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词汇 the Anglican Communion

the Anglican Communion

/ði ˌæŋɡlɪkən kəˈmjuːniən/
/ði ˌæŋɡlɪkən kəˈmjuːniən/
  1. an organization consisting of the Church of England and other churches in Britain and abroad that have historical links with the Church of England. Its leader is the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Scottish Episcopal Church, the Church of Ireland, the Church in Wales and the Episcopal Church in the US are all part of the Anglican Communion. There are also a number of large Anglican churches in Africa. There has been disagreement between members of the Anglican community in recent years especially about attitudes to same-sex marriage and gay priests. Every ten years all the bishops of the Anglican Communion attend the Lambeth Conference.英国圣公会:一个由英格兰教会以及与英格兰教会有历史联系的英国国内外的其他教会组成的组织。它的领导人是坎特伯雷大主教。苏格兰圣公会,爱尔兰教会,威尔士教会和美国的圣公会都是英国国教的一部分。非洲也有许多大型的英国国教教堂。近年来,英国国教徒社区之间一直存在分歧,特别是在对同性婚姻和男祭司的态度上。每十年,英国国教圣餐的所有主教都会参加Lambeth会议。Topics Religion and festivalsc2




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