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词汇 stone



    hard substance硬物质

    [uncountable] (often used before nouns or in compounds常用于名词前或构成复合词) a hard solid mineral substance that is found in the ground, often used for building石头;石料;岩石
    • Most of the houses are built of stone.这些房子多数是用石头建造的。
    • stone walls石墙
    • a stone floor/bridge/carving/pillar/slab石头地板/桥/雕刻/柱子/石板
    • a brick and stone building砖石建筑
    • a flight of stone steps一段石台阶
    • a huge block of stone一块巨大的石头
    see also drystone wall, limestone, sandstone, soapstone
    • He is a sculptor who works mainly in stone.他是个雕刻家,以石雕为主。
    • The path's stone flags were worn and broken.小路上的石板已经磨蚀断裂了。
    • The stone is cut into blocks ready for building.石头被切割成建筑用石块。
    • The walls were hewn from local stone.墙是用当地石材凿成的。
    • a carved stone fireplace石雕壁炉
    • names carved in stone刻在石头上的名字
    • The walls were made of stone.这些墙是石头做的。
    Topics Physics and chemistrya2, Buildingsa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • heavy
    • hard
    • rough
    … of stone
    • block
    • slab
    verb + stone
    • break
    • cut
    • hew (something from/​out of)
    stone + noun
    • block
    • flag
    • slab
    • in stone
    • be set in
    • be written in
    [countable] (especially British English) a small piece of rock of any shape石块;石子
    • a pile of stones一堆石块
    • Some children were throwing stones into the lake.几个孩子正朝湖里扔石头。
    see also hailstone, philosopher’s stone
    • Some loose stones tumbled down the slope behind her.一些松动的石头从她身后的斜坡上滚了下来。
    • The boys were caught throwing stones at passing trains.那些男孩子向过路的火车扔石头,被逮住了。
    • The boat broke in two and sank like a stone.船裂成两半,像石头一样沉了下去。
    • (figurative) The temperature dropped like a stone.温度像石头一样下降。
    • A group of children pelted firefighters with stones.一群孩子向消防队员投掷石块。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • sharp
    • smooth
    • round
    … of stones
    • heap
    • pile
    verb + stone
    • cast
    • hurl
    • throw
    [countable] (usually in compounds通常构成复合词) a piece of stone shaped for a particular purpose(加工成某形状为某用途的)石块
    • These words are carved on the stone beside his grave.在他的墓碑上刻着这样的话。
    see also cornerstone, foundation stone, gravestone, headstone, lodestone, millstone, paving stone, standing stone, stepping stone, tombstone
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • foundation
    • memorial
    • paving
    stone + noun
    • circle
  4. jewel宝石

  5. (also precious stone)
    [countable] a rare valuable stone, such as a diamond, that is used in jewellery不可改变;铁定;板上钉钉
    • She had the stone set in a ring.她请人把宝石镶嵌在戒指上。
    Topics Clothes and Fashionb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • gem
    • precious
    • semi-precious
    verb + stone
    • mine
    • cut
    • set
    stone + verb
    • glitter
    • shine
  6. in fruit水果

  7. enlarge image
    (especially British English)
    (North American English usually pit)
    a hard shell containing the nut or seed in the middle of some types of fruit果核
    • cherry/peach stones樱桃核;桃核
  8. in body体内

  9. [countable] (often in compounds常构成复合词) a small piece of hard material that can form in the bladder or kidney and cause pain(膀胱或肾脏中的)结石
    • kidney stones肾结石
    see also gallstone
  10. measurement of weight重量单位

  11. [countable]
    (plural stone)
    (abbreviation st)
    (in the UK) a unit for measuring weight, equal to 6.35 kilograms or 14 pounds英石(英国重量单位,相当于 6.35 千克或 14 磅)
    • He weighs over 15 stone.他体重超过 15 英石。
    • She's trying to lose a stone.她试图减去一英石的体重。
    Topics Maths and measurementc1
  12. 词源Old English stān (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch steen and German Stein. The verb dates from Middle English (first recorded in sense (1)).
carved/set in stone
  1. (of a decision, plan, etc.决定、计划等) unable to be changed不可改变;铁定;板上钉钉
    • People should remember that our proposals aren't set in stone.人们应该记住我们的建议不是一成不变的。
    • These rules are not set in stone.这些规定并非不可更改。
have a heart of stone
  1. to be a person who does not show other people sympathy 铁石心肠;冷酷无情
kill two birds with one stone
  1. to achieve two things at the same time with one action一石二鸟;一箭双雕;一举两得Topics Successc2
leave no stone unturned
  1. to try every possible course of action in order to find or achieve something千方百计;想尽办法
like getting blood out of/from a stone
  1. almost impossible to obtain水中捞月;缘木求鱼
    • Getting an apology from him was like getting blood from a stone.让他道歉几乎是不可能的。
people (who live) in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
  1. (saying) you should not criticize other people, because they will easily find ways of criticizing you身居玻璃房,投石招祸殃;自身毛病多,勿挑他人错
a rolling stone gathers no moss
  1. (saying) a person who moves from place to place, job to job, etc. does not have a lot of money, possessions or friends but is free from responsibilities滚石不生苔,频迁不聚财
a stone’s throw
  1. a very short distance away很近的距离;不远处
    • We live just a stone's throw from here.我们就住在附近。
    • The hotel is within a stone's throw of the beach.旅馆离海滩很近。


[usually passive]
present simple I / you / we / they stone
he / she / it stones
past simple stoned
past participle stoned
-ing form stoning

    throw stones扔石块

  1. to throw stones at somebody/something向…扔石块;用石头砸
    • be stoned Shops were looted and vehicles stoned.商店遭哄抢,车辆被砸坏。
    • to be stoned to death (= as a punishment)用石头砸死(一种刑罚)
  2. fruit水果

  3. (British English)
    (also pit North American English, British English)
    stone something to remove the stone from the inside of a fruit去掉…的果核
    • stoned black olives去核黑橄榄
  4. 词源Old English stān (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch steen and German Stein. The verb dates from Middle English (first recorded in sense (1)).
stone the crows | stone me
  1. (British English, old-fashioned) used to express surprise, shock, anger, etc.(表示惊奇、震惊、气愤等)哎呀




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