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词汇 tattoo


(plural tattoos)
  1. a picture or design that is marked permanently on a person’s skin by making small holes in the skin with a needle and filling them with coloured ink文身;(在皮肤上刺的)花纹
    • His arms were covered in tattoos.他的胳膊上刺满了文身。
    • She has a tattoo of a tiger on her shoulder.她肩膀上有一个老虎的纹身。
    Collocations Clothes and fashionClothes and fashion服装与时尚Clothes衣服
    • be wearing a new outfit/​bright colours/​fancy dress/​fur/​uniform穿着一身新衣裳/鲜艳的服装/化装舞会服/毛皮衣服/制服
    • be (dressed) in black/​red/​jeans and a T-shirt/​your best suit/​leather/​silk/​rags (= very old torn clothes)穿着黑色衣服/红色衣服/牛仔裤和 T 恤/最好的西服/皮衣/丝绸衣服/破衣烂衫
    • be dressed for work/​school/​dinner/​a special occasion穿好衣服准备上班/上学/赴晚宴/出席特殊场合
    • be dressed as a man/​woman/​clown/​pirate打扮成男人/女人/小丑/海盗
    • wear/​dress in casual/​designer/​second-hand clothes穿休闲服/名牌服装/二手衣服
    • wear jewellery/​accessories/​a watch/​glasses/​contact lenses/​perfume
    • have a cowboy hat/​red dress/​blue suit on戴着牛仔帽;穿着红色连衣裙/蓝色西服
    • put on/​take off your clothes/​coat/​shoes/​helmet穿上/脱下衣服/外套/鞋子;戴上/取下头盔
    • pull on/​pull off your coat/​gloves/​socks穿上/脱下外套;戴上/脱下手套;穿上/脱下袜子
    • change into/​get changed into a pair of jeans/​your pyjamas
    • change/​enhance/​improve your appearance改变/提升/改善形象
    • create/​get/​have/​give something a new/​contemporary/​retro look塑造/获得/拥有/给某物以新的/现代的/复古的外貌
    • brush/​comb/​shampoo/​wash/​blow-dry your hair梳/用洗发剂洗/洗/吹头发
    • have/​get a haircut/​your hair cut/​a new hairstyle理发;换一个新发型
    • have/​get a piercing/​your nose pierced穿孔;穿鼻孔
    • have/​get a tattoo/​a tattoo done (on your arm)/a tattoo removed有纹身;在(胳膊上)刺花纹;去除纹身
    • have/​get a makeover/​cosmetic surgery做整容手术
    • use/​wear/​apply/​put on make-up/​cosmetics使用化妆品;化妆
    • follow/​keep up with (the) fashion/​the latest fashions追求时尚;赶时髦
    • spend/​waste money on designer clothes把钱花在/浪费在名牌服装上
    • be fashionably/​stylishly/​well dressed衣着时尚/新潮/考究
    • have good/​great/​terrible/​awful taste in clothes着装很有品味/品味很差
    • update/​revamp your wardrobe更新服装
    • be in/​come into/​go out of fashion流行;开始流行;不再流行
    • be (back/​very much) in vogue(又开始/非常)流行
    • create a style/​trend/​vogue for something为…创造了一种风格/趋势/潮流
    • organize/​put on a fashion show策划/举办时装秀
    • show/​unveil a designer’s spring/​summer collection展示/首次推出一位设计师的春/夏装系列
    • sashay/​strut down the catwalk/(North American English also) runway走 T 型台
    • be on/​do a photo/​fashion shoot做专业摄影/时装摄影
    • She's having a tattoo done on her leg.她要在腿上刺文身。
    • I took to wearing a temporary tattoo on my ankle.我喜欢在脚踝上做个临时文身。
    • I've decided to get my tattoo removed.我已经决定去掉我身上的文身。
    Topics Appearanceb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • distinctive
    • temporary
    • henna
    verb + tattoo
    • do
    • get
    • have
    tattoo + noun
    • parlour/​parlor
    • artist
    • tattoo of
  2. (especially British English) an outdoor show by members of the armed forces that includes marching, music and military exercises野外军事表演(包括齐步前进、军乐和军事演习)
    • the Edinburgh military tattoo爱丁堡军事表演
  3. [usually singular] a rapid and continuous series of hits, especially on a drum as a military signal连续急促的敲击;(尤指军事上的)回营号,击鼓号
    • The drummers beat a tattoo each morning.鼓手每天早上敲打归营号。
    • Her fingers tapped a light tattoo on the table.她的手指连续而有节奏的轻敲桌子。
    • George felt his heart begin to beat a tattoo against his ribs.乔治感到他的心脏开始在他的肋骨上急促的敲击。
  4. 词源noun sense 1 mid 18th cent.: from Tahitian, Tongan, and Samoan ta-tau or Marquesan ta-tu. Marquesan is the Polynesian language of the Marquesas Islands in the South Pacific. noun senses 2 to 3 mid 17th cent. (originally as tap-too) from Dutch taptoe!, literally ‘close the tap (of the cask)!’.


present simple I / you / we / they tattoo
he / she / it tattoos
past simple tattooed
past participle tattooed
-ing form tattooing
  1. to mark somebody’s skin with a tattoo将花纹刺在…上;给…文身
    • tattoo A on B He had a heart tattooed on his shoulder.他让人给他在肩膀上刺了一颗心形图案。
    • tattoo B (with A) His shoulder was tattooed with a heart.他的肩膀上刺了一颗心形图案。
    • His body was heavily tattooed.他的身上纹了很多纹身。
    词源verb mid 18th cent.: from Tahitian, Tongan, and Samoan ta-tau or Marquesan ta-tu. Marquesan is the Polynesian language of the Marquesas Islands in the South Pacific.




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