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词汇 steam


    the hot gas that water changes into when it boils水蒸气;蒸汽
    • Steam rose from the boiling kettle.壶里的水开了,冒着蒸汽。
    • a Turkish steam bath土耳其蒸汽浴
    • Steam rose from her mug of cocoa.她那杯可可冒着热气。
    • The hotel has a steam room.这家酒店有间蒸汽浴房。
    • The saucepan puffed little jets of steam.炖锅喷出一股股蒸汽。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • hot
    … of steam
    • cloud
    • jet
    verb + steam
    • generate
    • produce
    steam + verb
    • come
    • escape
    • rise
    steam + noun
    • power
    • engine
    • locomotive
    • the age of steam
  2. enlarge image
    the power that is produced from steam under pressure, used to operate engines, machines, etc.蒸汽动力
    • the introduction of steam in the 18th century18 世纪蒸汽动力的采用
    • steam power蒸汽动力
    • the steam age蒸汽时代
    • a steam train/engine蒸汽火车;蒸汽机
    • The engine is driven by steam.这台发动机由蒸汽驱动。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • hot
    … of steam
    • cloud
    • jet
    verb + steam
    • generate
    • produce
    steam + verb
    • come
    • escape
    • rise
    steam + noun
    • power
    • engine
    • locomotive
    • the age of steam
  3. very small drops of water that form in the air or on cold surfaces when warm air suddenly cools水汽 synonym condensation
    • She wiped the steam from her glasses.她擦去眼镜上的水汽。
  4. 词源Old English stēam ‘vapour’, stēman ‘emit a scent, be exhaled’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch stoom ‘steam’.
blow/let off steam
  1. (informal) to get rid of your energy, anger or strong emotions by doing something active or noisy释放精力;发泄怒气;宣泄感情
    • I went for a long walk to let off steam.我走了很长一段路来发泄情绪。
    • I like blowing off steam and I like saying things that shock people.我喜欢发泄,我喜欢说让人震惊的话。
full speed/steam ahead | (at) full steam
  1. with as much speed or energy as possible全速前进;全力
    • Business picked up at the beginning of the year and now it is full steam ahead.今年年初生意有所好转,现在生意蒸蒸日上。
    • The team is working full steam on the next release.该团队正在全力以赴开发下一个版本。
    • All of the major players are operating at full steam.所有的大公司都在全力运作。
get, etc. somewhere under your own steam
  1. (informal) to go somewhere without help from other people靠自己的力量去某处
    • I’ll get to the party under my own steam.我会自己去参加聚会的。
get up/pick up steam
  1. (informal) to become gradually more powerful, active, etc.声势逐渐强大;渐成气候;慢慢活跃起来
    • His election campaign is beginning to get up steam.他的竞选活动逐渐形成声势。
  2. (of a vehicle车辆) to increase speed gradually逐渐提速
run out of steam
  1. (informal) to lose energy and enthusiasm and stop doing something, or do it less well筋疲力尽;丧失热情


present simple I / you / we / they steam
he / she / it steams
past simple steamed
past participle steamed
-ing form steaming
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
  1. [intransitive] to send out steam蒸发;散发蒸汽;冒水汽
    • Our damp clothes steamed in the heat.我们的湿衣服被热气蒸熟了。
    • a mug of steaming hot coffee一大杯热气腾腾的咖啡
  2. enlarge image
    [transitive, intransitive]
    steam (something) to place food over boiling water so that it cooks in the steam; to be cooked in this way蒸(食物)
    • steamed fish蒸鱼
    Collocations Cooking烹饪;烹调Cooking烹饪Preparing准备
    • prepare a dish/​a meal/​a menu/​dinner/​the fish准备一道菜/一顿饭/一份菜单/正餐/鱼
    • weigh out 100g/4oz of sugar/​the ingredients称出 100 克/4 盎司的糖/食材
    • wash/​rinse the lettuce/​spinach/​watercress洗生菜/菠菜/西洋菜
    • chop/​slice/​dice the carrots/​onions/​potatoes把胡萝卜/洋葱/土豆切碎/切成片/切成丁
    • peel the carrots/​onion/​potatoes/​garlic/​orange给胡萝卜/洋葱/土豆/大蒜/橘子去皮
    • grate a carrot/​the cheese/​some nutmeg将胡萝卜/干酪/一些肉豆蔻磨碎
    • remove/​discard the bones/​seeds/​skin去骨;去籽;去皮
    • blend/​combine/​mix (together) the flour and water/​all the ingredients把面粉和水/所有的食材和在一起
    • beat/​whisk the cream/​eggs/​egg whites搅打奶油/鸡蛋/鸡蛋清
    • knead/​shape/​roll (out) the dough揉捏/定型/擀平面团
    • heat the oil in a frying pan在平底煎锅里将油烧热
    • preheat/​heat the oven/(British English) the grill/(North American English) the broiler将烤箱/烤架预热/加热
    • bring to (British English) the boil/(North American English) a boil使沸腾
    • stir constantly/​gently with a wooden spoon用木勺子不停地/轻轻地搅拌
    • reduce the heat把温度调低
    • simmer gently for 20 minutes/​until reduced by half用文火炖 20 分钟/炖到量减少一半
    • melt the butter/​chocolate/​cheese/​sugar使黄油/巧克力/奶酪/糖融化
    • brown the meat for 8–20 minutes把肉加热 8 至 20 分钟使之成棕色
    • drain the pasta/​the water from the pot/​in a colander把意大利面滤干;把水从锅里滤出来/滤到滤器里
    • mash the potatoes/​banana/​avocado把土豆/香蕉/油梨捣碎
    Ways of cooking烹饪方式
    • cook food/​fish/​meat/​rice/​pasta/​a Persian dish烹饪食物/鱼/肉/米饭/意大利面食/波斯菜
    • bake (a loaf of) bread/​a cake/(especially North American English) cookies/(British English) biscuits/​a pie/​potatoes/​fish/​scones/​muffins烤(一条)面包/一个蛋糕/曲奇饼/小甜饼/馅饼/土豆/鱼/司康饼/小松糕
    • boil cabbage/​potatoes/​an egg/​water煮洋白菜/土豆/鸡蛋;烧开水
    • fry/​deep-fry/​stir-fry the chicken/​vegetables煎/油炸/炒鸡肉/蔬菜
    • grill meat/​steak/​chicken/​sausages/​a hot dog烧烤肉/牛排/鸡肉/香肠/热狗
    • roast potatoes/​peppers/​meat/​chicken/​lamb烘烤土豆/甜椒/肉/鸡肉/羊羔肉
    • sauté garlic/​mushrooms/​onions/​potatoes/​vegetables炒大蒜/蘑菇/洋葱/土豆/蔬菜
    • steam rice/​vegetables/​spinach/​asparagus/​dumplings蒸米饭/蔬菜/菠菜/芦笋/饺子
    • toast bread/​nuts烤面包/坚果
    • microwave food/​popcorn/(British English) a ready meal用微波炉烹调(或加热)食物/爆米花/预制餐
    • serve in a glass/​on a bed of rice/​with potatoes盛在玻璃杯里上;上盖饭;和土豆一起上
    • arrange the slices on a plate/​in a layer把切片在盘子里摆好/铺成一层
    • carve the meat/​lamb/​chicken/​turkey把肉/羊羔肉/鸡肉/火鸡肉切成块
    • dress/​toss a salad给色拉加调味酱;拌色拉
    • dress with/​drizzle with olive oil/​vinaigrette浇上橄榄油/色拉调味汁
    • top with a slice of lemon/​a scoop of ice cream/​whipped cream/​syrup上面放一片柠檬/一勺冰淇淋/搅打好的奶油/糖浆
    • garnish with a sprig of parsley/​fresh basil leaves/​lemon wedges/​a slice of lime/​a twist of orange用一小枝欧芹/新鲜的罗勒叶/柠檬角/一片酸橙/一卷橘子皮做饰菜
    • sprinkle with salt/​sugar/​herbs/​parsley/​freshly ground black pepper洒上盐/糖/香草/欧芹/刚磨碎的黑胡椒
    Topics Cooking and eatingc1
  3. [intransitive] + adv./prep. (of a boat, ship, etc.船舶等) to move using the power produced by steam依靠蒸汽动力行驶
    • The boat steamed across the lake.汽船从湖上驶过。
  4. [intransitive] + adv./prep. (especially of a person尤指人) to go somewhere very quickly快速行走;疾行
    • He spotted her steaming down the corridor towards him.他看见她沿着走廊向他疾步走来。
    • (figurative) The company is steaming ahead with its investment programme.公司正紧锣密鼓地实施自己的投资方案。
  5. 词源Old English stēam ‘vapour’, stēman ‘emit a scent, be exhaled’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch stoom ‘steam’.
be/get (all) steamed up (about/over something)
(North American English also be steamed (about something))
  1. (informal) to be/become very angry or excited about something(变得)非常气愤,非常激动
    • You’re getting all steamed up about nothing!你对什么都不会生气!
    Topics Feelingsc2


  1. science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics
    (used to refer to these subjects as a group in the context of education and jobs)
    • As a teacher, I'm excited by my school's developing STEAM program.作为一名教师,我对学校开发的STEAM项目感到兴奋。
    compare STEM




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