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词汇 suck


present simple I / you / we / they suck
he / she / it sucks
past simple sucked
past participle sucked
-ing form sucking
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
    [transitive] suck something (+ adv./prep.) to take liquid, air, etc. into your mouth by using the muscles of your lips吮吸;吸;咂;啜
    • to suck the juice from an orange吸橙子的汁
    • She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.她正用吸管咕嘟咕嘟地喝牛奶。
    • He sucked the blood from a cut on his finger.他从手指上的伤口吸血。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • noisily
    • away
    • in
    • at
    • from
    • on
    [intransitive, transitive] to keep something in your mouth and pull on it with your lips and tongue含在嘴里吸食
    • suck at/on something The baby sucked at its mother's breast.婴儿在吮吸母亲的奶。
    • He sucked at the wound on his hand.他吮了吮手上的伤口。
    • She sucked on a mint.她嘴里咂着一颗薄荷糖。
    • suck something She sucked a mint.她嘴里咂着一颗薄荷糖。
    • Stop sucking your thumb!别吮手指头!
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • noisily
    • away
    • in
    • at
    • from
    • on
    [transitive] to take liquid, air, etc. out of something抽吸;抽取
    • suck something + adv./prep. The pump sucks air out through the valve.气泵通过阀门把空气抽出去。
    • suck something + adj. Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry.蚜虫真能把一株植物吸干。
    • The machine sucks up mud and stones from the bottom of the pond.机器把泥巴和石头从池塘底部吸上来。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • noisily
    • away
    • in
    • at
    • from
    • on
    [transitive] suck somebody/something + adv./prep. to pull somebody/something with great force in a particular direction(以巨大的力量)吸,吸引,使卷入
    • The canoe was sucked down into the whirlpool.划艇被卷进了漩涡。
    • The mud had sucked him in up to his waist.泥浆把他吸进了腰部。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • noisily
    • away
    • in
    • at
    • from
    • on
  5. something sucks
    [intransitive] (slang) used to say that something is very bad(表示厌恶)臭,恶心
    • Their new album sucks.他们的新专辑烂透了。
    compare rock
  6. 词源Old English sūcan (verb), from an Indo-European imitative root; related to soak.
milk/suck somebody/something dry
  1. to get from somebody/something all the money, help, information, etc. they have, usually giving nothing in return榨干…的钱财;耗尽…的精力;掏尽…的信息
    • By earning millions from racing and giving pennies back, the bookmakers are sucking the sport dry.通过从比赛中赚取数百万美元并返还便士,博彩公司正在榨干这项运动。
suck it and see
  1. (British English, informal) used to say that the only way to know if something is suitable is to try it试试看
suck it up
  1. (especially North American English, informal) to accept something bad and deal with it well, controlling your emotions逆来顺受;忍气吞声
teach your grandmother to suck eggs
  1. (British English, informal) to tell or show somebody how to do something that they can already do well, and probably better than you can教奶奶嘬鸡蛋;在能人面前逞强;班门弄斧


[usually singular]
  1. an act of sucking吸;吮;啜;咂
    • The lamb staggered to its feet and took its first suck of milk.小羊摇摇晃晃地站起来,第一次吮吸牛奶。
    词源Old English sūcan (verb), from an Indo-European imitative root; related to soak.




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