the Balfour Declaration
/ðə ˌbælfə ˌdekləˈreɪʃn/
/ðə ˈbælfər dekləreɪʃn/
- a letter of 2 November 1917 in which A J Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, wrote that the British government was in favour of establishing Palestine as a national home for the Jewish people. The other Allies soon said that they agreed with this.
巴尔福宣言:1917年11月2日的信,英国外交大臣巴尔福(AJ Balfour)在信中写道,英国政府赞成将巴勒斯坦建立为犹太人民的民族家园。其他盟国很快表示,他们同意这一点。