与去年不同的一种挑战。
    • We will not tolerate this sort of behaviour.我们不会容忍这种行为。
    • He just keeps asking all sorts of questions.他只是不停地问各种各样的问题。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • best
    • worst
    • right
    • sort of
  2. [countable, usually singular] (informal, especially British English) a particular type of person某一种(或某一类)人
    • My brother would never cheat on his wife; he's not that sort.我哥哥永远不会背着妻子在外面拈花惹草,他不是那种人。
  3. [singular] (computing计算机) the process of putting data in a particular order排序;分类
    • to do a sort进行排序
  4. 词源late Middle English: from Old French sorte, from an alteration of Latin sors, sort- ‘lot, condition’.
it takes all sorts (to make a world)
  1. (saying) used to say that you think somebody’s behaviour is very strange or unusual but that everyone is different and likes different things(认为某人行为怪诞或不寻常时说)世界之大无奇不有,林子大了什么鸟都有
    • ‘They spent their honeymoon mountain climbing.’ ‘Oh well, it takes all sorts!’他们的蜜月是爬山度过的。“哦,好吧,各种各样的都有,”。
nothing of the sort/kind
  1. used to emphasize that the situation is very different from what has been said(强调情况与所说的大不相同)决不是那么回事,一点也不,才不哩;没有的事
    • ‘I was terrible!’ ‘You were nothing of the sort.’ “我太可怕了,”。“你不是那种人,”。
of sorts
  1. (informal) used when you are saying that something is not a good example of a particular type of thing(表示某事物不够好)勉强算的,凑合的
    • He offered us an apology of sorts.他给我们勉强道了个歉。
out of sorts
  1. (especially British English) ill or upset身体不适;心情烦恼
    • She was tired and out of sorts by the time she arrived home.她回到家里,又累又烦。
    • Are you feeling all right? You look a bit out of sorts.你感觉还好吗?你看起来有点不舒服。
sort of
(also sorta)
  1. to some extent but in a way that you cannot easily describe有几分;有那么一点
    • She sort of pretends that she doesn't really care.她摆出一副并不真正在乎的样子。
    • ‘Do you understand?’ ‘Sort of.’“你懂了吗?” “有点懂了。”
a/some sort of something
  1. (informal) used for describing something in a not very exact way(表示不十分准确)近似于某物,有点像是某物
    • I had a sort of feeling that he wouldn't come.我隐约觉得他不会来。
    • She was jumping around like some sort of kangaroo.她像袋鼠一样跳来跳去。
    • They're a sort of greenish-blue colour.它们的颜色近乎带点绿的蓝色。
    • I was glad about it afterwards, in a funny sort of way.事后我很高兴,以一种有趣的方式。


present simple I / you / we / they sort
he / she / it sorts
past simple sorted
past participle sorted
-ing form sorting
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
    to arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type, etc.; to separate things of one type from others整理;把…分类
    • sort something I started at the bottom, answering phones and sorting the mail.我从底层做起,接电话,整理邮件。
    • sort something into something The computer sorts the words into alphabetical order.计算机按字母顺序排列这些单词。
    • Rubbish can easily be separated and sorted into plastics, glass and paper.垃圾很容易分开,可归入塑料、玻璃和纸三类。
    • sort something from something Women and children sorted the ore from the rock.妇女和孩子把矿石从岩石中分拣出来。
    • sort something by something Events are sorted by date and category.事件按日期和类别排序。
    see also sort something out, sort something out
    • Sort the books according to their subject matter.按照主题把这些书分类。
    • The most common way of grouping was to sort the children by ability.最通常的方法是依据孩子的能力分组。
    • The documents were sorted by age and type.那些文件根据年代和类型分了类。
    • We sorted the washing into piles of different garments.我们把要洗的衣服按种类分别堆放。
    • Waste is sorted for recycling.对垃圾进行分类作回收利用。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • busily
    • according to
    • by
    • into
    • begin sorting something
    • start sorting something
    • begin sorting through something
    [often passive] sort something (especially British English, informal) to deal with a problem successfully or organize something/somebody properly妥善处理;安排妥当
    • I'm really busy—can you sort it?我真的很忙,你能处理一下吗?
    • Everything's now been sorted.一切都已经解决了。
    • The problem with my broadband still hasn't been sorted.我的宽带问题还没有解决。
    compare sorted
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • out
    verb + sort
    • have to
    • try to
    • help to
    • get something sorted
    • get something sorted out
  3. 词源late Middle English: from Old French sorte, from an alteration of Latin sors, sort- ‘lot, condition’.
separate/sort out the men from the boys
  1. to show or prove who is brave, skilful, etc. and who is not表明/证明谁有技能(或更勇敢等)
sort out/separate the sheep from the goats
  1. to recognize the difference between people who are good at something, intelligent, etc. and those who are not区分能手与常人;分清智者和庸人
sort out/separate the wheat from the chaff
  1. to recognize the difference between useful or valuable people or things and ones that are not useful or have no value识别优劣;分清好坏;去芜存菁
    • We sifted through the application forms to sort out the wheat from the chaff.我们仔细检查了申请表,以区别对待。




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