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词汇 blaze


present simple I / you / we / they blaze
he / she / it blazes
past simple blazed
past participle blazed
-ing form blazing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
  1. [intransitive] to burn brightly and strongly熊熊燃烧
    • A huge fire was blazing in the fireplace.壁炉中火烧得正旺。
    • Within minutes the whole building was blazing.不消几分钟整个大楼便成了一片火海。
    • He rushed back into the blazing house.他又冲进了燃烧着的房子。
  2. [intransitive] to shine brightly闪耀;发亮光
    • The sun blazed down from a clear blue sky.耀眼的阳光从清澈蔚蓝的天空中照射下来。
    • The garden blazed with colour.花园里姹紫嫣红。
  3. [intransitive] blaze (with something) (formal) if somebody’s eyes blaze, they look extremely angry怒视;(怒火)燃烧
    • Her eyes were blazing with fury.她的双眼燃烧着怒火。
  4. (also blazon)
    [transitive, usually passive] blaze something (across/all over something) to make news or information widely known by telling people about it in a way they are sure to notice大肆宣扬
    • The story was blazed all over the daily papers.那个传闻被各家报纸炒得沸沸扬扬。
    Topics TV, radio and newsc2
  5. [intransitive] blaze (away) if a gun or somebody using a gun blazes, the gun fires continuously连续射击
    • In the distance machine guns were blazing.机关枪在远处不停地射击。
    • For five minutes, soldiers blazed away with machine guns and automatic rifles.士兵们用机枪和自动步枪连续扫射了五分钟。
  6. 词源verb senses 1 to 3 and verb sense 5 Old English blæse ‘torch, bright fire’, of Germanic origin; related ultimately to blaze ‘white spot or stripe on an animal's face’. verb sense 4 late Middle English (in the sense ‘blow out on a trumpet’): from Middle Low German or Middle Dutch blāzen ‘to blow’; related to the verb blow.
(with) all/both guns blazing
  1. (informal) with a lot of energy and determination充满活力;精神抖擞
    • The champions came out (with) all guns blazing.优胜者们神采奕奕地登场亮相。
blaze a trail
  1. to be the first to do or to discover something that others follow作开路先锋;领先
    • The department is blazing a trail in the field of laser surgery.这个部门正在为激光外科学领域开辟一条新路。
    compare trailblazer


  1. [countable] (used especially in newspapers尤用于报章) a very large fire, especially a dangerous one烈火;火灾
    • Five people died in the blaze.火灾中有五人丧生。
    • More than 50 firefighters fought to bring the blaze under control.50多名消防队员奋力将火势控制住。
    • Strong winds fanned the blaze.强风煽动熊熊大火。
    • The antiques were destroyed in a blaze last year.那些古董在去年的一场大火中给烧毁了。
    • The blaze swept through the whole building.大火吞噬了整座大楼。
    • The fire brigade attended the blaze.消防队参与了救火。
    • Firefighters were called in to tackle the blaze.消防队员奉召前来救火。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • fierce
    • huge
    • intense
    verb + blaze
    • attend
    • battle
    • fight
    blaze + verb
    • spread
    • sweep through something
    • in a/​the blaze
  2. [singular] strong bright flames in a fire火焰
    • Dry wood makes a good blaze.干木柴烧得旺。
  3. [singular] a blaze of something a very bright show of lights or colour; a show of something that is impressive or likely to attract attention(光或色彩等的)展现
    • The gardens are a blaze of colour.花园里姹紫嫣红。
    • a blaze of lights in the city centre市中心通明的灯火
    • the bright blaze of the sun太阳的光辉
    • The new soap opera was launched in a blaze of glory.这部新的肥皂剧在一片辉煌中推出。
    • They got married in a blaze of publicity.他们结婚的事受到了传媒的广泛关注。
    • It's my last ever tournament and I hope to go out in a blaze of glory!这是我最后一次参加锦标赛,希望能载誉而归!
  4. [singular] (a) blaze of something a sudden show of very strong feeling(感情的)迸发;发泄
    • a blaze of anger/passion/hate怒火/激情/仇恨的迸发
  5. [countable, usually singular] a white mark on an animal’s face动物面部的白斑
  6. 词源noun senses 1 to 4 Old English blæse ‘torch, bright fire’, of Germanic origin; related ultimately to blaze ‘white spot or stripe on an animal's face’. noun sense 5 mid 17th cent.: ultimately of Germanic origin; related to German Blässe ‘blaze’ and blass ‘pale’, also to blaze (in its fire sense), and probably to blemish.
like blazes
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) very hard; very fast猛烈地;迅速地
what/where/who the blazes…?
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used to emphasize that you are annoyed and surprised, to avoid using the word hell(委婉语,烦恼和惊奇时说,与 hell 同义)
    • What the blazes have you done?你到底搞的什么名堂?




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