the Commonwealth Institute
/ðə ˌkɒmənwelθ ˈɪnstɪtjuːt/
/ðə ˌkɑːmənwelθ ˈɪnstɪtuːt/
- the former educational and cultural centre of the Commonwealth, known from 1887 to 1958 as the Imperial Institute. In 2002 its building in London was closed. In 2007 the Commonwealth Education Trust was founded to promote education in the Commonwealth, replacing the Commonwealth Institute.
英联邦学院:英联邦的前教育和文化中心,从1887年至1958年被称为帝国学院。2002年,它在伦敦的建筑关闭。2007年,英联邦教育基金会(Commonwealth Education Trust)成立,以取代英联邦学院来促进英联邦的教育。