词汇 |
@topic_clothes-and-fashion_level=c2 |
释义 |
- acrylicnoun
c2 - A-lineadjective
c2 - ambernoun
c2 - amethystnoun
c2 - amuletnoun
c2 - ankhnoun
c2 - ankletnoun
c2 - anoraknoun
c2 - aquamarinenoun
c2 - armbandnoun
c2 - ascotnoun
c2 - attirenoun
c2 - backlessadjective
c2 - balaclavanoun
c2 - balmoralnoun
c2 - bandananoun
c2 - bandeaunoun
c2 - banglenoun
c2 - barrettenoun
c2 - basquenoun
c2 - bathernoun
c2 - baublenoun
c2 - beanienoun
c2 - bearskinnoun
c2 - becomingadjective
c2 - beretnoun
c2 - billfoldnoun
c2 - blazernoun
c2 - blingadjective
c2 - blingnoun
c2 - boaternoun
c2 - bobby pinnoun
c2 - bodicenoun
c2 - boiler suitnoun
c2 - bonnetnoun
c2 - bowlernoun
c2 - bracenoun
c2 - brassièrenoun
c2 - bridaladjective
c2 - brimnoun
c2 - broguenoun
c2 - broochnoun
c2 - burkanoun
c2 - burqanoun
c2 - busbynoun
c2 - buttonholenoun
c2 - cagoulenoun
c2 - cameonoun
c2 - caratnoun
c2 - cargo pantsnoun
c2 - cashmerenoun
c2 - charmnoun
c2 - chicnoun
c2 - chicadjective
c2 - chiffonnoun
c2 - chokernoun
c2 - claspnoun
c2 - cleatnoun
c2 - clingingadjective
c2 - clochenoun
c2 - clodhoppernoun
c2 - clognoun
c2 - close-fittingadjective
c2 - clotheverb
c2 - combatsnoun
c2 - coordinateverb
c2 - coordinatenoun
c2 - cordnoun
c2 - corduroynoun
c2 - corsetnoun
c2 - court shoenoun
c2 - couturenoun
c2 - coverallnoun
c2 - cravatnoun
c2 - crew necknoun
c2 - cross trainernoun
c2 - crêpenoun
c2 - cufflinknoun
c2 - cut-offadjective
c2 - deck shoenoun
c2 - derbynoun
c2 - DMsnoun
c2 - Doc Martensnoun
c2 - dressyadjective
c2 - Dr Martens™noun
c2 - duffel coatnoun
c2 - dummynoun
c2 - dunce’s capnoun
c2 - dungareesnoun
c2 - emeraldnoun
c2 - espadrillenoun
c2 - feather boanoun
c2 - fedoranoun
c2 - fetchingadjective
c2 - feznoun
c2 - finerynoun
c2 - flamboyantadjective
c2 - flannelnoun
c2 - flareverb
c2 - flarenoun
c2 - flaredadjective
c2 - flatteringadjective
c2 - flattiesnoun
c2 - fleecenoun
c2 - flippernoun
c2 - galoshesnoun
c2 - garishadjective
c2 - garternoun
c2 - gaudyadjective
c2 - glengarrynoun
c2 - gownnoun
c2 - gym shoenoun
c2 - haberdasherynoun
c2 - hairbandnoun
c2 - hairgripnoun
c2 - hairnetnoun
c2 - hairpinnoun
c2 - hairslidenoun
c2 - halternoun
c2 - hard hatnoun
c2 - hatbandnoun
c2 - hatpinnoun
c2 - haute couturenoun
c2 - headbandnoun
c2 - headgearnoun
c2 - headscarfnoun
c2 - hemnoun
c2 - high-topadjective
c2 - high-topsnoun
c2 - hijabnoun
c2 - hobnail bootnoun
c2 - homburgnoun
c2 - hoodynoun
c2 - hoopnoun
c2 - hosierynoun
c2 - jadenoun
c2 - jammiesnoun
c2 - jilbabnoun
c2 - jodhpursnoun
c2 - jumpernoun
c2 - kagoulnoun
c2 - karat
c2 - kitten heelsnoun
c2 - laddernoun
c2 - leisurewearnoun
c2 - leotardnoun
c2 - lingerienoun
c2 - loafernoun
c2 - locketnoun
c2 - loudadjective
c2 - macnoun
c2 - macknoun
c2 - mackintoshnoun
c2 - medallionnoun
c2 - mininoun
c2 - miternoun
c2 - mitrenoun
c2 - mittennoun
c2 - moccasinnoun
c2 - mohairnoun
c2 - mortar boardnoun
c2 - mulenoun
c2 - muslinnoun
c2 - nightcapnoun
c2 - nightgownnoun
c2 - niqabnoun
c2 - nose ringnoun
c2 - off the pegidiom
c2 - off the rackidiom
c2 - opalnoun
c2 - outerwearnoun
c2 - panamanoun
c2 - patent leathernoun
c2 - peaknoun
c2 - pendantnoun
c2 - petiteadjective
c2 - petticoatnoun
c2 - pinaforenoun
c2 - pinnynoun
c2 - pinstripenoun
c2 - pinstripedadjective
c2 - pith helmetnoun
c2 - platinumnoun
c2 - pleatnoun
c2 - plimsollnoun
c2 - plungingadjective
c2 - polo necknoun
c2 - polyesternoun
c2 - pork-pie hatnoun
c2 - pullovernoun
c2 - pumpnoun
c2 - retroadjective
c2 - revealingadjective
c2 - rhinestonenoun
c2 - ribbedadjective
c2 - robenoun
c2 - Rollerblade™noun
c2 - roller skatenoun
c2 - ruchedadjective
c2 - sandshoenoun
c2 - sapphirenoun
c2 - sarongnoun
c2 - sashnoun
c2 - satinnoun
c2 - scantyadjective
c2 - scoopedadjective
c2 - scrunchynoun
c2 - sharpadjective
c2 - silkyadjective
c2 - skate shoenoun
c2 - skid lidnoun
c2 - skimpyadjective
c2 - skinnyadjective
c2 - slingbacknoun
c2 - slinkyadjective
c2 - slipnoun
c2 - slip-onnoun
c2 - sloppyadjective
c2 - smocknoun
c2 - snappyadjective
c2 - snoodnoun
c2 - soberadjective
c2 - sola topinoun
c2 - sombreronoun
c2 - sou’westernoun
c2 - spottedadjective
c2 - stetsonnoun
c2 - stilettonoun
c2 - studnoun
c2 - suedenoun
c2 - suspendernoun
c2 - sweatbandnoun
c2 - sweatshopnoun
c2 - tailnoun
c2 - tailoredadjective
c2 - tam-o’shanternoun
c2 - tank topnoun
c2 - tarbooshnoun
c2 - tartannoun
c2 - ten-gallon hatnoun
c2 - textilenoun
c2 - thermaladjective
c2 - thermalnoun
c2 - thongnoun
c2 - tiaranoun
c2 - togglenoun
c2 - tonguenoun
c2 - topeenoun
c2 - topinoun
c2 - toquenoun
c2 - track shoenoun
c2 - trilbynoun
c2 - trimverb
c2 - trinketnoun
c2 - tunicnoun
c2 - tuque
c2 - turbannoun
c2 - turquoisenoun
c2 - turtlenecknoun
c2 - tuxedonoun
c2 - tweednoun
c2 - unflatteringadjective
c2 - Velcro™noun
c2 - visornoun
c2 - V-necknoun
c2 - V-neckedadjective
c2 - voguenoun
c2 - waistbandnoun
c2 - well cutadjective
c2 - wellingtonnoun
c2 - winkle-pickernoun
c2 - wristbandnoun
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