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词汇 the Encyclopaedia Britannica

the Encyclopaedia Britannica

/ði ɪnˌsaɪkləˌpiːdiə brɪˈtænɪkə/
/ði ɪnˌsaɪkləˌpiːdiə brɪˈtænɪkə/
  1. the most famous encyclopedia in English, printed in many volumes and regularly revised. It was begun in 1768 by a 'society of Gentlemen in Scotland' and has been mostly American since the early 1900s. It was owned for many years by William Benton in Chicago and sold directly to the public by a door-to-door sales force. In 1996 it was bought by Jacob Safra. The last print edition was published in 2010. It is now available only in digital form.不列颠百科全书:最著名的英文百科全书,印刷许多册,并定期修订。它始于1768年的“苏格兰绅士协会”,自1900年代初以来一直是美国人。它由芝加哥的威廉·本顿(William Benton)拥有多年,并由上门推销员直接向公众出售。1996年,它被Jacob Safra收购。上一版印刷版于2010年出版。现在仅以数字形式提供。




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