Black Monday
/ˌblæk ˈmʌndeɪ/, /ˌblæk ˈmʌndi/
/ˌblæk ˈmʌndeɪ/, /ˌblæk ˈmʌndi/
- Monday 19 October 1987, when prices on stock exchanges all over the world suddenly began to fall. Over the next four days the Financial Times Index in London fell by 25%, and the Dow Jones Index in New York fell by 33%.
compare Black Tuesday see also the Financial Times Indices黑色星期一:1987年10月19日星期一,世界各地的证券交易所价格突然开始下跌。在接下来的四天中,伦敦的《金融时报》指数下跌了25%,纽约的道琼斯指数下跌了33%。