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词汇 sport


    [uncountable] (British English)
    (North American English sports [plural])
    activity that you do for pleasure and that needs physical effort or skill, usually done in a special area and according to fixed rules体育运动
    • There are excellent facilities for sport and recreation.有完善的体育娱乐设施。
    • I'm not interested in sport.我对体育运动不感兴趣。
    • It's very difficult to make a career in professional sport.在职业体育中谋生是非常困难的。
    • (British English) Do you do any sport?你做什么运动吗?
    • (North American English) Do you play any sports?你从事任何运动吗?
    • the use of drugs in sport禁药在体育运动中的使用
    When talking about sport or sports in general, the form is usually the uncountable sport in (British English) and the plural sports in (North American English). However, before another noun the plural form sports is used in both (British English) and (North American English): a radio station for sports fansa sports stadium/club/hall
    • diet
    • exercise
    • fit
    • gym
    • health spa
    • nutrition
    • personal trainer
    • sport
    • stamina
    • workout
    • athlete
    • champion
    • compete
    • fixture
    • match
    • record
    • spectator
    • sport
    • stadium
    • tournament
    Culture sport and fitnesssport and fitnessThe British like sport very much, but many people prefer to watch rather than take part. Many go to watch football, rugby, cricket, etc. at the ground, but many more sit at home and watch sport on television.Most people today take relatively little general exercise. Over the last 30 or 40 years lifestyles have changed considerably and many people now travel even the shortest distances by car or bus. Lack of exercise combined with eating too much fat and sugar has meant that many people are becoming too fat. Experts are particularly concerned that children spend a lot of their free time watching television or playing computer games instead of being active. In recent years, however, there has been a growing interest in fitness among young adults and many belong to a sports club or gym.In Britain most towns have an amateur football and cricket team, and people also have opportunities to play sports such as tennis and golf. Older people may play bowls. Some people go regularly to a sports centre or leisure centre where there are facilities for playing badminton and squash, and also a swimming pool. Many sports centres arrange classes in activities such as aerobics (= exercises to music), step (= stepping on and off a low step) Spinning™ (= exercise on a bike), Zumba™ (= dance based exercise) and keep-fit. Some people work out (= train hard) regularly at a local gym and do weight training (= lifting weights to make their muscles stronger) and circuit training (= a series of exercises that use a lot of energy). Some people do judo or other martial arts (= fighting sports). Others go running or jogging (= running at a slow pace) in their local area or on a treadmill at the gym. For enthusiastic runners there are opportunities to take part in long-distance runs, such as the London marathon. Other people keep themselves fit by walking or cycling. Many people go abroad on a skiing holiday each year and there are several dry slopes and snow domes in Britain where they can practise.Membership of a sports club or gym can be expensive and not everyone can afford it. Local sports centres are generally cheaper. Evening classes are also cheap and offer a wide variety of fitness activities ranging from yoga and Pilates to jazz dancing. Some companies now provide sports facilities for their employees or contribute to the cost of joining a gym.Sports play an important part in American life. Professional baseball and football games attract large crowds, and many people watch games on television. Although many parents complain about their children being couch potatoes (= people who spend a lot of time watching television), there are sports sessions at school for all ages. College students are usually also required to take physical education classes to complete their studies.Many popular keep-fit activities began in the US. Charles Atlas, Arnold Schwarzenegger and others inspired people to take up bodybuilding (= shaping the muscles and making them strong). Some richer people employ their own personal trainer, either at home or at a fitness centre, to direct their exercise programme. But many people just walk or jog in the local park or play informal games of baseball or football.
    • Australians love sport.澳大利亚人热爱运动。
    • He enjoys sport, reading and travelling.他喜欢运动、阅读和旅行。
    • His only hobby is watching sport on TV.他唯一的爱好是看电视上的体育节目。
    • He's a sporting icon even for people who don't like sport.即使对不喜欢运动的人来说,他也是一个体育偶像。
    • Playing competitive sport helped me develop as a person.参加竞技运动帮助我成长为一个人。
    • There are a lot of job opportunities in the sport and leisure industry.体育和休闲行业有很多工作机会。
    • She has a real passion for sport.她对运动有着真正的热情。
    • We encourage the children to get involved in sport.我们鼓励孩子们参与体育运动。
    • a campaign to promote sports among women在妇女中推广体育运动的运动
    • (British English) He does a lot of sport.他参加各种运动。
    • Did you do any sport at school?你上学时做什么运动吗?
    • (North American English) We played sports together when we were kids.小时候我们一起参加体育运动。
    • Did you play any sports in high school?你上高中时做什么运动吗?
    • Sports coverage in the local newspaper is good.这家地方报纸的体育报道相当不错。
    • government funding for sports programmes for girls and women政府对女孩和妇女体育项目的资助
    • The council has allocated an extra £11 million to a new community sports club.地方议会已经另外下拨了 1,100 万英镑新建一个社区体育俱乐部。
    • sports betting on the internet因特网体育博彩
    • the construction of a new $250-million sports arena一座 2.5 亿美元新体育场的建设
    • the school sports day学校的运动会日
    • sports shoes运动鞋
    Topics Sports: other sportsa1, Sports: ball and racket sportsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • amateur
    • pro
    • professional
    verb + sport/​sports
    • do
    • play
    • be involved in
    sports + noun
    • event
    • arena
    • bar
    • in sport
    • love for sport
    • love for sports
    • love of sport
  2. enlarge image
    [countable] a particular form of sport(某项)体育运动
    • What's your favourite sport?你最喜欢哪一项体育运动?
    • Netball is the number one team sport played by women in England.无挡板篮球是英国女性玩的头号团队运动。
    see also blood sport, contact sport, extreme sport, field sports, motorsport, non-contact sport, spectator sport, winter sports
    • I need to take up a sport to get fit.为了健康,我需要开始运动了。
    • Why not learn to paint or play a sport?为什么不学画画或者做一项运动?
    • In the 1960s, the Soviet Union dominated the sport of gymnastics.20 世纪 60 年代,苏联在体操运动中独领风骚。
    • In theory, basketball is a non-contact sport.理论上讲,篮球是一种无身体接触的体育项目。
    • After a serious knee injury the player was advised to quit the sport.膝盖严重受伤后,该运动员被建议退出这项运动。
    • We started a bodybuilding magazine to promote the sport.我们创办了一份健美杂志来推广这项运动。
    • popular field sports such as football像足球这样受大众喜爱的户外运动
    • the sport of boxing拳击运动
    • Football has been a professional sport for a long time.长期以来,足球一直是一项职业运动。
    • Taekwondo became an official Olympic sport at the 2000 Sydney Games.跆拳道在2000年悉尼奥运会上成为正式的奥林匹克运动。
    • Many dancers also take part in a competitive sport such as volleyball.许多舞蹈演员也参加像排球这样的竞技运动。
    • Two of the most popular sports among the boys are basketball and Thai boxing.男孩中最受欢迎的两项运动是篮球和泰拳。
    • Outdoor sports enthusiasts, such as climbers and skiers, often use handheld GPS devices. 户外运动爱好者,如登山者和滑雪者,经常使用手持GPS设备。
    • In winter we prefer an indoor sport like squash or badminton.冬天我们更喜欢室内运动,比如壁球或羽毛球。
    • She claimed fox-hunting continues even though the sport has been banned.她声称猎狐活动仍在继续,尽管这项运动已经被禁止。
    • the inherent dangers of adventure sports such as mountaineering登山之类冒险运动的固有危险
    • Which is the country's most popular spectator sport?该国最受欢迎的观赏性体育运动是什么?
    • skiing, skating and other winter sports滑雪、滑冰和其他冬季运动
    Topics Sports: other sportsa1, Sports: ball and racket sportsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • mainstream
    • major
    • popular
    verb + sport
    • take up
    • dominate
    • promote
    • sport of
    • love for a sport
    • love of a sport
    • passion for a sport
  3. [countable] (Australian English, New Zealand English, informal) used as a friendly way of addressing somebody, especially a man(用作友好称呼,尤指对男子)朋友,老兄,哥们儿
    • How are you doing, sport?你好哇,哥儿们!
    • Good on you, sport!老兄,你真行!
  4. [uncountable] (old-fashioned) pleasure or fun乐趣;消遣;玩笑;逗乐
    • in sport The comments were only made in sport.那些话只不过是开个玩笑。
    • to make sport of (= to joke about) somebody/something开某人/某事的玩笑
  5. [countable] (biology生物) a plant or an animal that is clearly and definitely different from its usual type芽变;突变;变种
  6. 词源late Middle English (in the sense ‘pastime, entertainment’): shortening of disport.
be a bad sport
  1. (informal) to be unpleasant or unhelpful, especially in a difficult situation or when you have lost a game不愉快或无益,尤其是在困难的情况下或当你输掉一场比赛时
be a (good) sport
  1. (informal) to be generous, cheerful and pleasant, especially in a difficult situation or when you have lost a game(尤指在困境中)开朗大度,讲交情
    • She's a good sport.她很讲交情。
    • Go on, be a sport (= used when asking somebody to help you).来来来,别不够朋友。


present simple I / you / we / they sport
he / she / it sports
past simple sported
past participle sported
-ing form sporting
  1. [transitive] sport something to have or wear something in a proud way得意地穿戴;夸示;故意显示 synonym wear
    • to sport a beard故意蓄着大胡子
    • She was sporting a T-shirt with the company's logo on it.她穿了一件带有公司徽标的 T 恤衫,很是招摇。
  2. [intransitive] + adv./prep. (literary) to play in a happy and lively way开心活泼地玩;嬉戏
  3. 词源late Middle English (in the sense ‘pastime, entertainment’): shortening of disport.




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