释义 |
- a foregone conclusionidiom
c2 - a good/safe/sure betidiom
c2 - a long shotidiom
c2 - and no mistakeidiom
c2 - an educated guessidiom
c2 - anybody’s/anyone’s guessidiom
c2 - apocryphaladjective
c2 - a prioriadjective
c2 - a question mark over/against somethingidiom
c2 - arguableadjective
c2 - as far as I knowidiom
c1 - a shot/stab in the darkidiom
c2 - (as) like as notidiom
c2 - as likely as notidiom
b1 - assureverb
c1 - assuredadjective
c1 - be close to/near the markidiom
c2 - be guaranteed to do somethingidiom
c1 - be in the bagidiom
c2 - be in with a chance (of doing something)idiom
c2 - believeverb
a1 - be no contestidiom
c2 - be off the markidiom
c2 - be staring somebody in the faceidiom
c2 - betverb
b2 - beyond (any) doubtidiom
c1 - boundadjective
b2 - buoyancynoun
c2 - buoyantadjective
c2 - calculateverb
c1 - canmodal verb
b1 - cast-ironadjective
c2 - categoricaladjective
c2 - certnoun
c2 - certainadjective
a2 - certaintynoun
b2 - certitudenoun
c2 - checknoun
a2 - check-upnoun
b2 - cinchnoun
c2 - cinchverb
c2 - cliffhangernoun
c2 - cliffhangingadjective
c2 - close, but no cigaridiom
c2 - coldadjective
c2 - concreteadjective
c1 - concretelyadverb
c1 - confidencenoun
b2 - confidentadjective
b1 - confidentlyadverb
b1 - confusionnoun
b2 - conjecturaladjective
c2 - conjecturenoun
c2 - convictionnoun
c1 - convincedadjective
b2 - couldmodal verb
b1 - cross-checkverb
c2 - cross-checknoun
c2 - debatableadjective
c1 - decidedlyadverb
c2 - definiteadjective
b1 - definitenoun
b2 - definitelyadverb
a2 - divineverb
c2 - dogmaticadjective
c2 - dogmaticallyadverb
c2 - don’t tell meidiom
c2 - doubtnoun
b1 - doubtverb
b1 - doubtfuladjective
c1 - dubiousadjective
c1 - easilyadverb
c1 - ensureverb
b2 - expectverb
b2 - expectedadjective
b1 - feel (it) in your bones (that…)idiom
c2 - finger in the airidiom
c2 - forecastnoun
b2 - forecastverb
b2 - get something in oneidiom
c2 - get something straightidiom
c2 - giveawaynoun
c2 - guaranteeverb
b2 - guaranteenoun
b2 - guarantornoun
c2 - guessverb
a1 - guessnoun
a1 - guessing gamenoun
b2 - guesstimatenoun
c2 - guessworknoun
c1 - guestimatenoun
c2 - haltingadjective
c2 - haltinglyadverb
c2 - have a good mind to do somethingidiom
c2 - have something in your pocketidiom
c2 - hazardverb
c2 - hesitateverb
b2 - hesitationnoun
c1 - hit/miss the markidiom
c2 - hotadjective
c2 - hypothesisnoun
c1 - I dare sayidiom
c2 - ifnoun
c2 - iffyadjective
c2 - I/I’ll warrant (you)idiom
c2 - imagineverb
b1 - impossibleadjective
a2 - inconclusiveadjective
c1 - inevitablenoun
b2 - inevitablyadverb
b2 - it’s early days (yet)idiom
c2 - it’s just/only a matter of time (before…)idiom
c1 - I’ll be boundidiom
c2 - judgeverb
b1 - knowverb
a1 - lend colour to somethingidiom
c2 - let the dust settleidiom
c2 - likelyadjective
a2 - lookverb
b1 - make certain of something/of doing somethingidiom
c1 - make sure (of something/that…)idiom
a2 - maymodal verb
a2 - maybeadverb
a1 - mightmodal verb
a2 - nailed onadjective
c2 - no doubtidiom
b2 - notionaladjective
c2 - not necessarilyidiom
b1 - off the top of your headidiom
c2 - on specidiom
c2 - or somebody/something/somewhereidiom
b1 - or whatidiom
c1 - ought tomodal verb
b2 - outlooknoun
c1 - paradoxnoun
c1 - paradoxicaladjective
c1 - perhapsadverb
a2 - positiveadjective
b2 - possibilitynoun
a2 - possibleadjective
a1 - possiblyadverb
b1 - predictverb
a2 - predictionnoun
b1 - presumablyadverb
c1 - presumptionnoun
c2 - probabilisticadjective
c2 - probabilitynoun
b2 - probableadjective
b2 - probablyadverb
a1 - put/set somebody straight (about/on something)idiom
c2 - put two and two togetheridiom
c2 - put your money on somebody/somethingidiom
c2 - racing certaintynoun
c2 - readverb
b2 - red-hotadjective
c2 - reputedadjective
c2 - reputedlyadverb
c2 - robustadjective
c1 - robustlyadverb
c1 - robustnessnoun
c1 - second-guessverb
c2 - shakeverb
c2 - shakyadjective
c2 - shouldmodal verb
b2 - slam dunknoun
c2 - somehowadverb
b2 - somewayadverb
c2 - speculateverb
b2 - speculationnoun
b2 - speculativeadjective
c1 - speculativelyadverb
c1 - stand a chance (of doing something)idiom
c1 - supposedlyadverb
c1 - sureadjective
b1 - sure-fireadjective
c2 - surelyadverb
b1 - surmiseverb
c2 - surmisenoun
c2 - suspectverb
b2 - suspectedadjective
c1 - take it for granted (that…)idiom
c2 - ten out of ten (for something)idiom
b2 - tentativeadjective
c1 - tentativelyadverb
c1 - ten to oneidiom
c2 - that dependsidiom
a2 - the jury is (still) out on somethingidiom
c2 - (there are) no two ways about itidiom
c2 - there is/was no question of something happening/of somebody doing somethingidiom
c1 - there’s many a slip ’twixt cup and lipidiom
c2 - thumbsucknoun
c2 - tossverb
c1 - trueadjective
a1 - truthnoun
b1 - uncertainadjective
b1 - uncertaintynoun
c1 - unclearadjective
b1 - unconvincedadjective
b2 - undeniableadjective
c1 - undeniablyadverb
c1 - underestimateverb
c1 - unlikelyadjective
b1 - unsureadjective
b1 - warmadjective
c2 - weakenverb
c1 - welladverb
c1 - willmodal verb
b1 - without/beyond (a) doubtidiom
c1 - wouldmodal verb
b2 - you bet!idiom
b2 - you can bet your life/your bottom dollar (on something/(that)…)idiom
c2 - you can bet your life/your bottom dollar (on something/(that)…)idiom
c2 - you can never tellidiom
c1 - you never knowidiom
b2 - you’ll be luckyidiom