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词汇 soul



    spirit of person人的灵魂

    [countable] the spiritual part of a person, believed to exist after death灵魂
    • He believed his immortal soul was in peril.他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。
    • The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls (= the spirits of dead people who are not in heaven).怒吼的风如同堕入地狱的灵魂在哀声恸哭。
    • 'Repent now if you want to save your soul,' he cried.“如果你想拯救你的灵魂,现在就忏悔吧,”他喊道。
    • soul of somebody a prayer for the soul of the deceased为死者的灵魂祈祷
    • They believe that ghosts are the wandering souls of the departed.他们相信鬼魂是死者的游魂。
    Collocations ReligionReligion宗教Being religious笃信宗教的
    • believe in God/​Christ/​Allah/​free will/​predestination/​heaven and hell/​an afterlife/​reincarnation信仰上帝/耶稣基督/真主/自由意志/宿命论/天堂与地狱/来生/转世说
    • be/​become a believer/​an atheist/​an agnostic/​a Christian/​Muslim/​Hindu/​Buddhist, etc.是/成为信徒/无神论者/不可知论者/基督徒/穆斯林/印度教教徒/佛教徒等
    • convert to/​practise a religion/​Buddhism/​Catholicism/​Christianity/​Islam/​Judaism, etc.
    • go to church/(North American English) temple (= the synagogue)去教堂/会堂做礼拜
    • go to the local church/​mosque/​synagogue/​gurdwara去当地的教堂/清真寺/犹太教会堂/谒师所做礼拜
    • belong to a church/​a religious community是教堂/宗教团体的成员
    • join/​enter the church/​a convent/​a monastery/​a religious sect/​the clergy/​the priesthood成为牧师/女修道士/僧侣/宗教人员/神职人员/司祭
    • praise/​worship/​obey/​serve/​glorify God赞美/敬拜/遵从/侍奉/颂扬上帝
    Celebrations and ritual庆典与仪式
    • attend/​hold/​conduct/​lead a service参加/举行/组织/主持礼拜仪式
    • perform a ceremony/​a rite/​a ritual/​a baptism/​the Hajj/​a mitzvah举行典礼/仪式/宗教仪式/洗礼/朝觐/受戒仪式
    • carry out/​perform a sacred/​burial/​funeral/​fertility/​purification rite举行宗教/安葬/葬礼/丰收/净化仪式
    • go on/​make a pilgrimage前往朝圣
    • celebrate Christmas/​Easter/​Eid/​Ramadan/​Hanukkah/​Passover/​Diwali庆祝圣诞节/复活节/开斋节/斋月/修殿节/逾越节/排灯节
    • observe/​break the Sabbath/​a fast/​Ramadan守/不守安息日/斋戒/斋月
    • deliver/​preach/​hear a sermon传道;讲道;听布道
    • lead/​address the congregation带领会众;对会众发表演讲
    • say/​recite a prayer/​blessing念诵/背诵经文;祝祷
    Religious texts and ideas宗教经文与思想
    • preach/​proclaim/​spread the word of God/​the Gospel/​the message of Islam传布/颂扬/传播上帝的话/《福音》/伊斯兰教义
    • study/​follow the dharma/​the teachings of Buddha研究/遵循达摩/佛教教义
    • read/​study/​understand/​interpret scripture/​the Bible/​the Koran/​the gospel/​the Torah阅读/研究/理解/阐释经文/《圣经》/《古兰经》/《福音》/托拉
    • be based on/​derive from divine revelation基于/来源于上帝的启示
    • commit/​consider something heresy/​sacrilege犯异端/渎圣罪;认为…是异端邪说/亵渎圣物
    Religious belief and experience宗教信仰与体验
    • seek/​find/​gain enlightenment/​wisdom寻求/找到/获得启迪/智慧
    • strengthen/​lose your faith增强/失去信德
    • keep/​practise/​practice/​abandon the faith忠于/践行/放弃信仰
    • save/​purify/​lose your soul拯救/净化/失去灵魂
    • obey/​follow/​keep/​break/​violate a commandment/​Islamic law/​Jewish law服从/遵循/恪守/违反/亵渎诫条/伊斯兰教法/犹太教法
    • be/​accept/​do God’s will是/接受/践行上帝的旨意
    • receive/​experience divine grace得到/感受神的恩宠
    • achieve/​attain enlightenment/​salvation/​nirvana获得启迪/拯救/涅槃
    • undergo a conversion/​rebirth/​reincarnation经历皈依/重生/转世化身
    • hear/​answer a prayer聆听/回应祷告
    • commit/​confess/​forgive a sin犯罪;忏悔;宽恕罪过
    • do/​perform penance进行补赎
    • May God have mercy on my soul.愿上帝怜悯我。
    • an argument for the immortality of the soul灵魂不朽的论据
    • The dog was howling like a soul in torment.这只狗痛苦地吠。
    • The messenger god, Hermes, leads dead souls into the underworld.诸神信使赫尔墨斯接引死去的灵魂进入冥界。
    • Missionaries saw it as their task to save souls.传教士把拯救灵魂看作自己的使命。
    Topics Religion and festivalsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • eternal
    • immortal
    • dead
    verb + soul
    • save
    • sell
    • a/​the battle for somebody’s soul
    • a/​the struggle for somebody’s soul
    • have mercy on somebody’s soul
  2. inner character内在个性

    [countable] a person’s inner character, containing their true thoughts and feelings心性;内心;心灵
    • music that soothes your soul 抚慰你灵魂的音乐
    • The eyes are the windows to the soul. 眼睛是心灵的窗户。
    • in somebody's soul There was a feeling of restlessness deep in her soul.她内心深处感到焦躁不安。
    Homophones sole | soulsole   soul
    • sole adjective
      • John Dashwood is the sole male heir, so inherits the entire estate.约翰·达什伍德是唯一的男性继承人,所以继承全部财产。
    • sole noun
      • Many jazz shoes come with a rubber sole.许多爵士鞋都配有橡胶鞋底。
    • soul noun
      • Deep in her soul she knew she had to return to her country.在她的心灵深处,她知道自己必须返回祖国。
    • He let out an anguished cry from the depths of his soul.他从内心深处发出了一声痛苦的吶喊。
    • I searched my soul for any malice that could have provoked his words, but found none.我扪心自问并无任何恶意激怒他说出这番话。
    • The plea touched him to his very soul.这一请求使他的心灵受到了触动。
    • She was a part of his soul.她是他的知己。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • very
    • whole
    • inner
    verb + soul
    • lose
    • bare
    • search
    • in your soul
    • body and soul
    • from the depths of somebody’s soul
    • in the depths of somebody’s soul
  4. spiritual/moral/artistic qualities精神/道德/艺术品质

    [singular] the spiritual and moral qualities of humans in general(人类整体的)精神世界(包括精神品质和道德品质) synonym psyche
    • the dark side of the human soul人类精神世界中阴暗的一面
    • In my view, fine art feeds the mind and soul.在我看来,美术滋养心灵。
    • Laughter is good for the soul.大笑对人有益。
    • a battle for the soul of the country国家的灵魂之战
  6. [uncountable] strong and good human feeling, especially that gives a work of art its quality or enables somebody to recognize and enjoy that quality真挚情感;高尚情操;气魄
    • It was a very polished performance, but it lacked soul.这场演出技艺很精湛,但缺少真挚的情感。
    • In the process of being made into a film, the story seemed to have lost its soul.在拍成电影的过程中,这个故事似乎失去了原有的灵魂。
    • She sang the song with passion and soul.她充满激情地唱这首歌。
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + soul
    • have
    • lack
    • with soul
  7. [singular] the soul of something a perfect example of a good quality典范;化身
    • He is the soul of discretion.他是谨慎的典范。
  8. person

  9. [countable] (becoming old-fashioned) a person of a particular type某种人
    • She's lost all her money, poor soul.可怜的人,她的钱全没了。
    • You're a brave soul.你真勇敢。
    • a kind old soul慈祥的老人
    • A few brave souls queued all night to get tickets for centre court.几个勇气十足的人排了一夜队,买到了进入中心球场的票。
    • It means bad news for some poor soul.对某些可怜人来说,这是坏消息。
    • They recognized each other as kindred souls.他们都视对方为志同道合的人。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • little
    • old
    • good
    verb + soul
    • not tell
    • not a soul in sight
  10. [countable] (especially in negative sentences尤用于否定句) a person
    • There wasn't a soul in sight (= nobody was in sight).连个人影都不见。
    • Don't tell a soul (= do not tell anyone).谁也别告诉。
    • (literary) a village of 300 souls (= with 300 people living there)一个 300 人的村子
    • I don't know a single soul in this town.这镇上我一个人都不认识。
    • There was no other living soul to be seen.这儿其他一个人影儿都见不着。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • little
    • old
    • good
    verb + soul
    • not tell
    • not a soul in sight
  11. music音乐

  12. (also soul music)
    [uncountable] a type of music that expresses strong emotions, made popular by African American musicians灵乐,灵歌,灵魂音乐(感情强烈,源于非裔美国人的音乐)
    • a soul singer灵乐歌手
    CultureSoul music developed out of gospel music and rhythm and blues in the 1950s and 1960s. The most famous form of soul music was Motown. Well-known soul singers include James Brown, Marvin Gaye, The Supremes, Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding, Roberta Flack and Stevie Wonder.
    Topics Musicb2
  13. 词源Old English sāwol, sāw(e)l, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ziel and German Seele.
bare your soul (to somebody)
  1. to tell somebody your deepest and most private feelings(向某人)打开心扉,倾诉衷肠
body and soul
  1. with all your energy竭尽全力;全心全意
    • She committed herself body and soul to fighting for the cause.她全心全意为这一事业而奋斗。
God rest his/her soul | God rest him/her
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used to show respect when you are talking about somebody who is dead(对死者表示敬意)魂归天国,安息主怀
good for the soul
  1. (humorous) good for you, even if it seems unpleasant其实有好处
    • ‘Want a ride?’ ‘No thanks. Walking is good for the soul.’“搭车吗?” “不,谢谢。步行有步行的好处。”
heart and soul
  1. with a lot of energy and enthusiasm满腔热忱干劲十足;全心全意
    • They threw themselves heart and soul into the project.他们全心全意地投入了这个项目。
keep body and soul together
  1. to stay alive with just enough of the food, clothing, etc. that you need勉强糊口;生活拮据 synonym survive
    • They barely have enough money to keep body and soul together.他们仅有活命的钱。
the life and soul of the party, etc.
  1. (British English) the liveliest and funniest person at a party, etc.(聚会等场合)最活跃风趣的人
sell your soul (to the devil)
  1. to do anything, even something really bad or dishonest, in return for money, success or power出卖灵魂(或良心)Topics Successc2




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