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词汇 stab


present simple I / you / we / they stab
he / she / it stabs
past simple stabbed
past participle stabbed
-ing form stabbing
    [transitive] stab somebody to push a sharp, pointed object, especially a knife, into somebody, killing or injuring them(用刀等锐器)刺,戳,捅
    • He was stabbed to death in a racist attack.他遭到种族主义者的袭击,被刺死了。
    • She stabbed him in the arm with a screwdriver.她用螺丝刀在他胳膊上戳了一下。
    • He is accused of repeatedly stabbing a 16-year-old boy.他被指控将一个 16 岁的男孩多处刺伤。
    • He was fatally stabbed.他受到致命的刺伤。
    • He was found stabbed in his car.他被发现刺死在车里。
    • He was stabbed in the chest.他胸部被刺。
    • Tina accidentally stabbed herself with her pencil.蒂娜不小心用铅笔戳着自己了。
    Topics Crime and punishmentc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • repeatedly
    • fatally
    • accidentally
    verb + stab
    • threaten to
    • try to
    • at
    • in
    • with
    • be found stabbed
    • stab somebody to death
  2. [transitive, intransitive] to make a short, aggressive or violent movement with a finger or pointed object(用手指或尖物)戳,捅,刺 synonym jab, prod
    • stab something (at/into/through something) He stabbed his finger angrily at my chest.他气呼呼地用指头戳我的胸口。
    • She stabbed her cigarette into the ashtray.她把香烟刺进烟灰缸。
    • I stabbed at my meat with my fork.我用叉子戳肉。
    • stab somebody/something (with something) She stabbed the air with her fork.她用叉子在空中比画。
    • stab at/into/through something (figurative) The pain stabbed at his chest.他胸部疼得像刀扎似的。
  3. 词源late Middle English: of unknown origin.
stab somebody in the back
  1. to do or say something that harms somebody who trusts you在某人背后捅刀子;陷害(或中伤)信任你的人 synonym betray


  1. an act of stabbing or trying to stab somebody/something; a wound caused by stabbing刺;戳;捅;刺(或戳、捅)的伤口
    • He received several stabs in the chest.他胸部被刺了几刀。
    • She died of a single stab wound to the heart.她因心脏被刺中一刀而身亡。
    • The boy made a stab at the pig.男孩朝猪刺去。
    • a stab to the chest朝着胸部的一刺
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • quick
    verb + stab
    • make
    stab + noun
    • wound
    • stab at
    • stab to
    • a stab to the heart
  2. a sudden sharp pain or unpleasant feeling突然一阵剧痛(或难受的感觉)
    • She felt a sudden stab of pain in the chest.她胸部突然感到一阵剧痛。
    • a stab of guilt/fear/pity/jealousy, etc.一阵内疚、恐惧、怜悯、嫉妒等
    • He felt a sharp stab of disappointment.他感到一阵失望的痛苦。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • sharp
    • sudden
    verb + stab
    • feel
    • stab of
  3. [usually singular] (informal) an attempt to do something尝试;企图
    • stab (at something) He found the test difficult but nevertheless made a good stab at it.尽管他觉得试题很难,但还是尽力去做了。
    • stab (at doing something) Countless people have had a stab at solving the riddle.无数人试图解开这个谜。
    • I’ve always enjoyed acting, but I’d like to have a stab at directing one day.我一直很乐于做演员,但也想将来有一天试试做导演。
    • He took his first stab at directing.他首次尝试做导演。
    • I had a stab at answering the question.我试图回答这个问题。
    • She made a half-hearted stab at medical school, and quickly withdrew.她漫不经心尝试过考医学院,但很快就放弃了。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brave
    • good
    • half-hearted
    verb + stab
    • have
    • make
    • take
    • stab at
    • a stab in the dark
  4. 词源late Middle English: of unknown origin.
a shot/stab in the dark
  1. a guess; something you do without knowing what the result will be瞎猜;盲动;盲干
    • The figure he came up with was really just a shot in the dark.他得出的数字实际上只是瞎猜而已。
    • It was only a stab in the dark, but I hoped I could learn something.虽然那只是在瞎弄,但我还是希望能学会点儿东西。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2
a stab in the back
  1. (informal) an act that harms somebody, done by a person they thought was a friend背后捅刀子;对给予信任的人的陷害(或中伤)
    • Her refusal to support his campaign was a real stab in the back.她拒绝支持他的竞选,这是一个真正的暗箭。




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