the Daily Express
/ðə ˌdeɪli ɪkˈspres/
/ðə ˌdeɪli ɪkˈspres/
- one of Britain's national daily newspapers, started in 1900 by Arthur Pearson and bought in 1914 by Lord Beaverbrook. Its political views are generally right-wing. It is tabloid size and is considered to be part of the 'popular press' (not one of the 'quality papers'). It is often referred to as just the Express.
see also the Sunday Express.每日快报:英国的全国性日报之一,由亚瑟·皮尔森(Arthur Pearson)于1900年开始,并于1914年由比弗布鲁克勋爵(Lord Beaverbrook)购买。它的政治观点通常是右翼。它是小报大小,被认为是“大众媒体”的一部分(不是“优质论文”之一)。它通常仅称为Express。