释义 |
- abbreviationnoun
b1 - ablativeadjective
c2 - ablativenoun
c2 - abstract nounnoun
b2 - accentnoun
b2 - accusativeadjective
c2 - accusativenoun
c2 - activeadjective
b1 - activenoun
b1 - acute accentnoun
c2 - adjectivaladjective
c2 - adjectivenoun
a1 - advancedadjective
b1 - adverbnoun
a1 - adverbialadjective
b1 - affirmativeadjective
c1 - affixnoun
c1 - Afrikaansnoun
c2 - agreeverb
b2 - agreementnoun
b2 - alliterationnoun
c2 - allophonenoun
c2 - allusionnoun
c2 - alphabetnoun
a1 - ampersandnoun
c2 - analogynoun
c1 - anaphornoun
c2 - anaphoranoun
c2 - Anglicismnoun
c2 - Anglo-Saxonnoun
c1 - anthropomorphicadjective
c2 - anthropomorphismnoun
c2 - antithesisnoun
c2 - apostrophenoun
b1 - appositionnoun
c2 - appositionaladjective
c2 - appositionalnoun
c2 - Arabicnoun
a2 - Aramaicnoun
c2 - archaismnoun
c2 - argumentnoun
b1 - articlenoun
b1 - articulateverb
c1 - articulateadjective
c1 - aspiratenoun
c2 - aspirateverb
c2 - assonancenoun
c2 - asterisknoun
c2 - attributiveadjective
c2 - auraladjective
c2 - auxiliarynoun
b1 - backslashnoun
c2 - Bahasa Indonesianoun
c2 - Bahasa Malaysianoun
c2 - Banglanoun
c2 - Basquenoun
c2 - beginnernoun
b1 - Bengalinoun
c1 - bilabialnoun
c2 - binomialnoun
c2 - bracenoun
c2 - bracketnoun
c1 - Bretonnoun
c2 - broadadjective
c2 - bullet pointnoun
b2 - cacophonynoun
c2 - calquenoun
c2 - Cantonesenoun
c2 - cardinalnoun
c2 - Caribnoun
c2 - Catalannoun
c2 - cataphornoun
c2 - cataphoranoun
c2 - cedillanoun
c2 - chiasmusnoun
c2 - Chinesenoun
a2 - circumflexnoun
c2 - circumlocutionnoun
c2 - clausenoun
b1 - closed syllablenoun
c2 - clusternoun
c1 - coherentadjective
c1 - coinagenoun
c2 - collocationnoun
a2 - colloquialismnoun
c2 - colonnoun
c1 - commanoun
a2 - common nounnoun
b2 - communicationnoun
b1 - comparativeadjective
a2 - comparativenoun
a2 - complementnoun
b2 - compoundnoun
b2 - compoundadjective
b2 - conditionaladjective
a2 - conditionalnoun
a2 - conjugateverb
c2 - conjunctionnoun
b1 - consonantnoun
a2 - continuantadjective
c2 - continuantnoun
c2 - continuousadjective
b1 - contractionnoun
b1 - Cornishnoun
c2 - countableadjective
a1 - count nounnoun
a1 - Creolenoun
c2 - Danishnoun
b2 - dashnoun
b2 - dativenoun
c2 - dativeadjective
c2 - declensionnoun
c2 - declineverb
c2 - definingadjective
b1 - definite articlenoun
b1 - deonticadjective
c2 - dependent clausenoun
b2 - derivativenoun
c2 - descriptornoun
c2 - determinernoun
b1 - Dharuknoun
c2 - diaeresisnoun
c2 - dialectnoun
c1 - diphthongnoun
c1 - direct objectnoun
b1 - direct speechnoun
b1 - dittonoun
c2 - dotnoun
b2 - double negativenoun
b2 - drillnoun
c2 - drillverb
c2 - elideverb
c2 - elisionnoun
c2 - ellipsisnoun
c1 - ellipticaladjective
c2 - endingnoun
a2 - Englishnoun
a1 - enjambementnoun
c2 - epithetnoun
c2 - Ersenoun
c2 - Etruscannoun
c2 - etymologicaladjective
c2 - etymologynoun
c2 - euphemismnoun
c1 - exclamationnoun
b1 - exclamation marknoun
b1 - expressionnoun
a2 - fablenoun
c1 - faultlessadjective
c2 - feminineadjective
c1 - femininenoun
c1 - Filipinonoun
c2 - Flemishnoun
c2 - fluencynoun
b2 - fluentadjective
b1 - formnoun
a1 - formverb
a1 - Frenchnoun
a1 - fricativenoun
c2 - futurenoun
a1 - gabbleverb
c2 - Gaelicnoun
c2 - Gaulishnoun
c2 - gendernoun
c1 - genitivenoun
c2 - genitiveadjective
c2 - Germannoun
a1 - gerundnoun
b1 - glidenoun
c2 - glottalnoun
c2 - glottal stopnoun
c2 - grammarnoun
b2 - grammaticaladjective
b1 - gravenoun
c2 - Greeknoun
a2 - Gujaratinoun
c2 - Gullahnoun
c2 - Hausanoun
c2 - Hebrewnoun
c2 - holophrasisnoun
c2 - homographnoun
c1 - homonymnoun
c1 - homophonenoun
c1 - homophonousadjective
c2 - hyperbolenoun
c2 - hyphennoun
b2 - hyphenateverb
c1 - Ibonoun
c2 - idiolectnoun
c2 - idiomnoun
c1 - idiomaticadjective
b2 - Igbonoun
c2 - imperativeadjective
b1 - imperativenoun
b1 - imperfectnoun
c2 - inarticulateadjective
c2 - incomprehensibilitynoun
c2 - incomprehensibleadjective
c1 - indefinite articlenoun
b1 - independent clausenoun
c2 - indicativeadjective
c2 - indicativenoun
c2 - indirect objectnoun
b1 - indirect speechnoun
b1 - infinitivenoun
a1 - inflectionnoun
c2 - innuendonoun
c2 - interjectionnoun
c1 - intermediateadjective
c1 - intermediatenoun
b2 - internal rhymenoun
c2 - interrogativeadjective
b1 - interrogativenoun
c1 - intonationnoun
b1 - intransitiveadjective
b2 - inversionnoun
c1 - inverted commasnoun
c2 - Irishnoun
b1 - ironicadjective
c1 - ironynoun
c1 - irregularadjective
a2 - isiXhosanoun
c2 - isiZulunoun
c2 - Italiannoun
a1 - Javanesenoun
c2 - Kannadanoun
c2 - Khmernoun
c2 - Kiswahilinoun
c1 - labialnoun
c2 - labiodentalnoun
c2 - labiovelarnoun
c2 - Lahndanoun
c2 - languagenoun
a1 - language transfernoun
c2 - Latinnoun
a2 - lexemenoun
c2 - lexical unitnoun
c2 - linguisticadjective
b2 - linguisticsnoun
c2 - litotesnoun
c2 - loan translationnoun
c2 - locativeadjective
c2 - main clausenoun
b1 - malapropismnoun
c2 - Malaynoun
c2 - Malayalamnoun
c2 - Maltesenoun
c2 - Maorinoun
c1 - Marathinoun
c2 - masculineadjective
c1 - masculinenoun
c1 - masterverb
b2 - metaphornoun
b2 - metonymynoun
c2 - Middle Englishnoun
c2 - modalnoun
a2 - moodnoun
c2 - morphemenoun
c2 - Nahuatlnoun
c2 - nasaladjective
c2 - native speakernoun
b1 - negativeadjective
a1 - neologismnoun
c2 - neuteradjective
c1 - nominativenoun
c2 - nominativeadjective
c2 - non-countadjective
c2 - non-definingadjective
c1 - non sequiturnoun
c2 - Norsenoun
c2 - nounnoun
a1 - numbernoun
b2 - objectnoun
b1 - Occitannoun
c2 - Old Englishnoun
c1 - Old Norsenoun
c2 - onomatopoeianoun
c2 - oraladjective
c1 - oralnoun
c1 - ordinalnoun
c1 - Oriyanoun
c2 - oxymoronnoun
c2 - palatalnoun
c2 - palindromenoun
c2 - paradoxnoun
c1 - paragraphnoun
a1 - parenthesisnoun
c1 - parseverb
c2 - participlenoun
a2 - particlenoun
b2 - part of speechnoun
b1 - Pashtonoun
c2 - passiveadjective
b1 - passivenoun
b1 - pastadjective
a1 - pastnoun
a1 - past participlenoun
a2 - pathetic fallacynoun
c2 - perfectadjective
a2 - perfectverb
c1 - perfectnoun
a2 - periodnoun
b1 - Persiannoun
c2 - personnoun
b2 - personal pronounnoun
b2 - Phoeniciannoun
c2 - phonemenoun
c2 - phoneticsnoun
c1 - phrasal verbnoun
a1 - phrasenoun
a1 - Pictishnoun
c2 - pitchnoun
c1 - pleonasmnoun
c2 - plosivenoun
c2 - pluperfectnoun
c2 - pluralnoun
a1 - pluraladjective
a1 - pointnoun
b1 - polishnoun
c2 - Polishnoun
a2 - portmanteau wordnoun
c2 - Portuguesenoun
a2 - positiveadjective
a1 - possessiveadjective
a2 - possessivenoun
a2 - pound signnoun
c2 - practiseverb
a1 - pragmaticsnoun
c2 - predeterminernoun
c2 - predicativeadjective
c2 - prefixnoun
b1 - prepositionnoun
a1 - prepositionaladjective
b1 - presentnoun
a1 - present participlenoun
a2 - primary stressnoun
c1 - principal partsnoun
c2 - progressiveadjective
b1 - pronounnoun
a1 - pronunciationnoun
a1 - proper nounnoun
b1 - prosodynoun
c2 - Proto-Indo-Europeannoun
c2 - proverbnoun
b2 - punnoun
c2 - punctuateverb
c1 - punctuationnoun
a2 - punctuation marknoun
a2 - Punjabinoun
c2 - Quechuanoun
c2 - question marknoun
a2 - question tagnoun
a2 - quotation marksnoun
b1 - quoteverb
b1 - quotenoun
b2 - reflexiveadjective
b1 - regularadjective
a2 - relativeadjective
b1 - reported speechnoun
b1 - rhetoricaladjective
c1 - rhoticadjective
c2 - rollverb
c2 - Romaninoun
c2 - round bracketnoun
c1 - roundedadjective
c2 - Russiannoun
a2 - rustyadjective
c2 - Sanskritnoun
c2 - sarcasmnoun
c2 - satirenoun
c2 - sayingnoun
b1 - schwanoun
b2 - secondary stressnoun
c1 - semanticsnoun
c2 - semicolonnoun
c1 - sentencenoun
a1 - Shonanoun
c2 - shwanoun
b2 - sibilantnoun
c2 - similenoun
b2 - Sindhinoun
c2 - singularnoun
a1 - singularadjective
a1 - Sinhalesenoun
c2 - slangnoun
b2 - slashnoun
c1 - Spanishnoun
a1 - spellverb
a1 - spellingnoun
a1 - spirantnoun
c2 - spoonerismnoun
c2 - stammerverb
c2 - the first personnoun
b2 - the past perfectnoun
b1 - the present perfectnoun
a2 - the present tensenoun
a1 - stressnoun
a2 - stressverb
a2 - stressedadjective
a2 - stress marknoun
c1 - stress-timedadjective
c2 - stumbleverb
c2 - subjectnoun
a1 - subjunctiveadjective
c1 - subjunctivenoun
c1 - subordinate clausenoun
b2 - suffixnoun
b1 - superlativeadjective
a2 - superlativenoun
a2 - Swahilinoun
c1 - syllabicadjective
c2 - syllablenoun
a2 - syllable-timedadjective
c2 - syncopenoun
c2 - syntaxnoun
c2 - Tagalognoun
c2 - tag questionnoun
b1 - Tainonoun
c2 - Tamilnoun
c1 - tapnoun
c2 - tautologynoun
c2 - Telugunoun
c2 - tensenoun
a1 - thornnoun
c2 - tildenoun
c2 - timbrenoun
c2 - Tok Pisinnoun
c2 - tonenoun
c1 - transitiveadjective
b1 - trillnoun
c2 - truismnoun
c2 - Turkishnoun
b2 - umlautnoun
c2 - uncountableadjective
a1 - uncount nounnoun
a1 - ungrammaticaladjective
b2 - unroundedadjective
c2 - unvoicedadjective
c1 - Urdunoun
c1 - uvularadjective
c2 - Vedicnoun
c2 - velarnoun
c2 - verbnoun
a1 - verbaladjective
c1 - vocativeadjective
c2 - vocativenoun
c2 - voicenoun
b2 - voiceverb
c1 - voicedadjective
c1 - voicelessadjective
c1 - vowelnoun
a2 - Welshnoun
b1 - Wiradhurinoun
c2 - wordnoun
a1 - Xhosanoun
c2 - Yiddishnoun
c2 - Yorubanoun
c2 - Yuenoun
c2 - zeugmanoun
c2 - Zulunoun