the Hallelujah Chorus
/ðə ˌhælɪluːjə ˈkɔːrəs/
/ðə ˌhælɪluːjə ˈkɔːrəs/
- a well-known chorus (= musical piece for many voices) in the Messiah by George Frederick Handel. The music expresses great joy. According to tradition, the audience always stands up while the Hallelujah Chorus is being sung, because King George II did this at the first London performance of the Messiah in 1743.
Hallelujah合唱团:乔治·弗雷德里克·汉德尔(George Frederick Handel)在弥赛亚中著名的合唱团(许多声音的音乐作品)。音乐表现出极大的欢乐。按照传统,在演唱哈利路亚合唱团时,观众总是站起来,因为乔治二世国王在1743年的伦敦第一次弥赛亚演出中做到了这一点。