词汇 |
@topic_crime-and-punishment_level=c2 |
释义 |
- abductverb
c2 - abducteenoun
c2 - abductionnoun
c2 - abductornoun
c2 - ABHabbreviation
c2 - accessorynoun
c2 - actual bodily harmnoun
c2 - all-points bulletinnoun
c2 - apprehendverb
c2 - apprehensionnoun
c2 - appropriateverb
c2 - appropriationnoun
c2 - ASBOnoun
c2 - assailverb
c2 - assailantnoun
c2 - assault and batterynoun
c2 - a stay of executionidiom
c2 - autopsynoun
c2 - banishverb
c2 - banishmentnoun
c2 - batterverb
c2 - batteredadjective
c2 - batterynoun
c2 - bigamistnoun
c2 - bigamousadjective
c2 - bigamynoun
c2 - boot campnoun
c2 - bootlegverb
c2 - bootleggernoun
c2 - bootleggingnoun
c2 - borstalnoun
c2 - breaking and enteringnoun
c2 - breakoutnoun
c2 - bustverb
c2 - bustnoun
c2 - carjackverb
c2 - carjackernoun
c2 - carjackingnoun
c2 - case the jointidiom
c2 - cat burglarnoun
c2 - cautionnoun
c2 - child abusenoun
c2 - circumstantialadjective
c2 - citizen’s arrestnoun
c2 - closed-circuit televisionnoun
c2 - colludeverb
c2 - collusionnoun
c2 - commissionnoun
c2 - committalnoun
c2 - commutableadjective
c2 - complicitadjective
c2 - complicitynoun
c2 - compositenoun
c2 - connoun
c2 - converb
c2 - confinementnoun
c2 - confiscateverb
c2 - confiscationnoun
c2 - conmannoun
c2 - conspireverb
c2 - contrabandnoun
c2 - copycatadjective
c2 - corporal punishmentnoun
c2 - counterterrorismnoun
c2 - counterterroristadjective
c2 - crackverb
c2 - crime wavenoun
c2 - criminalitynoun
c2 - criminologynoun
c2 - custodialadjective
c2 - customsnoun
c2 - date rapenoun
c2 - dealingnoun
c2 - death rownoun
c2 - defamationnoun
c2 - defamatoryadjective
c2 - defameverb
c2 - defaultverb
c2 - defaulternoun
c2 - defraudverb
c2 - delinquencynoun
c2 - delinquentnoun
c2 - delinquentadjective
c2 - desperadonoun
c2 - despoilverb
c2 - detaineenoun
c2 - DNA fingerprintingnoun
c2 - do timeidiom
c2 - driving under the influencenoun
c2 - driving while intoxicatednoun
c2 - E-fit™noun
c2 - embezzleverb
c2 - embezzlementnoun
c2 - embezzlernoun
c2 - entrapmentnoun
c2 - escapeenoun
c2 - extraditeverb
c2 - extraditionnoun
c2 - false imprisonmentnoun
c2 - felonnoun
c2 - felonynoun
c2 - fiddleverb
c2 - fiddlenoun
c2 - firing squadnoun
c2 - flashverb
c2 - flashernoun
c2 - forfeitverb
c2 - forfeitnoun
c2 - fratricidenoun
c2 - fugitivenoun
c2 - furloughnoun
c2 - ganglandnoun
c2 - gangmasternoun
c2 - GBHabbreviation
c2 - genetic fingerprintnoun
c2 - genetic fingerprintingnoun
c2 - graftnoun
c2 - grand larcenynoun
c2 - grand theftnoun
c2 - grassnoun
c2 - grassverb
c2 - grievous bodily harmnoun
c2 - guillotinenoun
c2 - gunrunnernoun
c2 - gunrunningnoun
c2 - halfway housenoun
c2 - handcuffverb
c2 - hard labournoun
c2 - heistnoun
c2 - heistverb
c2 - high treasonnoun
c2 - hitmannoun
c2 - hold-upnoun
c2 - homicidenoun
c2 - hoodlumnoun
c2 - house arrestnoun
c2 - housebreakernoun
c2 - housebreakingnoun
c2 - hustleverb
c2 - hustlernoun
c2 - Identikit™noun
c2 - incarcerateverb
c2 - incarcerationnoun
c2 - incestnoun
c2 - incident roomnoun
c2 - incriminateverb
c2 - incriminatingadjective
c2 - incriminationnoun
c2 - indecent exposurenoun
c2 - infanticidenoun
c2 - informantnoun
c2 - insideadverb
c2 - insideadjective
c2 - insider tradingnoun
c2 - jailbirdnoun
c2 - jailbreaknoun
c2 - jailernoun
c2 - jailhousenoun
c2 - joyridenoun
c2 - joyridernoun
c2 - joyridingnoun
c2 - jump the lightsidiom
c2 - juvenile delinquencynoun
c2 - kerb-crawlernoun
c2 - kerb-crawlingnoun
c2 - larcenynoun
c2 - launderverb
c2 - launderernoun
c2 - lese-majestynoun
c2 - libelnoun
c2 - libelverb
c2 - libellousadjective
c2 - lifernoun
c2 - liftverb
c2 - line-upnoun
c2 - lock-upnoun
c2 - lootverb
c2 - looternoun
c2 - lootingnoun
c2 - malfeasancenoun
c2 - manhuntnoun
c2 - manslaughternoun
c2 - matricidenoun
c2 - minimum security prisonnoun
c2 - misdemeanournoun
c2 - mobsternoun
c2 - money launderernoun
c2 - money launderingnoun
c2 - mugshotnoun
c2 - mulenoun
c2 - murderessnoun
c2 - nicknoun
c2 - nickverb
c2 - no-go areanoun
c2 - non-citizennoun
c2 - open-and-shut casenoun
c2 - open prisonnoun
c2 - patricidenoun
c2 - penitentiarynoun
c2 - perjureverb
c2 - perjurernoun
c2 - perjurynoun
c2 - perpnoun
c2 - perpetrateverb
c2 - perpetrationnoun
c2 - perpetratornoun
c2 - perp walknoun
c2 - pervert the course of justiceidiom
c2 - petty larcenynoun
c2 - photofitnoun
c2 - pick somebody’s pocketidiom
c2 - pilferverb
c2 - pilferagenoun
c2 - pilferernoun
c2 - pilferingnoun
c2 - pimpnoun
c2 - pimpverb
c2 - polygraphnoun
c2 - possessionnoun
c2 - post-mortemnoun
c2 - premeditatedadjective
c2 - prisoner of consciencenoun
c2 - prison visitornoun
c2 - probation officernoun
c2 - protectionnoun
c2 - punishableadjective
c2 - purloinverb
c2 - pushverb
c2 - pushernoun
c2 - ransomverb
c2 - reformatorynoun
c2 - regicidenoun
c2 - remand centrenoun
c2 - remissionnoun
c2 - remitverb
c2 - reprieveverb
c2 - reprievenoun
c2 - restraining ordernoun
c2 - retributionnoun
c2 - retributiveadjective
c2 - rifleverb
c2 - ringnoun
c2 - ringleadernoun
c2 - riotousadjective
c2 - runverb
c2 - runnernoun
c2 - runningnoun
c2 - rustleverb
c2 - rustlernoun
c2 - rustlingnoun
c2 - scalpverb
c2 - scalpernoun
c2 - scene-of-crimeadjective
c2 - scot-freeadverb
c2 - Scotland Yardnoun
c2 - serial killernoun
c2 - skimverb
c2 - slandernoun
c2 - slanderverb
c2 - slanderousadjective
c2 - solitary confinementnoun
c2 - Special Branchnoun
c2 - stake-outnoun
c2 - stalkverb
c2 - stalkernoun
c2 - stalkingnoun
c2 - statutory offencenoun
c2 - statutory rapenoun
c2 - stick-upnoun
c2 - strip searchnoun
c2 - strip-searchverb
c2 - supergrassnoun
c2 - supermaxnoun
c2 - swindleverb
c2 - swindlenoun
c2 - swindlernoun
c2 - swipeverb
c2 - tax evasionnoun
c2 - thieverynoun
c2 - thugnoun
c2 - thuggerynoun
c2 - tip-offnoun
c2 - tipsternoun
c2 - toutverb
c2 - toutnoun
c2 - traitornoun
c2 - treasonnoun
c2 - treasonableadjective
c2 - trespassverb
c2 - trespassnoun
c2 - trespassernoun
c2 - undergroundadjective
c2 - under the counteridiom
c2 - under-the-counteradjective
c2 - unlawful killingnoun
c2 - vagrancynoun
c2 - vagrantnoun
c2 - vigilantenoun
c2 - vigilantismnoun
c2 - walk freeidiom
c2 - wantedadjective
c2 - wardennoun
c2 - wardernoun
c2 - work releasenoun
c2 - youth custodynoun
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