词汇 |
@topic_history |
释义 |
- abbeynoun
b2 - abdicateverb
c2 - abolitionnoun
c1 - aboriginaladjective
c2 - accedeverb
c2 - accessionnoun
c2 - actionnoun
b2 - ADabbreviation
c1 - agenoun
b2 - agrarian revolutionnoun
c2 - ahistoricaladjective
c2 - amphitheatrenoun
c2 - anachronismnoun
c2 - anachronisticadjective
c2 - ancestornoun
b2 - ancestrynoun
c1 - ancientadjective
a2 - ancientlyadverb
c2 - Anglo-Saxonnoun
c1 - Anglo-Saxonadjective
c1 - annexverb
c2 - antiquitynoun
c2 - archaeologicaladjective
b2 - archaeologistnoun
b2 - archaeologynoun
b2 - archaicadjective
c2 - archeologist
b2 - archernoun
c2 - archivenoun
c1 - archiveverb
c2 - aristocracynoun
c1 - aristocratnoun
c1 - armournoun
c1 - arrownoun
b2 - art historynoun
b1 - barbariannoun
c2 - baronnoun
c1 - baroqueadjective
c2 - bathnoun
c1 - battlenoun
b1 - battlefieldnoun
c1 - battlementsnoun
c2 - BCabbreviation
c1 - BCEabbreviation
c1 - beheadverb
c2 - belle époquenoun
c2 - bibliographernoun
c2 - bibliographicaladjective
c2 - bibliographynoun
c1 - bownoun
c1 - bygoneadjective
c2 - cabbreviation
c2 - Cambrianadjective
c2 - cannonnoun
c1 - carboniferousadjective
c2 - carriagenoun
c1 - castlenoun
a2 - cavalrynoun
c2 - CEabbreviation
c1 - cedeverb
c2 - Celticadjective
c2 - centurynoun
a1 - chaperonenoun
c2 - chapternoun
c1 - chariotnoun
c1 - chroniclenoun
c2 - chronologicaladjective
c1 - chronologynoun
c1 - circapreposition
c2 - civilizationnoun
b2 - civil warnoun
c1 - classicaladjective
b2 - coachnoun
c2 - cobblesnoun
c2 - colonynoun
b2 - commonwealthnoun
c2 - conquerverb
c1 - conquerornoun
c1 - conquestnoun
c2 - contemporaryadjective
b2 - continental driftnoun
c2 - coronationnoun
c2 - costumenoun
b1 - Cretaceousadjective
c2 - crownnoun
c1 - crownverb
c1 - crusadenoun
c2 - czarnoun
c2 - datenoun
a1 - daynoun
b1 - descendantnoun
c1 - descentnoun
c2 - dignoun
c2 - drawbridgenoun
c2 - dungeonnoun
c1 - Egyptologistnoun
c2 - Egyptologynoun
c2 - emperornoun
b2 - empirenoun
b2 - empressnoun
c2 - enlightenmentnoun
c1 - epochnoun
c2 - epoch-makingadjective
c2 - eranoun
b2 - etymologicaladjective
c2 - etymologynoun
c2 - excavateverb
c2 - exhibitnoun
b2 - explorernoun
b1 - feudaladjective
c2 - feudalismnoun
c2 - formeradjective
b2 - formerlyadverb
b2 - fortnoun
c1 - fortificationnoun
c2 - fortressnoun
c1 - foundverb
b2 - galleynoun
c2 - gallowsnoun
c2 - genealogicaladjective
c2 - genealogistnoun
c2 - genealogynoun
c2 - generationnoun
b1 - Georgianadjective
c2 - gladiatornoun
c1 - golden agenoun
c1 - griotnoun
c2 - guynoun
c2 - Hellenisticadjective
c2 - heraldicadjective
c2 - heraldrynoun
c2 - heritagenoun
c1 - hieroglyphicsnoun
c2 - historiannoun
b2 - historicadjective
b1 - historicaladjective
b1 - historical linguisticsnoun
c2 - historicallyadverb
b1 - historicismnoun
c2 - historiographicaladjective
c2 - historiographynoun
c2 - historynoun
a1 - ice agenoun
c1 - imperialadjective
c1 - industrializeverb
c2 - invasionnoun
b2 - inventionnoun
a2 - Jurassicadjective
c2 - kingnoun
a2 - kingdomnoun
c1 - knightnoun
b2 - majestynoun
c1 - make historyidiom
c1 - mediaevaladjective
b2 - medievaladjective
c1 - moatnoun
c2 - modernadjective
a1 - monumentnoun
b2 - mummynoun
c2 - musicologistnoun
c2 - musicologynoun
c2 - mythnoun
b2 - mythologynoun
c1 - Neanderthalnoun
c2 - Neanderthaladjective
c2 - Neolithicadjective
c2 - noblenoun
c1 - onomasticsnoun
c2 - originnoun
b2 - pagenoun
c2 - pageantnoun
c2 - palacenoun
a2 - palaeontologynoun
c2 - paleontologynoun
c2 - papyrusnoun
c2 - pastadjective
a1 - pastverb
a1 - peasantnoun
c1 - periodnoun
a1 - periodadjective
c2 - period piecenoun
c2 - pilgrimnoun
c1 - post-waradjective
c1 - prehistoricadjective
c1 - prehistorynoun
c2 - primaevaladjective
c2 - primevaladjective
c2 - primitiveadjective
c1 - pyramidnoun
b2 - queennoun
a2 - reformationnoun
c2 - Regencyadjective
c2 - reignnoun
c1 - reignnoun
c1 - reign of terrornoun
c2 - relicnoun
c2 - renaissancenoun
c1 - restorationnoun
c2 - revolutionnoun
b2 - Romanadjective
a2 - ruinnoun
b2 - scaffoldnoun
c2 - shieldnoun
c1 - Sinologistnoun
c2 - Sinologynoun
c2 - spearnoun
c1 - the Bronze Agenoun
c2 - the Cambriannoun
c2 - the Christian eranoun
c2 - the Cretaceousnoun
c2 - the dark agesnoun
c2 - the Industrial Revolutionnoun
c1 - the Iron Agenoun
c2 - the Jurassicnoun
c2 - the Middle Agesnoun
c1 - the Stone Agenoun
c1 - stone-ageadjective
c1 - successornoun
c1 - swordnoun
c1 - the history booksidiom
c2 - timenoun
a2 - tsarnoun
c2 - tsarinanoun
c2 - tzarnoun
c2 - Victorianadjective
c1 - Victoriannoun
c1 - wartimenoun
b2 - wartimeadjective
b2 - zeitgeistnoun
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