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词汇 suppress


present simple I / you / we / they suppress
he / she / it suppresses
past simple suppressed
past participle suppressed
-ing form suppressing
    suppress something (usually disapproving) (of a government, ruler,、统治者等) to put an end, often by force, to a group or an activity that is believed to threaten authority镇压;(武力)平定;压制 synonym quash
    • The rebellion was brutally suppressed.叛乱遭到了残酷的镇压。
    • They often use violence to suppress opposition.他们经常使用暴力镇压反抗。
    • The government sought to suppress a growing armed separatist movement.政府试图镇压日益壮大的武装分离主义运动。
    • The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.该政权无情压制所有不同意见。
    • The strike was violently suppressed by the army.罢工被军队暴力镇压了。
    • Trade union rights were suppressed and casual work became the norm.工会的权益受到压制,临时工成为常态。
    Topics War and conflictc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • brutally
    • ruthlessly
    • violently
    verb + suppress
    • attempt to
    • seek to
    • try to
    • an attempt to suppress something
    suppress something (usually disapproving) to prevent something from being published or made known禁止(发表);查禁;封锁
    • The police were accused of suppressing vital evidence.警方被指隐瞒关键证据。
    • This information had been deliberately suppressed.这条信息被故意封锁了。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • completely
    • effectively
    • deliberately
    verb + suppress
    • attempt to
    • seek to
    • try to
    • an attempt to suppress something
    suppress something to prevent yourself from having or expressing a feeling or an emotion抑制;控制;忍住
    • to suppress a smile忍住不笑
    • She was unable to suppress her anger.她按捺不住怒火。
    • He had suppressed the painful memories of his childhood.他尽力不去回想那些痛苦的童年记忆。
    • He could hardly suppress his surprise.他几乎抑制不住自己的惊奇。
    • Her face was charged with barely suppressed anger.她的脸上充满了勉强忍住的怒火。
    • She was unable to suppress a giggle.她忍不住笑出声来。
    • The disloyal thought was instantly suppressed.这个不忠的念头立刻就被压了下去。
    • He couldn't suppress the excitement in his voice.他的声音中压抑不住兴奋的情绪。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • barely
    • hardly
    • instantly
    verb + suppress
    • be unable to
    • cannot
    • try to
    suppress something to prevent something from growing, developing or continuing压制;阻止;抑制
    • drugs that suppress the appetite抑制食欲的药
    • A 5 cm layer will suppress weed growth.一层5厘米厚的覆盖物就能抑制杂草的生长。
    • Transplant patients take drugs which suppress the immune system.移植病人服用抑制免疫系统的药物。
    • The medication effectively suppressed the pain.药物有效地抑制了疼痛。
  5. 词源late Middle English: from Latin suppress- ‘pressed down’, from the verb supprimere, from sub- ‘down’ + premere ‘to press’.




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