词汇 |
@topic_houses-and-homes_level=c2 |
释义 |
- A-framenoun
c2 - alcovenoun
c2 - almshousenoun
c2 - annexenoun
c2 - appraisernoun
c2 - arrearsnoun
c2 - bachelor padnoun
c2 - back-to-backnoun
c2 - baseboardnoun
c2 - bay windownoun
c2 - bedsitnoun
c2 - be in arrearsidiom
c2 - birdcagenoun
c2 - boardernoun
c2 - boarding housenoun
c2 - boiler roomnoun
c2 - bondnoun
c2 - box roomnoun
c2 - breezewaynoun
c2 - bridging loannoun
c2 - brownstonenoun
c2 - building societynoun
c2 - bureaunoun
c2 - camp bednoun
c2 - canopynoun
c2 - cat flapnoun
c2 - chainnoun
c2 - chimney stacknoun
c2 - chintznoun
c2 - cisternnoun
c2 - condonoun
c2 - condominiumnoun
c2 - conservatorynoun
c2 - cornicenoun
c2 - deednoun
c2 - detailingnoun
c2 - dispossessverb
c2 - dispossessionnoun
c2 - doorknobnoun
c2 - door knockernoun
c2 - downspoutnoun
c2 - drainnoun
c2 - drainpipenoun
c2 - drapenoun
c2 - drawing roomnoun
c2 - dressernoun
c2 - dressing roomnoun
c2 - dressing tablenoun
c2 - duplexnoun
c2 - dusternoun
c2 - dwellingnoun
c2 - easy chairnoun
c2 - Entryphone™noun
c2 - evictionnoun
c2 - exchangeverb
c2 - facadenoun
c2 - fittingnoun
c2 - forecloseverb
c2 - foyernoun
c2 - freeholdnoun
c2 - freeholdadverb
c2 - freeholdadjective
c2 - free-standingadjective
c2 - friezenoun
c2 - frontagenoun
c2 - furnishingsnoun
c2 - fuse boxnoun
c2 - futonnoun
c2 - gablenoun
c2 - gasometernoun
c2 - gazumpverb
c2 - gazumpingnoun
c2 - gazunderverb
c2 - gazunderingnoun
c2 - granny flatnoun
c2 - gutteringnoun
c2 - hangverb
c2 - hangingnoun
c2 - hatchnoun
c2 - high chairnoun
c2 - house-sitverb
c2 - housing benefitnoun
c2 - immersion heaternoun
c2 - in arrearsidiom
c2 - Jacuzzi™noun
c2 - knick-knacknoun
c2 - knockernoun
c2 - lampshadenoun
c2 - lardernoun
c2 - lavatorynoun
c2 - leaseholdnoun
c2 - leaseholdernoun
c2 - lesseenoun
c2 - lessornoun
c2 - linonoun
c2 - linoleumnoun
c2 - lodgernoun
c2 - lodgingnoun
c2 - log cabinnoun
c2 - mainnoun
c2 - maisonettenoun
c2 - mantelpiecenoun
c2 - mews housenoun
c2 - mezzaninenoun
c2 - mobile homenoun
c2 - mod connoun
c2 - mortgage bondnoun
c2 - mouldingnoun
c2 - negative equitynoun
c2 - noticenoun
c2 - nurserynoun
c2 - occupancynoun
c2 - occupiernoun
c2 - ornamentnoun
c2 - ornamentverb
c2 - owner-occupiernoun
c2 - pailnoun
c2 - panic roomnoun
c2 - pantrynoun
c2 - partitionnoun
c2 - picture railnoun
c2 - pilenoun
c2 - plugholenoun
c2 - plungernoun
c2 - pokernoun
c2 - prefabnoun
c2 - quantity surveyornoun
c2 - radiatornoun
c2 - ratenoun
c2 - real estatenoun
c2 - Realtor™noun
c2 - realtynoun
c2 - reception roomnoun
c2 - recreation roomnoun
c2 - rec roomnoun
c2 - redecorationnoun
c2 - remortgageverb
c2 - removal vannoun
c2 - removernoun
c2 - repossessverb
c2 - repossessionnoun
c2 - residents’ associationnoun
c2 - rocking chairnoun
c2 - roomernoun
c2 - roomienoun
c2 - rotanoun
c2 - safe roomnoun
c2 - savings and loan associationnoun
c2 - setteenoun
c2 - sideboardnoun
c2 - skirting boardnoun
c2 - soft furnishingsnoun
c2 - soil pipenoun
c2 - split-leveladjective
c2 - spring-cleanverb
c2 - spring cleaningnoun
c2 - squatnoun
c2 - squatternoun
c2 - stairwellnoun
c2 - stately homenoun
c2 - stiltnoun
c2 - stoopnoun
c2 - subleaseverb
c2 - subletverb
c2 - summer housenoun
c2 - terracenoun
c2 - thatchnoun
c2 - title deednoun
c2 - title-holdernoun
c2 - town housenoun
c2 - tumble dryernoun
c2 - two-up two-downnoun
c2 - utility roomnoun
c2 - vacant possessionnoun
c2 - ventnoun
c2 - ventilatornoun
c2 - verandanoun
c2 - wallpapernoun
c2 - wallpaperverb
c2 - weathervanenoun
c2 - Welsh dressernoun
c2 - white goodsnoun
c2 - window ledgenoun
c2 - worktopnoun
c2 - yurtnoun
c2 - zappernoun
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