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词汇 blue


    having the colour of a clear sky or the sea on a clear day蓝色的;天蓝色的;蔚蓝色的
    • piercing blue eyes锐利的蓝眼睛
    • The sun shone brilliantly in the clear blue sky.晴朗的蓝天上阳光灿烂。
    • His eyes were dark blue.他的眼睛是深蓝色的。
    • She wanted to dye her hair blue.她想把头发染成蓝色。
    • a blue shirt蓝色衬衫
    • a navy blue jumper深蓝的针织套衫
    • her vivid blue eyes她碧蓝色的眼睛
    Homophones blew | blueblew   blue
    • blew verb (past tense of blow)
      • The wind blew the door shut.风把门吹关上了。
    • blue adjective
      • Both candidates wore blue jeans.两位候选人都穿着蓝色牛仔裤。
    • blue noun
      • They chose an intense blue for the walls.他们选择了深蓝色作为墙壁。
    Topics Colours and Shapesa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • aqua
    • azure
    • baby
  2. (of a person or part of the body人或身体部位) looking slightly blue in colour because the person is cold or cannot breathe easily(由于冷或呼吸困难)发青的,青紫的
    • His lips were turning blue.他的嘴唇变蓝了。
    • blue with something Her hands were blue with cold.她的双手冻得发青。
  3. (informal) sad忧郁的;悲伤的 synonym depressed
    • He'd been feeling blue all week.他整个星期都郁郁不乐。
    Topics Feelingsc2
  4. films, jokes or stories that are blue are about sex(电影、玩笑或故事)色情的,黄色的
    • a blue movie色情片
  5. (politics政治) (of an area in the US) having more people who vote for the Democratic candidate than the Republican one(美国地区)蓝色的(支持民主党候选人多于支持共和党候选人)
    • blue states/counties蓝州;蓝县
    opposite red
  6. see also true-blue
    词源Middle English: from Old French bleu, ultimately of Germanic origin and related to Old English blǣwen ‘blue’ and Old Norse blár ‘dark blue’.
between the devil and the deep blue sea
  1. in a difficult situation where there are two equally unpleasant or unacceptable choices 进退维谷;左右为难Topics Preferences and decisionsc2
(beat somebody) black and blue
  1. (to hit somebody until they are) covered with bruises (= blue, brown or purple marks on the body)(把某人打得)青一块紫一块,伤痕累累
    More Like This Alliteration in idiomsAlliteration in idioms
    • belt and braces
    • black and blue
    • born and bred
    • chalk and cheese
    • chop and change
    • done and dusted
    • down and dirty
    • in dribs and drabs
    • eat somebody out of house and home
    • facts and figures
    • fast and furious
    • first and foremost
    • forgive and forget
    • hale and hearty
    • hem and haw
    • kith and kin
    • mix and match
    • part and parcel
    • puff and pant
    • to rack and ruin
    • rant and rave
    • risk life and limb
    • short and sweet
    • signed and sealed
    • spic and span
    • through thick and thin
    • this and that
    • top and tail
    • tried and tested
    • wax and wane
clear blue water (between A and B)
  1. a complete difference or division between two people or groups错误;失误
    • Voters want to see clear blue water between the main parties.选民们希望看到主要政党之间有清澈的蓝水。
    • They failed to put clear blue water between themselves and their competitors.他们没能在自己和竞争对手之间划清界限。
do something till you are blue in the face
  1. (informal) to try to do something as hard and as long as you possibly can but without success徒然拼命地干;徒劳无功
    • You can argue till you're blue in the face, but you won't change my mind.你可以费尽口舌,但改变不了我的主意。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
once in a blue moon
  1. (informal) very rarely极少地;难得地;破天荒地
scream blue murder (British English)
(North American English scream bloody murder)
  1. to scream loudly and for a long time, especially in order to protest about something不停地叫嚷(尤指叫屈、鸣不平)


see also bluesIdioms
    [countable, uncountable] the colour of a clear sky or the sea on a clear day蓝色;天蓝色;蔚蓝色
    • bright/dark/light/pale/deep blue亮/暗/亮/淡/深蓝
    • The room was decorated in vibrant blues and yellows.房间饰以鲜亮的蓝色和黄色。
    • She was dressed in blue.她身着蓝色服装。
    • the deep blue of the night sky深蓝色的夜空
    • The walls are a light shade of blue.墙壁是淡蓝色。
    Homophones blew | blueblew   blue
    • blew verb (past tense of blow)
      • The wind blew the door shut.风把门吹关上了。
    • blue adjective
      • Both candidates wore blue jeans.两位候选人都穿着蓝色牛仔裤。
    • blue noun
      • They chose an intense blue for the walls.他们选择了深蓝色作为墙壁。
    see also navy blueTopics Colours and Shapesa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • aqua
    • azure
    • baby
  2. [countable] (British English) a person who has played a particular sport for or Cambridge University; a title given to them蓝色荣誉者(牛津或剑桥大学的校队运动员);蓝色荣誉的头衔
    • He’s an rugby blue.他是牛津蓝橄榄球队的。
    • She won a blue for rowing.她因划船赢得了一枚蓝色奖章。
  3. [countable] (Australian English, New Zealand English, informal) a mistake错误;失误
  4. [countable] (Australian English, New Zealand English, informal) a name for a person with red hair红发人
  5. [countable] (Australian English, New Zealand English, informal) a fight打架;打斗;斗殴
  6. 词源Middle English: from Old French bleu, ultimately of Germanic origin and related to Old English blǣwen ‘blue’ and Old Norse blár ‘dark blue’.
a bolt from the blue
  1. an event or a piece of news which is sudden and unexpected; a complete surprise突如其来的事件(或消息);晴天霹雳
    • Her dismissal came as a bolt from the blue.她被解雇简直就是晴天霹雳。
the boys in blue
  1. (informal) the police警察Topics Law and justicec2
out of the blue
  1. unexpectedly; without warning出乎意料;突然;晴天霹雳
    • The decision came out of the blue.这个决定来得很突然。




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