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词汇 tighten


present simple I / you / we / they tighten
he / she / it tightens
past simple tightened
past participle tightened
-ing form tightening
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
    [transitive, intransitive] to hold or fix something more securely in position; to make something or become more difficult to move, open or separate使更加严格;加强
    • tighten something to tighten a lid/screw/rope/knot拧紧盖子/螺钉;绷紧绳子;打紧结
    • She tightened her grip on his arm.她抓他的手臂抓得更紧了。
    • The nuts weren't properly tightened and the wheel came off.螺母没拧紧,轮子脱落了。
    • tighten something up The brake cable needs tightening up.刹车线需要调紧。
    • (+ adv./prep.) Her grip seemed to tighten on the door handle.她似乎把门把手抓得更紧了。
    • He saw his father's jaw tighten in irritation.他看到父亲气得紧咬牙关。
    • This tool is for tightening screws.这个工具是用来拧紧螺丝的。
    • Her fingers tightened convulsively with every jolt she received.每多一下震动,她的手指就痉挛似地攥得更紧。
    • His hand tightened painfully around her wrist.他的手紧紧握住她的手腕,弄得她生疼。
    [transitive] tighten something to make something become stricter使更加严格;加强
    • to tighten security加强安全措施
    • The government is to tighten controls on the sale of alcohol.政府将加强对酒精销售的控制。
    • Steps were taken to tighten discipline in the school.已采取措施加强学校的纪律。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • a little
    • slightly
    • etc.
    verb + tighten
    • seem to
    • feel something
    • make something
    • about
    • around
    • round
    [intransitive, transitive] to become stretched so that it cannot stretch much further; to stretch or pull something in this way使更加严格;加强
    • tighten (up) The rope holding the boat suddenly tightened and broke.系船的绳子突然绷断了。
    • His mouth tightened into a thin line.他的嘴抿成了一道细缝。
    • tighten something She tightened the straps on her backpack.她收紧了背包上的带子。
  4. [intransitive] (of part of the body人体部位) to become painful or uncomfortable because of illness or emotion(使)变紧,更加牢固
    • He felt his stomach tighten.他感到肚子发紧。
    • Her face tightened with pain.她痛得紧绷着脸。
    • His words made her throat tighten.他的话使她喉咙发紧。
  5. opposite loosen
tighten your belt
  1. to spend less money because there is less available勒紧腰带(省吃俭用)
    • With price increases on most goods, everyone is having to tighten their belt.随着大多数商品的价格上涨,每个人都不得不勒紧腰带。
    • There is a need for further belt-tightening.有必要进一步紧缩开支。
    Synonyms savesave
    • budget
    • economize
    • tighten your belt
    These words all mean to spend less money.
    • save to keep money instead of spending it, often in order to buy a particular thing:
      • I’m saving for a new car.我正攒钱想买辆新车。
    • budget to be careful about the amount of money you spend; to plan to spend an amount of money for a particular purpose:
      • If we budget carefully we’ll be able to afford the trip.我们精打细算一点,就能够负担这次旅行。
    • economize to use less money, time, etc. than you normally use指节省、节约、节俭
    • tighten your belt (rather informal) to spend less money because there is less available:指勒紧腰带省吃俭用:
      • With the price increases, we are all having to tighten our belts.由于物价上涨,我们都只好勒紧裤腰带了。
    • to save up/​budget for something
    • to have to save/​budget/​economize/​tighten our belts
    • to try to/​manage to save/​budget/​economize




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