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词汇 straight


(straighter, straightest)

    not in curve不弯曲

    not in a curve or at an angle; in a straight line笔直地;平正地;成直线
    • Keep straight on for two miles.一直向前走两英里。
    • Can you stretch your arms out straighter?你能把胳膊伸得再直一些吗?
    • He was too tired to walk straight.他累得走都走不直了。
    • I can't shoot straight (= accurately).我射不准。
    • She looked me straight in the eye.她直视着我。
  2. immediately立刻

    by a direct route; immediately直接;径直;立即
    • Come straight home after school.放学后直接回家来。
    • I was so tired I went straight to bed.我太累,径直上床睡了。
    • She went straight from college to a top job.她大学一毕业就干上了一份优越的工作。
    • straight after something I'm going to the library straight after the class.我一下课就马上去图书馆。
    • I'll come straight to the point—your work isn't good enough.我开门见山地说吧,你的工作做得不够好。
  4. in level/correct position处于平正/合适的位置

    in or into a level or vertical position; in or into the correct position正;直;平正地
    • Sit up straight!坐直了!
    • She pulled her hat straight.她把帽子拉正了。
    • Can you hang that sign straight for me?你能帮我把那个标志挂正吗?
    • She tidied up and put the ornaments straight.她整理了一番并把饰品收拾整齐。
  6. honestly如实

  7. honestly and directly坦率地;直截了当地
    • I told him straight that I didn't like him.我坦率地告诉他说我不喜欢他。
    • Are you playing straight with me?你没跟我耍花招吧?
  8. continuously

  9. continuously without being interrupted连续不断地;一连
    • They had been working for 16 hours straight.他们已经一连工作了 16 个小时。
  10. 词源Middle English (as an adjective and adverb): archaic past participle of stretch.
(straight) from the horse’s mouth
  1. (informal) (of information信息) given by somebody who is directly involved and therefore likely to be accurate直接的;可靠的
go straight
  1. (informal) to stop being a criminal and live an honest life改邪归正;重新做人
hit somebody (straight/right) in the eye
  1. to be very obvious to somebody很显然;一目了然
play it straight
  1. to be honest and not try to trick somebody诚实无欺;公平正直
straight away
  1. immediately; without delay立即;马上 synonym at once
    • I'll do it straight away.这件事我马上就做。
straight from the shoulder
  1. if you say something straight from the shoulder, you are being very honest and direct, even if what you are saying is critical坦诚;直言不讳
straight off/out
  1. (informal) without hesitating毫不犹豫;直率
    • She asked him straight off what he thought about it all.她率直地问他对这一切有什么想法。
straight up
  1. (British English, informal, becoming old-fashioned) used to ask if what somebody has said is true or to emphasize that what you have said is true(询问或强调所说的话的真实性)真的,确实
    • I saw it—straight up!我亲眼看见了,真的!
think straight
  1. (used especially in negative sentences尤用于否定句) to think in a clear or logical way思路清晰
    • The drugs were affecting her and she couldn't think straight.药物作用下,她无法清晰思考。


(comparative straighter, superlative straightest)

    without curves不弯曲

  1. enlarge image
    enlarge image
    without a bend or curve; going in one direction only直的
    • a straight road笔直的公路
    • long, straight hair (= not curly)又长又直的头发
    • a boat sailing in a straight line直线航行的船
    • straight-backed chairs直背椅
    • Keep the car straight when you're backing out.倒车时要保持车身平直。
    • The road was very long and very straight.这条路很长很直。
    • Keep your back absolutely straight.把你的背挺得正直。
    • She had curled her naturally straight hair.她把自然直发做成了鬈发。
    • She held herself very straight.她身体挺得笔直。
    • Keep going in a dead straight line.走成一条直线。
    Topics Colours and Shapesa2, Appearancea2
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • become
    • absolutely
    • completely
    • dead
  2. in level/correct position处于平正/合适的位置

    positioned in the correct way; level, vertical or parallel to something平正的;正的;直的;与…平行的
    • Is my tie straight?我的领带正不正?
    • He stepped back to make sure that the picture was straight.他向后退,看看画是否挂正了。
    • Her teeth were white and perfectly straight.她的牙齿洁白整齐。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • hang something
    • absolutely
    • completely
    • perfectly
  4. clothing服装

  5. not fitting close to the body and not curving away from the body直筒型(非紧身)的
    • a straight skirt直筒裙
  6. aim/blow瞄准;打击

  7. going directly to the correct place准的;正中目标的
    • a straight punch to the face不偏不倚打在脸上的一拳
  8. clean/neat整洁

  9. [not usually before noun] clean and neat, with everything in the correct place整洁;整齐;井井有条
    • It took hours to get the house straight.用了好半天才把房子收拾出来。
    • I'm trying to get the house straight before the weekend.周末前我要把房子收拾好。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • get something
    • put something
  10. honest坦诚

  11. honest and direct坦诚的;直率的
    • I expect a straight answer to a straight question.我问得直率,希望答得坦诚。
    • straight with somebody I don't think you're being straight with me.我觉得你没有跟我坦诚相见。
    • It's time for some straight talking.现在该开诚布公地谈谈了。
    • You can trust Ben—he’s (as) straight as a die (= completely honest).你可以相信本——他非常诚实。
    Synonyms honesthonest
    • frank
    • direct
    • open
    • outspoken
    • straight
    • blunt
    These words all describe people saying exactly what they mean without trying to hide feelings, opinions or facts.
    • honest not hiding the truth about something:
      • Thank you for being so honest with me.感谢你对我这么坦诚。
    • frank honest in what you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like:
      • To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.坦白说,我认为你的儿子不大可能通过考试。
    • direct saying exactly what you mean in a way that nobody can pretend not to understand:
      • You’ll have to get used to his direct manner.你得慢慢习惯他这种直率的方式。
      Being direct is sometimes considered positive but sometimes it is used as a ‘polite’ way of saying that somebody is rude.
    • open (approving) (of a person) not keeping thoughts and feelings hidden:指为人诚恳的、坦诚的、直率的:
      • He was quite open about his reasons for leaving.他对离开的原因完全未加隐瞒。
    • outspoken saying exactly what you think, even if this shocks or offends people:
      • She was outspoken in her criticism of the plan.她对该计划的批评直言不讳。
    • straight honest and direct:
      • I don’t think you’re being straight with me.我觉得你没跟我坦诚相见。
    • blunt saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite:
      • She has a reputation for blunt speaking.她说话出了名地直截了当。
    which word?
    • Honest and frank refer to what you say as much as how you say it:honest 和 frank 既形容说话方式,也指说话内容:
      • a(n) honest/​frank admission of guilt.坦承有罪
      They are generally positive words, although it is possible to be too frank in a way that other people might not like. Direct, outspoken and blunt all describe somebody’s manner of saying what they think. Outspoken suggests that you are willing to shock people by saying what you believe to be right. Blunt and direct often suggest that you think honesty is more important than being polite. Open is positive and describes somebody’s character:
      • I’m a very open person.我这个人非常坦诚直率。
    • honest/​frank/​direct/​open/​outspoken/​straight about something
    • honest/​frank/​direct/​open/​straight/​blunt with somebody
    • a(n) honest/​direct/​straight/​blunt answer
    • a frank/​direct/​blunt manner
    Topics Personal qualitiesc2
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • absolutely
    • completely
    • totally
    • with
  12. choice选择

  13. [only before noun] simple; involving only two clear choices简单明了的;非此即彼的
    • It was a straight choice between taking the job and staying out of work.要么接受这份工作,要么继续失业,此外别无其他选择。
    • (British English) The election was a straight fight between the two main parties.那次选举是两大党直接交锋。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsc2
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • get something
    • put somebody
    • absolutely
  14. actor/play演员;戏剧

  15. [only before noun] (of an actor or a play演员或戏剧) not connected with comedy or musical theatre, but with serious theatre严肃的,正统的(与喜剧、音乐剧无关)
  16. without being interrupted

  17. [only before noun] one after another in a series that is not interrupted连续的;不间断的 synonym consecutive
    • The team has had five straight wins.这支队已连赢五场比赛了。
    • I was stranded for nine straight weeks.我被困了整整九周。
    • This was our third straight victory.这是我们连续第三次胜利。
    • She won in straight sets.她一盘未失,连连得胜。
  18. alcoholic drink酒精饮料

  19. (British English also neat)
    not mixed with water or anything else纯的;不掺水(或其他东西)的Topics Drinksc2
  20. normal/boring规矩;无趣

  21. (informal) you can use straight to describe a person who is normal and ordinary, but who you consider boring规矩老实的;本分无趣的;正统的
  22. sex

  23. (informal) heterosexual异性恋的 opposite gayTopics People in societyc1
  24. 词源Middle English (as an adjective and adverb): archaic past participle of stretch.
get something straight
  1. to make a situation clear; to make sure that you or somebody else understands the situation明确某事;把某事弄清楚
    • Let's get this straight—you really had no idea where he was?我们把这个明确一下,你当时真的不知道他在哪儿?
    • Let's get this absolutely straight.咱们把这件事彻底弄明白吧。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2
put/set the record straight
  1. to give people the correct information about something in order to make it clear that what they previously believed was in fact wrong陈述真相;纠正误解
    • To put the record straight, I do not support that idea and never have done.坦率地说,我不支持这个想法,也从来没有这样做过。
    • She called a press conference to set the record straight about her disappearance.她举行记者招待会说明失踪的真相。
    • She welcomed the opportunity to set the record straight.她很高兴有机会澄清事实。
put/set somebody straight (about/on something)
  1. to correct somebody’s mistake; to make sure that somebody knows the correct facts when they have had the wrong idea or impression纠正某人;指出某人的错误;使某人了解真相
    • She soon set me straight about what had happened.她很快让我明白了发生了什么事。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2
ramrod straight | (as) straight as a ramrod
  1. (of a person) with a very straight back and looking serious and formal腰杆笔直的;挺立的
    • Her back was ramrod straight.她的背挺直。
    • He stood there straight as a ramrod.他笔直地站在那里。
the straight and narrow
  1. (informal) the honest and morally acceptable way of living诚实正当的生活;正路
    • His wife is trying to keep him on the straight and narrow.他妻子想方设法让他要诚实正派。
a straight face
  1. if you keep a straight face, you do not laugh or smile, although you find something funny绷着的脸;忍着不笑的脸 see also straight-faced
(earn/get) straight A’s
  1. (especially North American English) (to get) the best grades in all your classes(成绩)全优
    • a straight A student全优生




  1. (informal) a person who has sexual relationships with people of the opposite sex, rather than the same sex异性恋者
    • gays and straights同性恋者和异性恋者
  2. of road/track公路;跑道

  3. (North American English also straightaway)
    a straight part of a racetrack or road直道部分;直道 see also home straight
  4. 词源Middle English (as an adjective and adverb): archaic past participle of stretch.




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