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词汇 thin


(comparative thinner, superlative thinnest)

    not thick薄;细

    having a smaller distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal薄的;细的
    • Cut the vegetables into thin strips.把菜切成细条。
    • A number of thin cracks appeared in the wall.墙上出现了许多细裂缝。
    • The body was hidden beneath a thin layer of soil.尸体被埋在薄薄的一层土下面。
    • Palm trees cast long, thin shadows on the lawn. 棕榈树在草坪上投下细长的影子。
    • He knew that the ice was too thin to risk crossing the river. 他知道冰太薄,不能冒险过河。
    • a thin blouse (= of light cloth)薄薄的女衬衫
    see also paper-thin, razor-thin, wafer-thin
    • a plate of wafer-thin bread and butter一盘极薄的黄油面包
    • a sliver of rock thin enough to be translucent薄到半透明的一块岩石
    • She pinched her thin lips together.她薄薄的双唇紧闭着。
    • The wind blew cold through his thin shirt.风吹透他薄薄的衬衫,冷飕飕的。
    • Water forms a thin film between the tyre and the road. 水在轮胎和路面之间形成一层薄膜。
  2. not fat

    (sometimes disapproving) (of a person or part of the body人或身体部位) not covered with much fat or muscle瘦的
    • He was tall and thin, with dark hair.他又高又瘦,满头黑发。
    • She was looking pale and thin.她面黄肌瘦。
    • How do you stay so thin?你怎么保持这么瘦?
    • He is as thin as a rake (= very thin).他骨瘦如柴。
    • thin legs细腿
    Vocabulary Building Saying that somebody is thinSaying that somebody is thin形容人瘦Thin is the most usual word:thin 为最常用词:
    • Steve is tall and thin and has brown hair.史蒂夫瘦高个儿,长着棕色的头发。
    It is sometimes used with a negative meaning:该词有时含贬义:
    • Mother looked thin and tired after her long illness.久病之后,母亲看上去很憔悴。
    The following words all express praise or admiration:
    • Slim means pleasantly thin. It is often used to describe women who have controlled their weight by diet or exercise:
      • She has a beautifully slim figure.她的身材十分苗条。
    • A slender girl or woman is thin and graceful.
    • A lean man is thin and fit.
    • Willowy describes a woman who is attractively tall and thin.willowy 指女子身材高挑,婀娜多姿。
    The following words are more negative in their meaning:
    • Skinny means very thin, often in a way that is not attractive:
      • a skinny little kid.瘦骨嶙峋的小孩
    • Bony describes parts of the body when they are so thin that the bones can be seen:bony 指人体某部位瘦得骨头突出:
      • the old man’s bony hands.这老人骨瘦如柴的双手
    • Scrawny suggests that a person is thin, weak and not attractive:scrawny 指人干瘪、骨瘦如柴:
      • a scrawny old woman.骨瘦如柴的老妇
    • Gaunt describes a person who is a little too thin and looks sad or ill.gaunt 指人消瘦、憔悴。
    • Underweight is used in medical contexts to describe people who are too thin because they are ill or have not had enough food:underweight 在医学上指人因疾病或进食不足而没达到标准体重:
      • Women who smoke risk giving birth to underweight babies.抽烟的妇女生出的婴儿可能会体重不足。
    • Emaciated describes a serious condition resulting from illness or not enough food.
    • Anorexic is a medical term, but is also used informally to describe somebody, especially a girl or woman, who is so thin that you are worried about them.
    It is more acceptable to talk to somebody about how thin or slim they are than about how fat they are.note at fat
    see also pencil-thin
    • How do you manage to stay so thin?你是怎样保持这么瘦的?
    • The old horse was painfully thin.那匹老马骨瘦如柴。
    Topics Appearancea2
  4. hair毛发

    not growing closely together or in large amounts稀少的;稀疏的
    • thin grey hair稀疏的花白头发
  6. liquid液体

    containing more liquid than is normal or expected稀薄的;淡的 synonym runny
    • The sauce was thin and tasteless.这酱汁淡而无味。
    • The paint looks a bit thin.油漆看起来有点稀。
    Topics Cooking and eatingb1
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
  8. smoke

  9. fairly easy to see through能见度较高的;稀薄的
    • They fought their way through where the smoke was thinner.他们挣扎着从烟雾稀薄的地方逃了出去。
  10. air空气

  11. containing less oxygen than normal稀薄的;含氧少的
    • Humans would not be able to survive in the thin atmosphere of the planet.人类将无法在地球稀薄的大气中生存。
  12. sound声音

  13. (disapproving) high and weak微弱的;尖细的;有气无力的
    • Her thin voice trailed off into silence.她的声音越来越弱直至毫无声息。
  14. smile微笑

  15. not sincere or enthusiastic不真心实意的;冷淡的
    • He gave a thin smile.他淡然一笑。
  16. light

  17. not very bright微弱的;暗淡的
    • the thin grey light of dawn浅灰色的晨曦
  18. poor quality劣质

  19. of poor quality; without an important quality质量差的;空乏的;拙劣的
    • a thin excuse (= one that people are not likely to believe)站不住脚的借口
    • Their arguments all sound a little thin to me.他们的论据我听起来都觉得有点儿缺乏说服力。
    • The general standard of applicants is pretty thin this year.今年申请人的总体水平相当低。
    • His knowledge of the country was somewhat thin.他对这个国家的了解有点少。
    • The evidence seems awfully thin.证据似乎非常薄弱。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • become
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • spread something (too) thin
    • stretch something (too) thin
    • thin on the ground
  20. 词源Old English thynne, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dun and German dünn, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin tenuis.
be skating/walking on thin ice
  1. to be taking a risk履薄冰;冒风险
disappear, vanish, etc. into thin air
  1. to disappear suddenly in a mysterious way消失得无影无踪;不翼而飞;悄然而逝
    • She can’t just have vanished into thin air.她不可能凭空消失了。
    • At a stroke she could make things vanish into thin air.她用手碰到什么就能让它消失不见。
have a thin time (of it)
  1. (British English, informal) to have many problems or difficulties to deal with; to not be successful遇到许多麻烦;过得不顺
    • He’s had a thin time of it since losing his job.自从失业以来,他日子过得很不好。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
out of thin air
  1. from nowhere or nothing, as if by magic凭空;无中生有地
    • Unfortunately, I can’t just conjure up the money out of thin air!可惜我不能凭空变出钱来!
spread yourself too thin
  1. to try to do so many different things at the same time that you do not do any of them well样样都抓,哪样都抓不好
    • With four markets to manage, there's a danger that's she's spreading herself too thin.她要管理四个市场,恐怕会分身乏术。
thick/thin on the ground
  1. (British English) if people or things are thick/thin on the ground, there are a lot/not many of them in a place为数众多(或不多);数目巨大(或微小);众多(或稀少)
    • Customers are thin on the ground at this time of year.一年里这个时节顾客很少。
    • Security officers were thick on the ground during the King’s visit.国王访问期间,安全官员在现场戒备森严。
the thin end of the wedge
  1. (especially British English) an event or action that is the beginning of something more serious and/or unpleasant(不好的事物的)端倪,冰山一角
    • The introduction of a tax on workplace parking is seen by many as the thin end of the wedge.对工作场所停车征税的引入被许多人视为楔形的细端。
thin/bald on top
  1. (informal) with little or no hair on the head头发稀疏;谢顶
    • He's starting to get a little thin on top (= he's losing his hair).他开始有点谢顶了。
    • He's going bald on top.他谢顶了。
    Topics Appearancec2
a thin skin
  1. the lack of ability to accept criticism, offensive remarks, etc. without becoming upset脸皮薄;顾及脸面
    • You shouldn’t be in politics if you have such a thin skin.脸皮这么薄就不该从政。
    opposite a thick skin see also thin-skinned
through thick and thin
  1. even when there are problems or difficulties不顾艰难险阻;赴汤蹈火;同甘共苦
    • He's supported the team for over ten years through thick and thin.十多年来,在任何情况下他都支持这个队。
    • In marriage, you have to stick together through thick and thin.在婚姻中,你必须同甘共苦。
    Alliteration in idioms
walk/tread a fine/thin line (between A and B)
  1. to be in a difficult or dangerous situation where you could easily make a mistake处于困境(或险境);如履薄冰;走钢丝
    • He was walking a fine line between being funny and being rude.他想滑稽而不粗鲁,难以把握分寸。
    • She often seems to tread a thin line between success and failure.她似乎经常在成功和失败之间徘徊。
    • His comedy treads the line between shocking and sickening.他的喜剧在令人震惊和恶心之间徘徊。
    • We have to walk a fine line to make sure we don't promote one brand more than another.我们必须谨慎行事,以确保我们不会推广一个品牌超过另一个品牌。
    • His buildings walk the thin line between visionary and completely mad.他的建筑在幻想和完全疯狂之间徘徊。
wear thin
  1. to begin to become weaker or less acceptable开始变弱;变得不受欢迎;变得兴趣索然
    • These excuses are wearing a little thin (= because we've heard them so many times before).这些托辞让人听得有点儿腻烦。
    • My patience is beginning to wear very thin.我有些不耐烦了。


(thinner, thinnest)
  1. in a way that produces a thin piece or layer of something薄薄地
    • Don't spread it too thin.不要涂得太薄。
    • I like my bread sliced thin.我喜欢吃切成薄片的面包。
    词源Old English thynne, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dun and German dünn, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin tenuis.


present simple I / you / we / they thin
he / she / it thins
past simple thinned
past participle thinned
-ing form thinning


  1. [transitive] thin something (down) (with something) to make a liquid less thick or strong by adding water or another substance(掺水等)使稀薄,使变淡
    • Thin the paint with water.用水把颜料调稀。
    • If the soup is too thick, thin it down with a little milk.如果汤太稠,就用一点牛奶稀释一下。
  2. of hair毛发

  3. [intransitive] to become less thick变稀疏;变稀少
    • a middle-aged man with thinning hair头发逐渐稀少的中年男子
    • His hair was long at the sides but thinning on top.他的头发两边很长,但顶部变薄了。
  4. become less thick变稀少

  5. [intransitive, transitive] to become less thick or fewer in number; to make something less thick or fewer, for example by removing some things or people(使)变稀薄,变稀疏,变少
    • The clouds thinned and the moon shone through.云层渐稀,透出了月光。
    • thin out The crowd had thinned out and only a few people were left.人群渐渐散去,只剩下几个人。
    • The traffic was beginning to thin out.交通开始变得拥挤。
    • thin something (out) Thin out the seedlings to about 10cm apart.把秧苗间成相隔 10 厘米。
  6. 词源Old English thynne, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dun and German dünn, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin tenuis.




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