词汇 |
@topic_change-cause-and-effect |
释义 |
- accelerateverb
c1 - accelerationnoun
c2 - accrualnoun
c2 - accrueverb
c2 - accumulateverb
c1 - accumulationnoun
c1 - accumulativeadjective
c2 - advancenoun
c2 - advanceverb
c2 - after-effectnoun
c2 - aftermathnoun
c1 - ameliorateverb
c2 - ameliorationnoun
c2 - appreciateverb
c1 - appreciationnoun
c1 - ariseverb
b2 - attributableadjective
c2 - augmentverb
c2 - augmentationnoun
c2 - backwashnoun
c2 - becauseconjunction
a1 - because ofpreposition
a1 - be guaranteed to do somethingidiom
c1 - be/lie at the bottom of somethingidiom
c2 - boostverb
b2 - boostnoun
b2 - boosternoun
c2 - bringverb
a2 - build-upnoun
c2 - butterfly effectnoun
c2 - by-productnoun
c2 - causaladjective
c1 - causalitynoun
c2 - causallyadverb
c2 - causationnoun
c2 - causativeadjective
c1 - causenoun
a2 - causeverb
a2 - changeverb
a1 - changenoun
a1 - climbverb
b2 - climbnoun
c1 - collapseverb
b2 - collapsenoun
b2 - come into effectidiom
c2 - consequencenoun
b1 - consequentadjective
c1 - consequentialadjective
c2 - consequentiallyadverb
c2 - consequentlyadverb
b2 - contributeverb
b2 - contributionnoun
b2 - contributornoun
c1 - contributoryadjective
c2 - corollarynoun
c2 - cosconjunction
c2 - cozconjunction
c2 - creepnoun
c2 - cumulativeadjective
c2 - cumulativelyadverb
c2 - declineverb
b2 - declinenoun
b2 - decreaseverb
b2 - decreasenoun
b2 - deteriorateverb
c1 - deteriorationnoun
c1 - developverb
b1 - developmentnoun
b1 - dipnoun
c2 - domino effectnoun
c2 - downswingnoun
c2 - downturnnoun
c1 - downwardadjective
c1 - downwardlyadverb
c2 - downwardsadverb
b2 - dropverb
b1 - duenoun
b1 - edgeverb
c2 - effectnoun
a2 - effectverb
c2 - effectiveadjective
b1 - effectivelyadverb
b1 - effectivenessnoun
c1 - effectualadjective
c2 - effectuallyadverb
c2 - effectuateverb
c2 - elevateverb
c2 - elevationnoun
c2 - end resultnoun
c1 - ensueverb
c1 - ensuingadjective
c2 - eventuateverb
c2 - expandverb
b1 - expansionnoun
b2 - factornoun
a2 - fallverb
a2 - fallnoun
a2 - falling-offnoun
c2 - fall-offnoun
c2 - followverb
a2 - followingpreposition
b2 - gainverb
b2 - gainnoun
b2 - growverb
a1 - growingadjective
b1 - growthnoun
b1 - guaranteenoun
b2 - happenverb
a1 - henceadverb
b2 - herebyadverb
c2 - hereinadverb
c2 - hereuponadverb
c2 - implicationnoun
b2 - implyverb
c2 - improveverb
a1 - improvementnoun
b1 - in consequence (of something)idiom
c1 - increaseverb
a2 - increasenoun
a2 - increasedadjective
b1 - increasinglyadverb
b2 - incrementnoun
c2 - incrementaladjective
c2 - incrementallyadverb
c2 - indirectadjective
b1 - indirectlyadverb
b1 - induceverb
c1 - ineffectiveadjective
c1 - ineffectivelyadverb
c2 - ineffectivenessnoun
c2 - ineffectualadjective
c2 - ineffectuallyadverb
c2 - instigateverb
c2 - instigationnoun
c2 - instigatornoun
c2 - jumpverb
b2 - jumpnoun
b2 - leadverb
a2 - leapverb
c1 - leapnoun
c1 - lowerverb
b2 - meanverb
b1 - mountverb
b2 - mountingadjective
c2 - multiplyverb
b2 - network effectnoun
c2 - nosedivenoun
c2 - nosediveverb
c2 - occasionnoun
c2 - occasionverb
c2 - on account of somebody/somethingidiom
c1 - outcomenoun
b2 - plungeverb
c1 - plungenoun
c1 - produceverb
b1 - productnoun
b2 - proliferateverb
c2 - proliferationnoun
c2 - provokeverb
c1 - raiseverb
b1 - rallyverb
c1 - reactverb
a2 - reactionnoun
b1 - reactiveadjective
c2 - reasonnoun
a1 - recoververb
b2 - recoverynoun
c1 - reduceverb
a2 - reductionnoun
b2 - repercussionnoun
c2 - responsibleadjective
b2 - resultnoun
a1 - resultverb
b1 - ripple effectnoun
c2 - riseverb
a2 - risenoun
b1 - rocketverb
c1 - rootnoun
b2 - secondaryadjective
b2 - serveverb
c2 - side effectnoun
c1 - significantadjective
b2 - significantlyadverb
b2 - sinkverb
c1 - spawnverb
c2 - spikenoun
c2 - spikeverb
c2 - spiralnoun
c1 - spiralverb
c1 - the upshotnoun
c2 - surgenoun
c1 - surgeverb
c1 - take effectidiom
c2 - therebyadverb
c1 - thereforeadverb
b1 - therein lies…idiom
c2 - thereuponadverb
c2 - thusadverb
b2 - trendnoun
b1 - triggerverb
b2 - triggernoun
c1 - underlieverb
c1 - upsurgenoun
c2 - upswingnoun
c2 - upturnnoun
c2 - upwardadjective
c1 - upwardsadverb
b2 - wherebyadverb
c1 - whereuponconjunction
c2 - ’causeconjunction
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