The Da Vinci Code
/ðə də ˈvɪntʃi kəʊd/
/ðə də ˈvɪntʃi kəʊd/
- a novel by US writer Dan Brown which was first published in 2003. It is about a murder which is connected with a secret code in the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci, and the attempts of a university professor to solve the mystery. The book became a best-seller across the world.
达芬奇密码:美国作家丹·布朗(Dan Brown)于2003年首次出版的小说。这是一部谋杀案,与莱昂纳多·达芬奇(Leonardo Da Vinci)的绘画中的秘密密码有关,以及大学教授试图解开谜团。这本书成为全球畅销书。