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词汇 sweat



    liquid on skin汗水

  1. [uncountable] drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot, ill or afraid synonym perspiration
    • beads of sweat汗珠
    • She wiped the sweat from her face.她擦去脸上的汗水。
    • By the end of the match, the sweat was pouring off him.到比赛结束时,他已经大汗淋漓了。
    • Their bodies were soaked in sweat.他们的身体被汗水浸湿了。
    see also sweaty
    • He mopped the sweat from his brow.他抹去了额头上的汗水。
    • He was dripping with sweat.他挥汗如雨。
    • His hands trembled and sweat broke out all over his body.他双手颤抖,全身直冒汗。
    • My shirt stuck to the clammy sweat on my back.衬衫贴在我汗津津的背上。
    • Sweat beaded her face.汗珠从她脸上流下来。
    • Sweat glistened on her forehead.她额头上的汗珠晶莹发亮。
    • Sweat was running down his back.汗水顺着他的背往下淌。
    • The room smelled of stale sweat.房间里有一股臭汗味。
    • The workmen were bathed in sweat.工人们汗流浃背。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • heavy
    • light
    • clammy
    … of sweat
    • bead
    • drop
    • trickle
    verb + sweat
    • break into
    • break out in
    • break out into
    sweat + verb
    • appear
    • break out
    • glisten
    sweat + noun
    • gland
    • in a sweat
    • break sweat
    • break a sweat
  2. [usually singular] the state of being covered with sweat出汗;流汗;一身汗
    • I woke up in a sweat.我醒来时浑身是汗。
    • She completed the routine without even working up a sweat.她完成了一套常规动作,连一滴汗都没出。
    • He breaks out in a sweat just at the thought of flying.他一想到飞行,就浑身冒汗。
    • He started having night sweats.他开始夜间盗汗。
    see also cold sweat
    • She broke out in a cold sweat when she saw the spider.看到蜘蛛她冒出了一身冷汗。
    • We worked up a good sweat carrying the boxes outside.我们把箱子搬到外面,累出了一身大汗。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • heavy
    • light
    • clammy
    … of sweat
    • bead
    • drop
    • trickle
    verb + sweat
    • break into
    • break out in
    • break out into
    sweat + verb
    • appear
    • break out
    • glisten
    sweat + noun
    • gland
    • in a sweat
    • break sweat
    • break a sweat
  3. hard work繁重的工作

  4. [uncountable] hard work or effort (informal)繁重的工作;艰苦的劳动;累活儿;艰苦努力
    • Growing your own vegetables sounds like a lot of sweat.自己种菜吃,这恐怕很累吧。
    • (literary) She achieved success by the sweat of her brow (= by working very hard).她靠吃苦流汗获得了成功。
    • A lot of sweat has gone into producing this.生产这个花了很多心血。
  5. clothes衣服

  6. sweats
    [plural] (informal, especially North American English) a sweatsuit or sweatpants运动服;运动裤
    • I hung around the house all day in my sweats.我穿着运动服在家里晃荡了一整天。
  7. 词源Old English swāt (noun), swǣtan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zweet and German Schweiss, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin sudor.
be/get in a sweat (about something)
  1. to be/become anxious or frightened about something(为某事)担心,焦虑,害怕
blood, sweat and tears
  1. very hard work; a lot of effort血汗;艰苦奋斗
    • The only way to succeed is through old-fashioned blood, sweat and tears.成功的唯一途径还是老办法:艰苦奋斗。
break sweat (British English)
(North American English break a sweat)
  1. (informal) to use a lot of physical effort花大力气;苦干
    • He hardly needed to break sweat to reach the final.他几乎不费劲儿就取得了决赛权。
    • She beat me without even breaking (a) sweat.她不费吹灰之力就打败了我。
no sweat
  1. (informal) used to tell somebody that something is not difficult or a problem when they thank you or ask you to do something(回答致谢或请求)没什么,小事一桩
    • ‘Thanks for everything.’ ‘Hey, no sweat!’“谢谢你帮了这么多忙。” “哦,没什么!”
    • Well, he could answer that one straight off, no sweat!他可以毫不费力地直接回答这个问题!


present simple I / you / we / they sweat
he / she / it sweats
past simple sweated
past participle sweated
-ing form sweating
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    produce liquid on skin/surface出汗;渗出液体

  1. [intransitive, transitive] when you sweat, drops of liquid appear on the surface of your skin, for example when you are hot, ill or afraid出汗;流汗 synonym perspire
    • to sweat heavily汗流浃背
    • The palms of his hands began to sweat.他的手掌开始出汗。
    • sweat something He was sweating buckets (= a lot).他大汗淋漓。
    • After two hours of digging he was sweating like a pig.挖了两个小时以后,他累得浑身臭汗。
    • He awoke with a pounding heart, sweating with fear.他醒来时心怦怦直跳,吓得全身大汗。
    • The heat was making us sweat.我们热得汗水直流。
    • We were sweating profusely from the exertion of moving the furniture.我们搬动傢具大费气力,累得大汗淋漓。
    • You can sweat out toxins in the sauna.你可以通过洗桑拿排出毒素。
    Topics Health and Fitnessb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • freely
    • heavily
    • a lot
    verb + sweat
    • begin to
    • start to
    • make somebody
    • from
    • with
    • sweat buckets
    • sweat bullets
    • sweat like a pig
  2. [intransitive] if something sweats, the liquid that is contained in it appears on its surface(物体表面)渗出水分,结水珠
    • The cheese was beginning to sweat.奶酪开始出水了。
    • The walls will continue to sweat until the plaster is completely dry.墙壁会继续出汗,直到灰泥完全干燥。
  3. work hard努力工作

  4. [intransitive] sweat (over something) to work hard at something艰苦努力;辛苦地干
    • Are you still sweating over that report?你还在为那篇报道伤脑筋吗?
  5. worry担心

  6. [intransitive] (informal) to worry or feel nervous about something担心;焦虑;不安
    • They really made me sweat during the interview.面试过程中,他们的确使我忐忑不安。
    • Even though she’d made her decision, she let them sweat for another week.尽管她已经做出了决定,她还是让他们再等一个星期。
    • Oh, let them sweat a bit.哦,让他们出汗吧。
  7. heat food烹调

  8. [transitive, intransitive] sweat (something) (British English) if you sweat meat or vegetables or let them sweat, you heat them slowly with a little fat in a pan that is covered with a lid
  9. 词源Old English swāt (noun), swǣtan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zweet and German Schweiss, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin sudor.
don’t sweat it
  1. (North American English, informal) used to tell somebody to stop worrying about something别担心;别发愁
    • ‘I’m sure he’ll find out.’ ‘Don’t sweat it—no one’s going to tell him.’我相信他会发现的。“别担心——没人会告诉他的,”。
    • Don't sweat it — We'll be fine.别担心,我们会没事的。
don’t sweat the small stuff
  1. (North American English, informal) used to tell somebody not to worry about small details or things that are not important不要为鸡毛蒜皮的事伤脑筋
slog/sweat/work your guts out
  1. (informal) to work very hard to achieve something拼命工作;拼命干活
    • I slogged my guts out for the exam.我为这次考试命都豁出去了。
    Topics Successc2
sweat blood
  1. (informal) to work very hard苦干;卖命地工作
    • I sweated blood to get everything ready in time.我拼命工作,以便及时准备好一切。
sweat/slog/work your guts out
  1. (informal) to work very hard to achieve something拼命工作;拼命干活
    • I sweated my guts out for the exam.我拼命准备考试。
    Topics Successc2




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