词汇 |
@topic_film-and-theatre |
释义 |
- actverb
a2 - actnoun
c1 - actingnoun
a2 - actionnoun
b2 - actionernoun
c2 - action filmnoun
b1 - action movienoun
b1 - actornoun
a1 - actor-managernoun
c1 - actressnoun
a1 - adaptverb
b2 - adaptationnoun
c1 - ad libadverb
c2 - ad libnoun
c2 - ad-libverb
c2 - ad-libadjective
c2 - agentnoun
b1 - aislenoun
b2 - allegorynoun
c2 - amateur dramaticsnoun
c2 - animateverb
c1 - animatedadjective
b2 - animationnoun
b2 - animenoun
c2 - appearverb
b2 - art directornoun
c1 - artistic directornoun
c1 - asidenoun
c2 - audiencenoun
a2 - auditionverb
c2 - auditoriumnoun
c2 - backclothnoun
c1 - backdropnoun
c1 - backlotnoun
c2 - backstageadverb
c2 - backstorynoun
c1 - baddynoun
c2 - balconynoun
c2 - balletnoun
b2 - be in the canidiom
c2 - benefitnoun
c2 - billnoun
c2 - biopicnoun
c2 - bit partnoun
c2 - bit playernoun
c2 - black and whiteidiom
a2 - blockbusternoun
c1 - blockbustingadjective
c2 - Blu-raynoun
c1 - Blu-ray Disc™noun
c1 - B-movienoun
c2 - bodice-rippernoun
c2 - body doublenoun
c2 - Bollywoodnoun
c1 - bookingnoun
b2 - booking officenoun
b2 - box officenoun
b2 - B-picturenoun
c2 - Broadwaynoun
c1 - buddy movienoun
c2 - buffnoun
c2 - cameonoun
c2 - cameranoun
a1 - cameramannoun
b1 - camerawomannoun
b1 - cameraworknoun
c1 - canisternoun
c2 - cartoonnoun
a2 - castverb
c1 - castnoun
b2 - castingnoun
c1 - celluloidnoun
c2 - CGIabbreviation
c2 - characternoun
a2 - character actornoun
c1 - chick flicknoun
c2 - chorusnoun
c2 - cinemanoun
a1 - cinemagoernoun
c1 - cinematographynoun
c2 - circlenoun
c2 - clapperboardnoun
c2 - classicnoun
b2 - cliffhangernoun
c2 - climaxnoun
c1 - clipnoun
b2 - close-upnoun
c1 - colorizeverb
c2 - colourizeverb
c2 - comedynoun
a2 - comedy of mannersnoun
c2 - continuitynoun
c2 - co-starnoun
c1 - costumenoun
b1 - costume dramanoun
c1 - costumiernoun
c2 - coup de théâtrenoun
c2 - criticnoun
b2 - cuenoun
b2 - curtainnoun
b1 - curtain callnoun
c2 - curtain-upnoun
c2 - cutverb
c1 - cutnoun
c1 - denouementnoun
c2 - detective storynoun
a2 - dialoguenoun
a1 - directverb
b1 - directionnoun
c1 - directornoun
a2 - director’s chairnoun
b2 - director’s cutnoun
c2 - dollynoun
c2 - doormannoun
c1 - doublenoun
b2 - downstageadverb
c2 - dramanoun
a2 - dramaticadjective
b2 - dramatic ironynoun
c2 - dramatis personaenoun
c2 - dramatistnoun
c1 - dramatizeverb
c1 - dressernoun
c1 - dressing roomnoun
c2 - dress rehearsalnoun
c1 - drive-innoun
c2 - drop curtainnoun
c2 - dubverb
c1 - DVDnoun
a1 - editverb
b2 - editornoun
b2 - enactverb
c2 - endingnoun
a2 - entr’actenoun
c2 - epicnoun
c1 - epiloguenoun
c2 - exitnoun
c1 - extranoun
c1 - farcenoun
c2 - featurenoun
c1 - feature filmnoun
c1 - feature-lengthadjective
c2 - fictionalizeverb
c2 - filmnoun
a1 - filmgoernoun
c1 - film-makernoun
c1 - film noirnoun
c2 - film starnoun
a1 - filmstripnoun
c2 - first nightnoun
c2 - flashbacknoun
c2 - fleapitnoun
c2 - floodlightnoun
c1 - flopverb
c2 - flopnoun
c2 - footagenoun
c1 - footlightsnoun
c2 - foyernoun
c2 - framenoun
c1 - freezeverb
c2 - freeze-framenoun
c2 - fringe theatrenoun
c2 - front of housenoun
c2 - gaffernoun
c2 - gallerynoun
c2 - gangwaynoun
c2 - genrenoun
b2 - godnoun
c2 - goodienoun
c2 - goodynoun
c2 - green roomnoun
c2 - gripnoun
c2 - hamnoun
c2 - HDnoun
c1 - heart-throbnoun
c2 - heronoun
a2 - heroinenoun
a2 - Hollywoodnoun
a2 - Hollywood endingnoun
c2 - home cinemanoun
b1 - home theaternoun
b1 - horrornoun
b1 - housenoun
c2 - intercutverb
c2 - interludenoun
c2 - intermissionnoun
c2 - interpretationnoun
c1 - intervalnoun
b2 - kabukinoun
c2 - key gripnoun
c2 - leadnoun
c1 - leading ladynoun
c1 - lighting engineernoun
b2 - linenoun
b1 - locationnoun
b1 - love interestnoun
c1 - Mnoun
c1 - make-upnoun
b2 - managernoun
b2 - masquenoun
c2 - masternoun
c2 - masterpiecenoun
b2 - masterworknoun
c2 - matineenoun
c2 - matinee idolnoun
c2 - megastarnoun
c2 - melodramanoun
c2 - merchandisingnoun
c2 - method actingnoun
c2 - mezzaninenoun
c2 - mimenoun
c2 - miscastverb
c2 - mixernoun
c2 - monologuenoun
c2 - montagenoun
c2 - morality playnoun
c2 - motion picturenoun
c2 - movienoun
a1 - moviegoernoun
c1 - movie starnoun
a1 - movie theaternoun
a1 - multiplexnoun
c1 - musicalnoun
b1 - music hallnoun
c2 - mystery playnoun
c2 - narrateverb
c1 - nativity playnoun
c2 - new wavenoun
c2 - off-Broadwayadjective
c2 - offstageadjective
c2 - offstageadverb
c2 - onstageadjective
c2 - onstageadverb
c2 - openingnoun
b2 - opening nightnoun
b2 - orchestranoun
c2 - orchestra pitnoun
c2 - out-takenoun
c2 - ovationnoun
c2 - overactverb
c2 - pantomimenoun
c2 - partnoun
b1 - performverb
a2 - performancenoun
b1 - performernoun
b1 - period piecenoun
c2 - PGabbreviation
c2 - playnoun
a1 - playbillnoun
c2 - playernoun
c2 - playgoernoun
c1 - playwrightnoun
c1 - plotnoun
b1 - plugverb
c2 - portrayverb
c1 - potboilernoun
c2 - premierenoun
c1 - pre-productionnoun
c2 - pre-productionadjective
c2 - prequelnoun
c2 - press agentnoun
c2 - previewnoun
b2 - previewverb
b1 - prima donnanoun
c2 - produceverb
b2 - producernoun
b1 - productionnoun
b2 - production numbernoun
c2 - projectornoun
c1 - prologuenoun
c2 - promoternoun
c1 - promptverb
c2 - promptnoun
c2 - prompternoun
c2 - propnoun
c2 - prosceniumnoun
c2 - protagonistnoun
c2 - psychodramanoun
c2 - publicistnoun
c2 - Rabbreviation
c2 - ratingnoun
c2 - rave reviewnoun
c2 - read-throughnoun
c2 - reelnoun
c1 - rehearsalnoun
b2 - rehearseverb
b2 - releaseverb
b2 - releasenoun
b2 - remakenoun
c1 - reviewnoun
a2 - reviewverb
a2 - revivalnoun
c2 - revuenoun
c2 - road movienoun
c1 - rolenoun
a2 - romcomnoun
c2 - rough cutnoun
c2 - routinenoun
b2 - running timenoun
c2 - run-throughnoun
c2 - safety curtainnoun
c2 - scenarionoun
b2 - scenenoun
a2 - scenerynoun
b1 - scene-shifternoun
c2 - scene-shiftingnoun
c2 - science fictionnoun
a2 - sci-finoun
b2 - scorenoun
c1 - screennoun
a2 - screenverb
b2 - screeningnoun
b2 - screenplaynoun
c1 - screen testnoun
c2 - screenwriternoun
b2 - scriptnoun
b1 - sell-outnoun
c2 - sequelnoun
c1 - sequencenoun
c2 - setverb
b1 - setnoun
b2 - set piecenoun
c2 - settingnoun
b1 - shootverb
b2 - shootingnoun
b2 - shortnoun
c2 - shotnoun
b2 - show businessnoun
b2 - showingnoun
c1 - silentadjective
b2 - sketchnoun
c1 - slashernoun
c2 - sleepernoun
c2 - smashnoun
c2 - soliloquynoun
c2 - soundnoun
a1 - sound effectnoun
b2 - sound stagenoun
c2 - soundtracknoun
c1 - spaghetti westernnoun
c2 - special effectsnoun
b1 - speechnoun
b1 - spin-offnoun
c2 - spoilernoun
c2 - spoofnoun
c2 - spotlightnoun
c1 - stagenoun
b1 - stageverb
b2 - stagecraftnoun
c2 - stage directionnoun
c2 - stage doornoun
c2 - stagehandnoun
c2 - stage leftadverb
c2 - stage managernoun
c2 - stage rightadverb
c2 - stage-struckadjective
c2 - stage whispernoun
c2 - stallnoun
c2 - stand-innoun
c2 - starnoun
a1 - starletnoun
c2 - the big screennoun
c2 - the performing artsnoun
b2 - the silver screennoun
c2 - stillnoun
c2 - storyboardnoun
c2 - storyboardverb
c2 - storyboardingnoun
c2 - story editornoun
c2 - storylinenoun
b2 - studionoun
b1 - stuntnoun
b2 - stuntmannoun
c1 - stuntwomannoun
c1 - subplotnoun
c2 - subtitlenoun
b2 - superheronoun
b1 - superstarnoun
b1 - supportingadjective
c2 - surtitlesnoun
c2 - takenoun
c1 - takingsnoun
c2 - talkienoun
c2 - tear-jerkernoun
c2 - telefilmnoun
c2 - tensionnoun
b2 - theatrenoun
a1 - theatregoernoun
c1 - theatre-goingadjective
c1 - theatricaladjective
c1 - theme musicnoun
c1 - thrillernoun
b1 - toutnoun
c2 - tragediannoun
c2 - tragedynoun
b2 - tragicomedynoun
c2 - trailernoun
c1 - troupernoun
c2 - twistnoun
c1 - two-handernoun
c2 - typecastverb
c2 - Uabbreviation
c2 - understudynoun
c2 - upper circlenoun
c2 - upstageadverb
c2 - ushernoun
c2 - usherettenoun
c2 - varietynoun
c2 - vaudevillenoun
c2 - villainnoun
b2 - voice-overnoun
c1 - wardrobenoun
c2 - wardrobe masternoun
c2 - wardrobe mistressnoun
c2 - weepynoun
c2 - westernnoun
b1 - whodunnitnoun
c2 - wind machinenoun
b2 - wingnoun
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