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词汇 surface


    [countable] the outside or top layer of something表面;表层;面
    • We need a flat, smooth surface to play the game on.我们需要一个平坦光滑的表面来玩游戏。
    • an uneven road surface凹凸不平的路面
    • a broad leaf with a large surface area表面积很大的阔叶
    • Surface water (= rainwater that has collected on the surface of a road) made driving conditions hazardous.路面积水对行车安全构成隐患。
    • Teeth have a hard surface layer called enamel.牙齿有一层叫做釉质的坚硬表层。
    • Smooth the surface with a spatula.用抹刀把表面抹平。
    • the inner surface of a bone骨头的内壁
    • the surface layer of the skin皮肤的表层
    Topics Colours and Shapesb1, Transport by car or lorryb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • even
    • flat
    • level
    verb + surface
    • come to
    • come up to
    • reach
    surface + noun
    • area
    • level
    • layer
    • above the surface
    • on a/​the surface
    • over the surface
    • the Earth’s surface
    • the surface of the Earth
    [countable, usually singular] the top layer of an area of water or land水面;地面;液面
    • the earth's surface地球表面
    • on the surface (of something) These plants float on the surface of the water.这些植物漂浮在水面上。
    • below/beneath/under the surface (of something) We could see fish swimming just below the surface.我们可以看到鱼在水面下游动。
    • Alligators lurk beneath the surface of the swamp.短吻鳄潜伏在沼泽表面之下。
    • The earth’s surface temperature is rising.地球表面温度正在上升。
    • Cracks began to appear in the surface of the earth.地球表面开始出现裂缝。
    • The ball rolled onto the frozen surface of the pond.球滚到了池塘的冰面上。
    • The captain brought the submarine to the surface.艇长使潜水艇升到水面上。
    • The ring slowly sank beneath the surface of the mud pool.戒指慢慢沉入了泥潭。
    • The wind rippled the surface of the lake.风吹皱了湖水。
    • Visible light from the sun passes through the atmosphere to the Earth's surface.太阳发出的可见光穿过大气层照到地球表面。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • even
    • flat
    • level
    verb + surface
    • come to
    • come up to
    • reach
    surface + noun
    • area
    • level
    • layer
    • above the surface
    • on a/​the surface
    • over the surface
    • the Earth’s surface
    • the surface of the Earth
    [countable] the flat upper part of a piece of furniture, that is used for working on(家具的)顶面,操作台
    • She's cleaned all the kitchen surfaces.她把厨房的所有台面全都收拾干净了。
    • You'll need a large smooth surface for rolling out the pastry.你需要一个大而光滑的表面来擀面团。
    see also work surface
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • even
    • flat
    • level
    verb + surface
    • come to
    • come up to
    • reach
    surface + noun
    • area
    • level
    • layer
    • above the surface
    • on a/​the surface
    • over the surface
    • the Earth’s surface
    • the surface of the Earth
  4. [singular] the outer appearance of a person, thing or situation; the qualities that you see or notice, that are not hidden表面;外表;外观
    • below/beneath/under the surface (of something) Rage bubbled just below the surface of his mind.怒火在他心中燃烧,随时可能迸发。
    • She gives the impression of being rather conventional, but under the surface she is wildly eccentric.她给人印象很传统,实际上却是个极不寻常的人。
  5. 词源early 17th cent.: from French (from sur- and face), suggested by Latin superficies.
on the surface
  1. when not thought about deeply or carefully and completely; when not looked at carefully表面上;从外表看;乍一看
    • It seems like a good idea on the surface but there are sure to be problems.这主意乍一看不错,但肯定存在问题。
    • On the surface, he appeared unchanged.看外表他好像没变。
    • On the surface his words were funny, but I detected a lot of anger behind them.他的话表面上好笑,但我觉察出这些话背后隐藏着一肚子怨气。
scratch the surface (of something)
  1. to deal with, understand, or find out about only a small part of a subject or problem作肤浅的探讨;浅尝辄止;隔靴搔痒
    • We left feeling that we had just scratched the surface of this fascinating country.我们离开时觉得我们只是触及了这个迷人国家的表面。
    • The investigation barely scratched the surface of the city's drug problem.这次调查只是触及了该城市毒品问题的表面。


present simple I / you / we / they surface
he / she / it surfaces
past simple surfaced
past participle surfaced
-ing form surfacing
  1. [intransitive] to come up to the surface of water升到水面;浮出水面 synonym emerge
    • The ducks dived and surfaced again several metres away.鸭子潜入水中,然后在几米外又钻出水面。
  2. [intransitive] to suddenly appear or become obvious after having been hidden for a while(隐藏或被掩盖一段时间后)露面,重新出现,显露,被披露 synonym emerge
    • Doubts began to surface.质疑声开始出现。
    • She surfaced again years later in London.多年后她又出现在伦敦。
    • No further information has surfaced yet.至今还没有进一步的消息。
  3. [intransitive] (informal) to wake up or get up after being asleep醒来;起床
    • He finally surfaced around noon.他终于在中午时分醒来。
  4. [transitive] surface something to put a surface on a road, path, etc.铺设(路面等)
  5. 词源early 17th cent.: from French (from sur- and face), suggested by Latin superficies.




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