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词汇 sow


present simple I / you / we / they sow
he / she / it sows
past simple sowed
past participle sown
past participle sowed
-ing form sowing
  1. [transitive, intransitive] to plant or spread seeds in or on the ground播种;种
    • sow (something) Sow the seeds in rows.一垄一垄地播种。
    • Sow the seeds quite thinly.把种子撒播得稀疏一些。
    • Water well after sowing.播种后要浇足水。
    • Sow rows of lettuces between other vegetables.在其他蔬菜之间播种成排的莴苣。
    • sow something with something The fields around had been sown with wheat.周围的地里种上了小麦。
    • We’ve sown that field with wheat.我们已经把那块地种上了小麦。
    Homophones sew | so | sowsew   so   sow
    • sew verb
      • You should sew that hole up before it gets any bigger.你应该在洞变大之前把它缝好。
    • so adverb
      • It is unsurprising that the Beatles were so successful.甲壳虫乐队如此成功并不奇怪。
    • sow verb
      • Why would farmers want to sow GM seeds?为什么农民想要播种转基因种子?
    Collocations FarmingFarming农场经营Growing food and raising animals种植粮食和饲养动物
    • plant trees/​seeds/​crops/​vines/​barley植树;播种;种庄稼;种植葡萄树;种大麦
    • grow/​produce corn/​wheat/​rice/​fruit种植/生产玉米/小麦/大米/水果
    • plough/(North American English) plow land/​a field耕地;犁田
    • sow/​harvest seeds/​crops/​fields播种/收获谷粒/农作物/庄稼
    • spread manure/​fertilizer on something给…施撒粪肥/肥料
    • cultivate/​irrigate/​water/​contaminate crops/​plants/​fields/​land耕作/灌溉/浇灌/污染庄稼/植物/田地/土地
    • damage/​destroy/​lose your crop损害/毁坏/损失农作物
    • ripen/​pick fruit/​berries/​grapes催熟/采摘水果/浆果/葡萄
    • press/​dry/​ferment grapes压榨/晾干/发酵葡萄
    • grind/​thresh grain/​corn/​wheat磨/打谷物/玉米/小麦
    • raise/​rear/​keep chickens/​poultry/​cattle/​pigs饲养鸡/家禽/牛/猪
    • raise/​breed/​feed/​graze livestock/​cattle/​sheep饲养/喂养/放养家畜/牛/羊
    • kill/​slaughter livestock屠宰家畜
    • preserve/​smoke/​cure/​salt meat防腐保存/熏/加工贮藏/用盐腌制肉
    Modern farming现代农场经营
    • run a fish farm/​an organic dairy farm
    • engage in/​be involved in intensive (pig/​fish) farming从事集约型(生猪/渔业)养殖
    • use/​apply (chemical/​organic) fertilizer/​insecticides/​pesticides使用(化学/有机)肥料/杀虫剂
    • begin/​do/​conduct field trials of GM (= genetically modified) crops开始/进行转基因作物的田间试验
    • grow/​develop GM crops/​seeds/​plants/​foods种植/研发转基因作物/种子/植物/粮食
    • fund/​invest in genetic engineering/​research资助/投资基因工程/研究
    • improve/​increase crop yields提高/增加粮食产量
    • face/​suffer from/​alleviate food shortages面临/遭受/缓解食物短缺
    • label food that contains GMOs (= genetically modified organisms)给含有转基因生物的食品贴标签
    • eliminate/​reduce farm subsidies取消/减少农业补贴
    • oppose/​be against factory farming/​GM food反对工厂化养殖/转基因食品
    • promote/​encourage/​support organic/​sustainable farming促进/鼓励/支持有机/可持续农耕
    Topics Farmingc2, Gardensc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • early
    • thinly
    • with
  2. [transitive] sow something (in something) to introduce or spread feelings or ideas, especially ones that cause trouble灌输;激起;散布;煽动
    • to sow doubt in somebody’s mind使某人心怀疑虑
    • to sow confusion制造混乱
  3. 词源Old English sāwan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zaaien and German säen.
sow the seeds of something
  1. to start the process that leads to a particular situation or result成为…的肇端;播下…的种子
    • In this way he sowed the seeds of his own success.他就这样播下了自己成功的种子。
sow (your) wild oats
  1. (of young men青年男子) to go through a period of wild behaviour while young, especially having a lot of romantic or sexual relationships过放荡不羁的生活
    • He wants to leave home, sow his wild oats and learn about life.他想离开家,播种他的野燕麦,了解生活。
you reap what you sow
  1. (saying) you have to deal with the bad effects or results of something that you originally started种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆


  1. a female pig母猪 compare boar, hogTopics Animalsc2
    词源Old English sugu; related to Dutch zeug, German Sau, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin sus and Greek hus ‘pig’.
(you can't) make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
  1. (you won't) succeed in making something good out of material that does not seem very good at all用劣材制精品;化腐朽为神奇Topics Successc2




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