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词汇 The Winter's Tale

The Winter's Tale

/ðə ˈwɪntəz teɪl/
/ðə ˈwɪntərz teɪl/
  1. a play (c. 1610) by William Shakespeare. It begins sadly and ends happily. Leontes, king of Sicilia, thinks that his wife is not faithful. He puts her in prison and orders his baby daughter to be left on a 'desert shore'. He believes that they are both dead, and feels very sorry for what he has done. His daughter, however, is found by a shepherd (= a person whose job is to look after sheep), and grows up to become a shepherd herself. When she falls in love with a prince they run away together to Sicilia. There, Leontes recognizes his daughter and finds out that his wife is also alive. The young lovers are married and the king and queen are united again.冬季故事:威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的戏剧(c。1610)。它开始可悲,愉快地结束。西西里国王列昂特(Leontes)认为他的妻子不忠实。他将她送入监狱,并命令将他的小女儿留在“沙漠之滨”。他认为他们俩都死了,对他所做的一切感到非常抱歉。但是,他的女儿是由牧羊人(一个照看羊的人)找到的,长大后自己成了牧羊人。当她爱上王子时,他们一起逃到了西西里。在那里,莱昂特斯认出了他的女儿,并发现他的妻子还活着。年轻的恋人结婚了,国王和王后又重新团结了起来。




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