释义 |
- academicnoun
b2 - applicantnoun
b2 - assessverb
b2 - assessmentnoun
b2 - boarding schoolnoun
b2 - calculatornoun
b2 - certificatenoun
b2 - compulsoryadjective
b2 - corridornoun
b2 - courseworknoun
b2 - curriculumnoun
b2 - disciplinenoun
b2 - disciplineverb
b2 - dormnoun
b2 - dropverb
b2 - economicsnoun
b2 - elementary schoolnoun
b2 - entrancenoun
b2 - examinationnoun
b2 - excludeverb
b2 - exercise booknoun
b2 - feenoun
b2 - free periodnoun
b2 - fundingnoun
b2 - further educationnoun
b2 - gap yearnoun
b2 - geologynoun
b2 - gradeverb
b2 - grade schoolnoun
b2 - grad schoolnoun
b2 - graduate schoolnoun
b2 - grantnoun
b2 - hall of residencenoun
b2 - headnoun
b2 - ICTnoun
b2 - institutionnoun
b2 - junior high schoolnoun
b2 - junior schoolnoun
b2 - kindergartennoun
b2 - lecture hallnoun
b2 - lecture theatrenoun
b2 - loannoun
b2 - lockernoun
b2 - markernoun
b2 - masternoun
b2 - media studiesnoun
b2 - mixedadjective
b2 - modulenoun
b2 - multiple-choiceadjective
b2 - notebooknoun
b2 - optionaladjective
b2 - periodnoun
b2 - personal statementnoun
b2 - PhDnoun
b2 - philosophynoun
b2 - playing fieldnoun
b2 - playtimenoun
b2 - postgraduatenoun
b2 - prize-givingnoun
b2 - promnoun
b2 - psychologynoun
b2 - pupilnoun
b2 - registernoun
b2 - revisionnoun
b2 - room-matenoun
b2 - rubbernoun
b2 - scholarshipnoun
b2 - secondary educationnoun
b2 - seminarnoun
b2 - senior high schoolnoun
b2 - social sciencenoun
b2 - social studiesnoun
b2 - sociologynoun
b2 - sponsorverb
b2 - sponsornoun
b2 - state schoolnoun
b2 - state universitynoun
b2 - the performing artsnoun
b2 - summer schoolnoun
b2 - teacher trainernoun
b2 - teacher trainingnoun
b2 - term timenoun
b2 - textbooknoun
b2 - thesisnoun
b2 - traineenoun
b2 - tutorverb
b2 - tutorialnoun
b2 - visitingadjective
b2 - workbooknoun
b2 - worksheetnoun