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词汇 speed



    rate of movement/action运动/行动速率

    [countable, uncountable] the rate at which somebody/something moves or travels(运动的)速度,速率
    • at … speed at high/low/full/top speed以高速/低速/全速/最高速
    • The five-door version has a maximum speed of 130 mph.五门版最高时速130英里。
    • a fast/slow speed快速/慢速
    • London traffic moves at an average speed of 11 mph.伦敦交通的平均速度为每小时11英里。
    • speed of something travelling at the speed of light/sound以光速/声速行进
    • a speed of 50 mph/80 kph每小时 50 英里/80 公里的速度
    • The missile reaches speeds of 5  800 kilometres per hour.导弹达到每小时5 800公里的速度。
    • The train began to pick up speed (= go faster).火车开始加速。
    • at breakneck speed (= fast in a way that is dangerous)以不要命的速度
    • an attempt to break the land speed record 打破陆地速度记录的尝试
    • It is best not to spray when wind speeds are greater than 5 miles per hour. 风速大于每小时5英里时最好不要喷。
    • The car was gathering speed.汽车逐渐加速。
    • He reduced speed and turned sharp left.他减慢速度,向左急转。
    • There are speed restrictions on this road.这条路上有速度限制。
    • Increasing your walking speed will help to exercise your heart.提高行走速度有助于锻炼心脏。
    see also airspeed, ground speed, warp speed
    • Concorde crossed the Atlantic at twice the speed of sound.协和飞机以两倍声速飞越大西洋。
    • He drove us to the hospital at breakneck speed.他以惊险的速度开车送我们去医院。
    • He set a new land speed record in this car.他开这辆车创了陆地行驶速度的新纪录。
    • He was running at full speed when a tendon snapped in his leg.他正全速奔跑时,腿部的一条肌腱断裂了。
    • He was traveling at a high rate of speed.他正以高速行驶。
    • Hedgehogs, though small, can move with surprising speed.刺猬尽管很小,但动起来速度惊人。
    • Motorists are asked to reduce their speed in wet conditions.要求驾驶员雨天行车要减慢速度。
    • Radio waves travel at the speed of light.无线电波以光速传播。
    • The boat can be brought to a stop from full speed ahead within her own length.这艘船可以在一个船身的距离内从全速航行中停下来。
    • The boat maintained a steady speed while the sea was calm.大海风平浪静的时候,船保持平稳的速度。
    • The car reaches a speed of 60 miles per hour within five seconds.这款车能在 5 秒钟之内提速到每小时 60 英里。
    • The glacier moves at an average speed of about six feet per day.冰川以平均每天 6 英尺的速度移动。
    • The ships have a maximum speed of 18 knots.这些船的最快速度是 18 节。
    • The train pulled out of the station, slowly gathering speed.火车驶出车站,慢慢开始加速。
    • a significant increase in speed速度的显着提高
    • at lightning speed以闪电般的速度
    • jets flying at supersonic speed超音速喷气式飞机
    • measures to curb the speed of cars travelling through the village使汽车开过这个村子时减速的措施
    • He came down the hill at breakneck speed.他以极快的速度下山。
    • She reduced speed before turning the corner.转弯前,她减慢了速度。
    • We travelled at an average speed of about 80 kph.我们以每小时约80公里的平均速度前进。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • amazing
    • astonishing
    • breakneck
    … of speed
    • burst
    • rate
    verb + speed
    • attain
    • reach
    • build up
    speed + verb
    • increase
    • decrease
    speed + noun
    • control
    • reduction
    • restriction
    • at speed
    • in speed
    • with speed
    • at full speed
    • full speed
    • full speed ahead
    [countable, uncountable] the rate at which something happens or is done(发生或进行的)速度;进度
    • the processing speed of the computer计算机的处理速度
    • at a speed This course is designed so that students can progress at their own speed.这门课的设计思路是让学生自己掌握进度。
    • speed of something We aim to increase the speed of delivery (= how quickly goods are sent).我们力争加快送货速度。
    • broadband that runs at speeds in excess of 40 megabits per second运行速度超过每秒40兆比特的宽带
    see also clock speed
    • the increase in processor speeds for home computers家用计算机处理器速度的提升
    • We offer subscribers a download speed of 8 MB.我们为用户提供 8 兆字节的下载速度。
    • The machinery is regulated to a safe running speed.这台机器调到了安全的运行速度。
    • The new houses have been built with astonishing speed.这些新房子修建的速度快得惊人。
    • The classes are designed to let students progress at their own speed.这些课的设计思路是让学生自己掌握进度。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • amazing
    • astonishing
    • breakneck
    … of speed
    • burst
    • rate
    verb + speed
    • attain
    • reach
    • build up
    speed + verb
    • increase
    • decrease
    speed + noun
    • control
    • reduction
    • restriction
    • at speed
    • in speed
    • with speed
    • at full speed
    • full speed
    • full speed ahead
    [uncountable] the quality of being quick or rapid快;迅速
    • The Kenyan runner put on a sudden burst of speed over the last 50 metres.肯尼亚赛跑运动员在最后50米突然加速。
    • She was overtaken by the speed of events (= things happened more quickly than she expected).事态发展迅速为她始料所不及。
    • at speed (formal) A car flashed past them at speed (= fast).一辆汽车从他们身边疾驰而过。
    • If a footballer lacks speed, he has no chance at the top level.如果一个足球运动员缺乏速度,他就没有机会达到顶级水平。
    • The accident was due to excessive speed.事故的原因在于速度过快。
    • Speed is his greatest asset as a tennis player.作为一名网球运动员,速度是他最大的财富。
    • 90% of car accidents involve excess speed.90% 的车祸与超速驾驶有关。
    • The Greek runner produced an electrifying burst of speed over the last 50 metres.希腊赛跑运动员在最后50 米时爆发出惊人的速度。
    • The car was moving at speed when the accident happened.事故发生时,这辆车正高速行驶。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • amazing
    • astonishing
    • breakneck
    … of speed
    • burst
    • rate
    verb + speed
    • attain
    • reach
    • build up
    speed + verb
    • increase
    • decrease
    speed + noun
    • control
    • reduction
    • restriction
    • at speed
    • in speed
    • with speed
    • at full speed
    • full speed
    • full speed ahead
  4. in photography摄影

  5. [countable] a measurement of how sensitive film for cameras, etc. is to light感光度
  6. (also shutter speed)
    [countable] the time taken by a camera shutter to open and close快门速度
  7. on bicycle/car自行车;汽车

  8. [countable] (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) a gear on a bicycle, in a car, etc.排挡;速
    • a four-speed gearbox四挡变速箱
    • a ten-speed mountain bike十速山地自行车
    • back-pedal
    • cycling
    • dismount
    • handlebar
    • pedal
    • ride
    • saddle
    • speed
    • tandem
    • velodrome
    Topics Sports: other sportsc2
  9. drug毒品

  10. [uncountable] (informal) an illegal amphetamine drug that is taken to give feelings of excitement and energy苯丙胺,安非他明(一种兴奋剂)Topics Social issuesc2
  11. 词源Old English spēd (noun), spēdan (verb), from the Germanic base of Old English spōwan ‘prosper, succeed’, a sense reflected in early usage.
full speed/steam ahead
  1. with as much speed or energy as possible全速(或全力)向前
    • We as a company are moving full speed ahead.我们公司正全速前进。
more haste, less speed
  1. (British English, saying) you will finish doing something sooner if you do not try to do it too quickly because you will make fewer mistakes欲速则不达
a turn of speed
  1. a sudden increase in your speed or rate of progress; the ability to suddenly increase your speed突然加速;加快进度;突然加快的能力
    • He put on an impressive turn of speed in the last lap.他在最后一圈猛然加速。
    • The kangaroo has a fast turn of speed.袋鼠的速度很快。
    • For a small car it has a good turn of speed.对小型轿车来说,这辆车的紧急加速性能挺不错。
up to speed (on something)
  1. (of a person, company, etc.人、公司等) performing at an expected rate or level(在某事上)达到应有的速度,达标
    • the cost of bringing the chosen schools up to speed使选定的学校达标所需的费用
  2. (of a person) having the most recent and accurate information or knowledge了解最新情况;跟上形势
    • Are you up to speed yet on the latest developments?你了解最新的进展情况吗?


In senses 1 and 2 sped
is also used for the past tense and past participle.
present simple I / you / we / they speed
he / she / it speeds
past simple speeded
past participle speeded
-ing form speeding
Phrasal Verbs

    move/happen quickly快速运动/发生

    [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move along quickly快速前行
    • They sped off to get help.他们迅速离开去寻求帮助。
    • The car sped along the road towards the village.汽车沿着公路飞速朝村庄驶去。
    • He sped away on his bike.他飞快地骑着车走了。
    • the sound of a motorcycle speeding down the street一辆摩托车在街上飞驰的声音
    • We turned and watched a train speeding by.我们转过身,看着一列火车飞驰而过。
    • He couldn't hear the car that was speeding towards him.他听不见向他疾驰而来的汽车。
    • I sped back to her house as fast as I could, but she had already gone.我尽快赶回她家,但她已经走了。
  2. [transitive] speed somebody/something + adv./prep. (formal) to take somebody/something somewhere very quickly, especially in a vehicle快速运送
    • The cab speeded them into the centre of the city.出租汽车载着他们迅速驶往市中心。
  3. [transitive] speed something (formal) to make something happen more quickly加速;促进
    • The drugs will speed her recovery.这些药会加速她的康复。
    • More is needed to speed the development of a safe and effective vaccine.需要更多的投入以加快研发一种安全有效的疫苗。
  4. drive too fast超速驾驶

    [intransitive] (usually used in the progressive tenses通常用于进行时) to drive faster than the speed that is legally allowed超速驾驶;超速行驶
    • The police caught him speeding.警察发现他超速行驶。
    • Accident investigators said evidence appeared to suggest that he was not speeding.事故调查人员说,证据似乎表明他没有超速。
    • Most drivers speed, at least occasionally.大多数司机都会超速,至少偶尔会。
    • Speeding motorists are a danger to others.超速驾驶对其他人来说是一种危险。
    Topics Crime and punishmentb2
  6. 词源Old English spēd (noun), spēdan (verb), from the Germanic base of Old English spōwan ‘prosper, succeed’, a sense reflected in early usage.




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