释义 |
- acquitverb
c1 - actnoun
b1 - actionnoun
b2 - adoptverb
b2 - adoptionnoun
c1 - advocatenoun
c2 - affidavitnoun
c2 - age of consentnoun
c2 - agreementnoun
b1 - annulmentnoun
c2 - appealnoun
b2 - appealverb
b2 - appeal courtnoun
c2 - appellantnoun
c2 - appellate courtnoun
c2 - articlenoun
c2 - attorneynoun
c1 - authoritynoun
b2 - bailnoun
c1 - bailverb
c1 - barnoun
c2 - barristernoun
c2 - batonnoun
c2 - beatnoun
c2 - billnoun
b2 - billy clubnoun
c2 - bindingadjective
c2 - birth certificatenoun
b2 - Black Marianoun
c2 - blotternoun
c2 - bobbynoun
c2 - body armournoun
c2 - body searchnoun
c1 - boilerplatenoun
c2 - bondnoun
c1 - breathalyseverb
c2 - breathalysernoun
c2 - breath testnoun
c2 - briefnoun
c2 - briefverb
c2 - bring/press/lay/prefer charges against somebodyidiom
c2 - bustverb
c2 - bustnoun
c2 - cadetnoun
c2 - casenoun
b1 - case lawnoun
c2 - cautionverb
c2 - challengeverb
b2 - chargenoun
b2 - chargeverb
b2 - charge sheetnoun
c2 - chief constablenoun
c2 - chief inspectornoun
c2 - chief superintendentnoun
c2 - CIDabbreviation
c2 - civil lawnoun
c2 - claimverb
b1 - claimnoun
b2 - clausenoun
b2 - commandernoun
c2 - commissionernoun
c2 - common lawnoun
c2 - complainantnoun
c2 - constablenoun
c2 - constabularynoun
c2 - contempt of courtnoun
c2 - contractnoun
b2 - contractverb
c2 - contractualadjective
c2 - conveyancenoun
c2 - conveyancernoun
c2 - conveyancingnoun
c2 - convictverb
c1 - convictionnoun
c1 - copnoun
c1 - coppernoun
c2 - copyrightnoun
c1 - copyrightadjective
c1 - copyrightverb
c1 - cordonnoun
c2 - co-signverb
c2 - co-signatorynoun
c2 - counselnoun
c2 - countersignverb
c2 - county courtnoun
c1 - courtnoun
b1 - court of appealnoun
c2 - criminaladjective
b1 - criminal lawnoun
b2 - cross-examinationnoun
c2 - cross-examineverb
c2 - cruisernoun
c2 - custodynoun
c1 - death certificatenoun
b2 - debenturenoun
c2 - declarationnoun
c1 - decreenoun
c2 - deednoun
c2 - defencenoun
c1 - defendverb
b2 - defendantnoun
c1 - defensenoun
c1 - deportverb
c2 - deportationnoun
c2 - deputynoun
c2 - detainverb
c1 - detectivenoun
a2 - dischargeverb
c2 - dissentnoun
c2 - divorcenoun
b2 - divorceverb
b2 - docknoun
c2 - documentnoun
a2 - dog handlernoun
c2 - draftnoun
b2 - draftverb
b2 - drunk tanknoun
c2 - due process of lawnoun
c2 - electronic taggingnoun
c2 - emergency servicesnoun
b2 - employment tribunalnoun
c2 - enforceverb
c1 - equitynoun
c2 - evidencenoun
a2 - executionernoun
c2 - exhibitnoun
c2 - FBIabbreviation
c1 - findverb
c1 - findingnoun
c2 - fixed-termadjective
c2 - flying squadnoun
c2 - forcenoun
c1 - fraud squadnoun
c2 - gendarmenoun
c2 - general counselnoun
c2 - gownnoun
c1 - grantverb
b2 - guiltnoun
c1 - guiltyadjective
b1 - handcuffverb
c2 - handcuffsnoun
c1 - hangmannoun
c1 - hearverb
c1 - hearingnoun
c1 - ID cardnoun
b2 - identity cardnoun
b2 - illegaladjective
b1 - illegallyadverb
b1 - incident roomnoun
c2 - indictmentnoun
c2 - industrial tribunalnoun
c2 - infringeverb
c2 - innocencenoun
c1 - innocentadjective
b1 - inquestnoun
c2 - inspectornoun
b2 - Interpolnoun
c2 - interrogateverb
c2 - interrogatorynoun
c2 - intestacynoun
c2 - intestateadjective
c2 - invalidadjective
c1 - invalidateverb
c2 - invalidationnoun
c2 - invaliditynoun
c2 - issueverb
c1 - JPnoun
c2 - judgenoun
b1 - judgeverb
b2 - judgementnoun
b2 - judicialadjective
c1 - judiciarynoun
c2 - jurisdictionnoun
c1 - juristnoun
c2 - jurynoun
b2 - jury dutynoun
c1 - justicenoun
b2 - Justice of the Peacenoun
c2 - justiciarynoun
c2 - juvenileadjective
c1 - lathinoun
c2 - lawnoun
a2 - law and orderidiom
b2 - lawfuladjective
c2 - lawfullyadverb
c2 - lawsuitnoun
c1 - lawyernoun
a2 - leasenoun
c1 - leasebacknoun
c2 - legaladjective
b1 - legal actionnoun
c1 - legalitynoun
c1 - legalizationnoun
c1 - legalizeverb
c1 - legallyadverb
b1 - legal proceedingsnoun
c1 - legislateverb
c1 - legislationnoun
c1 - legislativeadjective
c1 - legislaturenoun
c1 - legitimateadjective
c1 - legitimizeverb
c2 - liableadjective
c1 - lieutenantnoun
c2 - litigantnoun
c2 - litigateverb
c2 - litigationnoun
c2 - litigatornoun
c2 - lockdownnoun
c2 - Mace™noun
c2 - magistratenoun
c1 - magistrates' courtnoun
c2 - majority verdictnoun
c2 - marriagenoun
b1 - marriage certificatenoun
b2 - marriage licencenoun
c2 - marshalnoun
c2 - memorandumnoun
c2 - military policenoun
c1 - Mirandaadjective
c2 - mugshotnoun
c2 - nightsticknoun
c2 - notarizeverb
c2 - notarynoun
c2 - nullifyverb
c2 - officernoun
a2 - operations roomnoun
c2 - ordernoun
b1 - outlawverb
c1 - overturnverb
c1 - paddy wagonnoun
c2 - panda carnoun
c2 - pardonnoun
c2 - pardonverb
c2 - parolenoun
c2 - partynoun
c1 - passportnoun
a1 - patrolnoun
c1 - patrolverb
c1 - patrolmannoun
c2 - patrol wagonnoun
c2 - patrolwomannoun
c2 - PCnoun
c1 - PC Plodnoun
c2 - plain clothesnoun
c2 - plain-clothesadjective
c2 - plaintiffnoun
c2 - pleanoun
c1 - pleadverb
c1 - plodnoun
c2 - point dutynoun
c2 - policenoun
a1 - policeverb
c1 - police commissionernoun
c2 - police constablenoun
c2 - police departmentnoun
b1 - police dognoun
b1 - police forcenoun
b1 - policemannoun
a1 - police officernoun
a2 - police statenoun
c1 - police stationnoun
a2 - policewomannoun
a1 - policingnoun
c1 - preventionnoun
c1 - probatenoun
c2 - proceedingnoun
c1 - processnoun
a2 - prohibitverb
b2 - prohibitionnoun
b2 - prosecuteverb
c1 - prosecutionnoun
c1 - prosecutornoun
c1 - provisionnoun
c1 - public defendernoun
c2 - public prosecutornoun
c2 - pursueverb
b2 - pursuitnoun
c1 - raidnoun
c1 - raidverb
c1 - recessnoun
c2 - recordnoun
c1 - recordverb
c2 - recruitverb
b2 - recruitnoun
b2 - redcapnoun
c2 - regulationnoun
b2 - reinforcementnoun
c2 - remandverb
c2 - remandnoun
c2 - representverb
b1 - representationnoun
c1 - respectverb
b1 - rightnoun
b1 - riot gearnoun
c2 - riot policenoun
c2 - riot shieldnoun
c2 - roadblocknoun
c2 - roundsmannoun
c2 - rowdy sheetnoun
c2 - rubber bulletnoun
c2 - ruleverb
c1 - rulingnoun
c1 - sanctionnoun
c2 - sanctionverb
c2 - Scotland Yardnoun
c2 - search warrantnoun
c2 - secret policenoun
c1 - securitynoun
b1 - seizeverb
c1 - seizurenoun
c2 - sentencenoun
b2 - sentenceverb
b2 - sergeantnoun
c2 - settlementnoun
c2 - sheriffnoun
c1 - shieldnoun
c2 - siegenoun
c2 - signverb
a2 - signatorynoun
c2 - sirennoun
c1 - solicitornoun
c1 - Special Branchnoun
c2 - special constablenoun
c2 - squadnoun
c1 - squad carnoun
c2 - statementnoun
b1 - state troopernoun
c2 - stationnoun
a2 - station housenoun
c2 - statutenoun
c2 - statute booknoun
c2 - statute lawnoun
c2 - statute of limitationsnoun
c2 - statutoryadjective
c2 - the magistracynoun
c2 - the Old Billnoun
c2 - the small printnoun
c1 - stun gunnoun
c2 - subclausenoun
c2 - subsectionnoun
c2 - sueverb
c1 - summonsnoun
c2 - superintendentnoun
c2 - SWAT teamnoun
c2 - takedownnoun
c2 - tear gasnoun
c2 - testifyverb
c1 - testimonynoun
c1 - the boys in blueidiom
c2 - titlenoun
c2 - tracker dognoun
c2 - traffic wardennoun
c2 - trialnoun
b2 - truncheonnoun
c2 - tryverb
b2 - undercoveradjective
c1 - undercoveradverb
c1 - uniformnoun
a2 - upholdverb
c1 - validadjective
b2 - validateverb
c2 - validationnoun
c2 - validitynoun
c1 - verdictnoun
c1 - vice squadnoun
c2 - victim supportnoun
c2 - violateverb
c1 - voidadjective
c2 - voidverb
c2 - waiveverb
c2 - waivernoun
c2 - warrantnoun
c1 - water cannonnoun
c2 - willnoun
b2 - witnessnoun
b2 - witness boxnoun
c2 - writnoun
c2 - wrongfuladjective