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词汇 the Vietnam Veterans Memorial

the Vietnam Veterans Memorial

/ðə ˌviːetnɑːm ˈvetərənz məmɔːriəl/, /ðə ˌviːetnæm ˈvetərənz məmɔːriəl/
/ðə ˌviːetnɑːm ˈvetərənz məmɔːriəl/
  1. a long wall built in memory of Americans who were killed or lost in the Vietnam War. It is in Washington, DC, near the Lincoln Memorial. The wall is V-shaped and made of black polished stone. It has more than 58 000 names on it. The Memorial was designed by Maya Ying Lin, an architecture student at Yale University, and was dedicated in 1982. It has become an emotional place for former Vietnam soldiers and their families.越南退伍军人纪念馆:一堵长长的墙,用以纪念在越南战争中丧生或丧生的美国人。它位于华盛顿特区,靠近林肯纪念堂。墙壁为V形,由黑色抛光石材制成。它上面有58 000个名字。纪念馆是由耶鲁大学建筑系学生玛雅·英琳设计的,于1982年投入使用。它已成为越南前士兵及其家人的情感之地。




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