the United Reformed Church
/ðə juˌnaɪtɪd rɪˈfɔːmd tʃɜːtʃ/
/ðə juˌnaɪtɪd rɪˌfɔːrmd ˈtʃɜːrtʃ/
- a Christian Church formed in Britain in 1972 when the Presbyterian Church in England joined with the Congregationalists in England and Wales. It has since been joined by two other church groups: the Re-formed Churches of Christ in 1981, and the Congregational Union of Scotland in 2000.
Topics Religion and festivalsc2联合改革教会:1972年在英国成立的基督教教会,当时英国的长老会与英格兰和威尔士的公理会合为一体。此后,又有另外两个教会团体加入该团体:1981年改组后的基督教堂和2000年的苏格兰公理会。