the Hudson River
/ðə ˌhʌdsn ˈrɪvə(r)/
/ðə ˌhʌdsn ˈrɪvər/
- a river in the US state of New York. It flows 315 miles/510 kilometres from the Adirondack Mountains to New York City where it joins the Atlantic Ocean. In 1825, it was connected to the Great Lakes by the Erie Canal. The river is named after Henry Hudson who in 1609 was one of the first people to travel along its unknown areas.
see also Hudson River School哈德逊河:美国纽约州的一条河。它从阿迪朗达克山脉流向315英里/ 510公里,到达纽约市,在那里与大西洋相连。1825年,伊利运河将其与大湖区相连。这条河以亨利·哈德森(Henry Hudson)的名字命名,他在1609年是最早在未知地区旅行的人之一。