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词汇 the Peasants' Revolt

the Peasants' Revolt

/ðə ˌpeznts rɪˈvəʊlt/
/ðə ˌpeznts rɪˈvəʊlt/
  1. an incident in 1381 when the peasants (= poor farmers) of Kent and Essex marched to Canterbury and then to London to protest at their conditions of life and the harsh taxes they had to pay. They occupied several major buildings, including the Tower of London. The young king, Richard II, talked to their leader, Wat Tyler, and promised to help them. Many of them then went home, but Tyler was killed and the Revolt ended in complete failure, gaining nothing for the peasants.农民起义:1381年的一次事件,肯特郡和埃塞克斯郡的农民游行前往坎特伯雷,然后前往伦敦,抗议他们的生活条件和必须缴纳的苛刻税款。他们占领了几座主要建筑,包括伦敦塔。年轻的国王理查德二世(Richard II)与他们的领袖瓦特·泰勒(Wat Tyler)进行了交谈,并答应帮助他们。他们中的许多人随后回家,但泰勒被杀,叛乱以彻底失败而告终,农民一无所获。




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