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词汇 the death penalty

the death penalty

/ðə ˈdeθ penəlti/
/ðə ˈdeθ penəlti/
  1. the punishment of being killed that is used in some countries for very serious crimes死刑;极刑
    • the abolition/return of the death penalty死刑的废除/恢复
    • The two men are facing the death penalty.这二人面临死刑。
    • a crime which carries the death penalty可判死刑的罪行
    Collocations Criminal justiceCriminal justice刑事审判Breaking the law犯法
    • break/​violate/​obey/​uphold the law违反/违背/遵守/维护法律
    • be investigated/​arrested/​tried for a crime/​a robbery/​fraud因犯罪/抢劫/诈骗而被调查/逮捕/审判
    • be arrested/ (especially North American English) indicted/​convicted on charges of rape/​fraud/(especially US English) felony charges因被控犯强奸罪/诈骗罪/重型罪遭逮捕/起诉/定罪
    • be arrested on suspicion of arson/​robbery/​shoplifting因涉嫌纵火/抢劫/在商店行窃而被逮捕
    • be accused of/​be charged with murder/(especially North American English) homicide/​four counts of fraud被指控犯有谋杀罪/杀人罪/四项诈骗罪
    • face two charges of indecent assault面临两项猥亵罪的指控
    • admit your guilt/​liability/​responsibility (for something)承认(对某事的)罪责/责任
    • deny the allegations/​claims/​charges否认指控
    • confess to a crime坦白罪行
    • grant/​be refused/​be released on/​skip/​jump bail准许/不准保释;交保释金获释;弃保潜逃
    The legal process法律程序
    • stand/​await/​bring somebody to/​come to/​be on trial受审;候审;把某人送交法院审判;开庭审理;受到审判
    • take somebody to/​come to/​settle something out of court把某人告上法庭;被法庭受理;庭外和解某事
    • face/​avoid/​escape prosecution面临/免于/逃脱起诉
    • seek/​retain/​have the right to/​be denied access to legal counsel寻求/聘请/有权聘用/无权聘用律师
    • hold/​conduct/​attend/​adjourn a hearing/​trial开庭;出庭;休庭
    • sit on/​influence/​persuade/​convince the jury担任/影响/说服陪审团
    • sit/​stand/​appear/​be put/​place somebody in the dock坐在/站在/出现在/被送上/将某人送上被告席
    • plead guilty/​not guilty to a crime认罪;不认罪
    • be called to/​enter (British English) the witness box被召唤进入/进入证人席
    • take/​put somebody on the stand/(North American English) the witness stand出庭作证;让某人出庭作证
    • call/​subpoena/​question/​cross-examine a witness传唤/以传票传唤/讯问/盘问证人
    • give/​hear the evidence against/​on behalf of somebody提供/听取对某人不利/有利的证据
    • raise/​withdraw/​overrule an objection提出/撤销/否决异议
    • reach a unanimous/​majority verdict作出一致的/多数人赞同的裁决
    • return/​deliver/​record a verdict of not guilty/​unlawful killing/​accidental death作出/宣布无罪/非法杀人/意外死亡的裁决
    • convict/​acquit the defendant of the crime宣判被告有罪/无罪
    • secure a conviction/​your acquittal获得有罪/无罪判决
    • lodge/​file an appeal提出上诉
    • appeal (against)/challenge/​uphold/​overturn a conviction/​verdict对判决/裁决提出上诉/质疑;维持/撤销判决/裁决
    Sentencing and punishment判刑与惩罚
    • pass sentence on somebody宣布对某人的判决
    • carry/​face/​serve a seven-year/​life sentence会被判处/面临/服七年徒刑/无期徒刑
    • receive/​be given the death penalty被判死刑
    • be sentenced to ten years (in prison/​jail)被判十年(监禁)
    • carry/​impose/​pay a fine (of $3 000)/a penalty (of 14 years imprisonment)会被判处/处以/缴纳(3 000 美元的)罚金/(14 年的)监禁
    • be imprisoned/​jailed for drug possession/​fraud/​murder因持有毒品罪/诈骗罪/谋杀罪被监禁
    • do/​serve time/​ten years服刑;服十年徒刑
    • be sent to/​put somebody in/​be released from jail/​prison被送进监狱;把某人送进监狱;被释放出狱
    • be/​put somebody/​spend X years on death row在/把某人关在死囚牢房;在死囚牢房度过…年
    • be granted/​be denied/​break (your) parole获准假释;假释遭拒;违反假释规定
    Culture capital punishmentcapital punishmentCapital punishment is the legal killing of a person for a crime they have been proved in a court of law to have committed. In the US the death penalty is used in many states. In 1972 the Supreme Court decided that it was ‘cruel and unusual punishment’, which the Constitution does not allow, and it became illegal until 1976, when the Court changed its mind.Different methods of execution (= killing) can be used in different states. The method is almost always a lethal injection (= an injection of a poisonous chemical). Other methods are rarely used but can be chosen by the prisoner in certain states. These are the electric chair (= a chair which sends a strong electric current through the prisoner's body), hanging, a firing squad (= a group of soldiers who shoot the prisoner), and the gas chamber (= a room that is filled with poisonous gas when the prisoner is inside).In the US the death penalty is passed on people found guilty of murder and some other crimes. Since 1976 about 1 500 people have been executed. Most people who receive the death sentence appeal to higher courts, and the sentence may be changed. The legal system moves slowly, so that a long time passes between the sentence being given and the execution taking place. The result is that there are about 3 000 prisoners on death row, waiting to be executed. The state governor or a court can give a stay of execution (= a delay so that the prisoner has time to appeal to another court), and the governor or the president can a grant a pardon (= decide not to carry out the execution). This can happen at any time until the execution takes place. Another reason why many death sentences are not carried out is that there is strong opposition to capital punishment. People argue that it is immoral and that if a mistake is made it cannot be put right. They also say that the death penalty does not prevent people from committing murder. Another strong argument is that more African Americans who are found guilty of murder are sentenced to death than other racial groups and this is unfair.In Britain the death penalty for murder was ended in 1965, but it could still in theory be passed on anyone found guilty of treason (= crimes against the state) until 1998. Some British people think that the death penalty should be brought back for crimes such as terrorism (= the use of violence for political aims) or the murder of a police officer, but Parliament has voted several times against this. In former times about 200 crimes were capital offences, for which the punishment was hanging. The wooden gallows or gibbet on which criminals were hanged can still be seen in some places. Many criminals were hanged in public at Tyburn in London, and later at Newgate prison. People found guilty of treason were hanged, drawn and quartered, which means they were hanged on the gallows, then taken down while still alive and some of their internal organs cut out. Their heads were cut off and their bodies cut into four pieces.
    • the movement for the abolition of the death penalty争取废除死刑的运动
    • calls to restore the death penalty对恢复死刑的呼吁
    • From time to time, the death penalty was exacted for murder.犯谋杀罪者有时被执行死刑。




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