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词汇 survive


present simple I / you / we / they survive
he / she / it survives
past simple survived
past participle survived
-ing form surviving
    [intransitive] to continue to live or exist生存;存活;继续存在
    • She was the last surviving member of the family.她是这家人中仅存的一员。
    • Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived.因这次撞车事故受伤的六人中,只有两人活了下来。
    • Many of these teachers are struggling to survive financially.这些老师中有许多人正艰难地维持生计。
    • He must betray his friend in order to survive.为了生存,他必须背叛他的朋友。
    • The children had to survive by begging and stealing.孩子们只得靠行乞和偷窃艰难度日。
    • (humorous) ‘How are you these days?’ ‘Oh, surviving.’“你近来好吗?” “嗐,凑合过吧。”
    • Don't worry, it's only a scratch—you'll survive.别担心,只不过是划伤,你没事的。
    • survive from something Some strange customs have survived from earlier times.有些奇怪的风俗是从早年留存下来的。
    • survive on something I can't survive on £40 a week (= it is not enough for my basic needs).一星期 40 英镑,我无法维持生活。
    • They spent two months in the jungle, surviving on small animals and fruit.他们在丛林里呆了两个月,靠小动物和水果生存。
    • survive as something He survived as party leader until his second election defeat.直至第二次参选失败他才不再担任党的领导人。
    • Only one copy of the book still survives.这本书只留下了一本孤本。
    • Companies need to keep to deadlines if they are to survive and thrive.公司如果想要生存和发展,必须在截止日期前完成任务。
    • Four of their five chickens survived to adulthood.他们的 5 只小鸡中有 4 只活到了成年。
    • Nobody can survive long without water.没有水任何人都活不长久。
    • Once diagnosed with lung cancer, a patient is lucky to survive for five years.病人被诊断得了肺癌,能再活5 年就算是万幸了。
    • Seedlings survive better in stony soil.幼苗在多石的土壤中能更好地存活。
    • She cannot hope to survive long in power.她不能指望长期掌权。
    • She survived through two world wars.她经历了两次世界大战而幸存。
    • The frescoes have survived remarkably well.壁画保存得相当完好。
    • The islanders could barely survive without an export crop.没有出口作物,岛上的居民几乎无法生存。
    • The original apple tree survived until 1911.原先那棵苹果树一直存活到 1911 年。
    • Very little has survived from this period of history.这段历史时期遗留下来的东西很少。
    • I can just about survive on what I earn.我挣的钱仅够糊口。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • well
    • barely
    • hardly
    verb + survive
    • struggle to
    • be able to
    • can
    • as
    • from
    • into
    • the only surviving…
    • the sole surviving…
    • survive and prosper
    [transitive] to continue to live or exist despite a dangerous event or time幸存;幸免于难;艰难度过
    • survive something Her 5-year-old son miraculously survived the crash.她5岁的儿子奇迹般地从车祸中幸存下来。
    • He only survived the attack because he was wearing body armour.他在袭击中幸存下来,只是因为他穿着防弹衣。
    • Many birds didn't survive the severe winter.很多鸟死于这次严冬。
    • The company managed to survive the crisis.公司设法渡过了危机。
    • survive something + adj. Few buildings survived the war intact.战争之后没几座完好的建筑了。
    • A young boy miraculously survived a 25 000-volt electric shock.一个小男孩在遭受了 2.5 万伏的电击后奇迹般地活了下来。
    • The prime minister narrowly survived a leadership challenge.首相在一次对其领导地位的挑战中勉强挺过去了。
    • Doctors did not expect him to survive the night.医生们不指望他能活过这个晚上。
    • He narrowly survived several assassination attempts.几次暗杀行动让他差点儿命丧黄泉。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • well
    • barely
    • hardly
    verb + survive
    • struggle to
    • be able to
    • can
    • as
    • from
    • into
    • the only surviving…
    • the sole surviving…
    • survive and prosper
  3. [transitive] survive somebody/something to live or exist longer than somebody/something比…活(或存在)的时间长 synonym outlive
    • She survived her husband by ten years.丈夫死后她又活了十年。
    • He is survived by his wife and two sons (= he has just died but they are still alive).他的妻子和两个儿子健在。
  4. 词源late Middle English: from Old French sourvivre, from Latin supervivere, from super- ‘in addition’ + vivere ‘live’.




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