the Lord's Taverners
/ðə ˌlɔːdz ˈtævənəz/
/ðə ˌlɔːrdz ˈtævərnərz/
- a British cricket team, established in 1950, that is made up of famous actors and other well-known people, who play matches to raise money for charity. They also work to help and encourage young people to take part in sport. The team is named after the Tavern, a club at Lord's cricket ground in London. The Lady Taverners was formed in 1987 and also organizes events to raise money for charity.
英国板球队,成立于1950年,由著名演员和其他知名人士组成,他们参加比赛以筹集善款。他们还致力于帮助和鼓励年轻人参加体育运动。球队以伦敦洛德板球场的俱乐部酒馆(Tavern)命名。Lady Taverners女士成立于1987年,并组织各种活动为慈善事业筹款。