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词汇 system


    [countable] an organized set of ideas or theories or a particular way of doing something(思想或理论)体系;方法;制度;体制
    • reform of the country's education system国家教育系统的改革
    • the criminal justice system刑事审判制度
    • the healthcare system医疗保健系统
    • the legal/financial/political system法律/金融/政治体系
    • system for doing something Systems are in place for dealing with complaints.处理投诉的制度已经到位。
    • system of something a system of government政体
    • cabinet
    • checks and balances
    • constitution
    • federal
    • government
    • minister
    • the Opposition
    • parliament
    • politics
    • system
    see also binary, honor system, imperial (2), metric system, quota system, value system
    • How is the system organized?这个体系是如何组织的?
    • The game has a complex scoring system.该游戏有复杂的计分方法。
    • Under the new system, all children will be monitored by a senior social worker.根据新的制度,所有的儿童都将由一个有经验的社会工作者监护。
    • This system allows you to study at your own speed.在这种体制下,你可以按自己的速度学习。
    • Fortunately the class system is not as rigid as it once was.幸运的是,班级制度不像以前那样僵化了。
    • The law applies to schools within the state system.这项法律适用于公立体制的学校。
    • The country's economic system is close to collapse.该国的经济体系濒临崩溃。
    • The governor referred to a prison system that was bankrupt of compassion.州长指的是一个完全丧失同情心的监狱体制。
    • They have a modern and efficient healthcare system.他们有一个现代高效的医疗保健系统。
    • They introduced a democratic parliamentary system in the 1980s.他们在20世纪80年代引入了民主议会制度。
    • He played the legal system to his own advantage.他利用法律制度谋求个人利益。
    • the need to modernize the judicial system司法制度现代化的需要
    • The justice system is based on just one or two fundamental principles.司法系统仅仅基于一两个基本原则。
    • a backlog of cases clogging up the system阻碍体制运行的积压案件
    • Once your systems are in place you can concentrate on the main focus of your business.一旦体制建立起来,你就可以把精力集中在主要业务上。
    • The new system is designed to eliminate fraud.新系统旨在消除欺诈。
    • We need to re-examine the systems we are currently using.我们需要重新检查我们目前使用的系统。
    • The so-called reforms merely perpetuate an unjust system.这个所谓的改革只是让不公平的制度长期存在。
    • They devised an appropriate system for presenting the required information.为呈现所需信息他们设计了一套合适的系统。
    • There is a national system for exchanging essential information.有一个交换重要信息的国家系统。
    • We are implementing a new system of stock control.我们正在实施一种新的库存管理系统。
    • Our system of granting visas is unnecessarily complicated.我们的签证发放系统过于复杂。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • current
    • existing
    • modern
    verb + system
    • build
    • create
    • design
    system + verb
    • exist
    • be based on something
    • rest on something
    • in a/​the system
    • under a/​the system
    • system for
    [countable] a group of things, pieces of equipment, etc. that are connected or work together系统
    • They installed a security system but it failed.他们安装了安全系统,但失败了。
    • How does the system work?系统是如何工作的?
    see also Copernican system, ecosystem, midi system, Ptolemaic system, public address system, solar system, sound system
    • The alarm system had been switched off.警报系统已关闭。
    • He is currently on a life-support system in the local hospital.他目前在当地医院接受生命支持系统的治疗。
    • attempts to disrupt the rail system破坏铁路系统的企图
    • a fault in the sound system声效系统中的差错
    • The air-conditioning system failed.空调系统出故障了。
    • For this month only, installing the system is free.免费安装系统仅限于本月。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • advanced
    • powerful
    • interactive
    verb + system
    • install
    • boot
    • boot up
    system + verb
    • run
    • crash
    • fail
    system + noun
    • software
    • design
    • performance
    • in a/​the system
    [countable] a set of computer equipment and programs that are used together系统
    • to develop a new computer system开发新的计算机系统
    • We're designing a voice-recognition system.我们正在设计一套语音识别系统。
    • computerized information systems计算机化信息系统
    see also distributed system, expert system, operating systemTopics Computersb1
    • The latest computer system is much more efficient.最新的计算机系统效率更高。
    • an information retrieval system信息检索系统
    • The system runs on this workstation.该系统在本工作站运行。
    • Just reboot the system and try again.重新启动系统再试试。
    [countable] a human or an animal body, or a part of it, when it is being thought of as the organs and processes that make it function身体;(器官)系统
    • Wait until the drugs have passed through your system.等到药物通过你的系统。
    • the male reproductive system男性生殖系统
    • Returning to work after a long break can be a terrible shock to the system (= a big change that is difficult to deal with).长时间休息后重新开始工作可能会使身体非常不适。
    see also central nervous system, digestive system, immune system, limbic system, nervous system
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • auditory
    • biological
    • cardiovascular
    • in a/​the system
    • a shock to the system
  5. the system
    [singular] (informal, usually disapproving) the rules or people that control a country or an organization, especially when they seem to be unfair because you cannot change them(尤指不公正的统治或管理)制度,体系,集团
    • You can't beat the system (= you must accept it).你斗不过现行的体制。
    • You have to learn how to work the system if you want to succeed.如果你想成功,你必须学会如何操作这个系统。
    • young people rebelling against the system反抗现行体制的年轻人
    see also the spoils system
    • It's not your fault—blame the system.不是你的过错,怪就怪这个制度吧。
    • She spent her years at school fighting the system.她在学校期间一直对抗这个制度。
    • They are all part of the corrupt system we need to change.它们全是我们需要改革的腐败体制的组成部份。
  6. 词源early 17th cent.: from French système or late Latin systema, from Greek sustēma, from sun- ‘with’ + histanai ‘set up’.
all systems go
  1. (informal) used to say that everything is working well or that everything is ready for something to happen or be successful系统:过去常说一切正常,或者一切准备就绪,可以使事情发生或成功
    • The firm struggled to generate much business at the start, but now it's all systems go.该公司一开始很难创造多少业务,但现在一切都结束了。
    • Last weekend's heavy snowfall means it's all systems go for the ski season.上周末的大雪意味着滑雪季节一切正常。
get something out of your system
  1. (informal) to do something so that you no longer feel a very strong emotion or have a strong desire宣泄,排解,消解(强烈的感情或欲望)
    • I was very angry with him, but now I feel I've got it out of my system.我当时很生他的气,不过现在我感觉气已经消了。




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