词汇 |
@topic_medicine |
释义 |
- abortverb
c2 - abortionnoun
c1 - accident and emergencynoun
b2 - acupressurenoun
c2 - acupuncturenoun
b2 - acupuncturistnoun
c2 - admissionnoun
c1 - admitverb
c1 - aftercarenoun
c2 - aggressiveadjective
c2 - Alexander techniquenoun
c2 - alternative medicinenoun
b2 - ambulancenoun
b2 - amputateverb
c2 - amputationnoun
c2 - anaesthesianoun
c2 - anaesthetistnoun
c2 - anaesthetizeverb
c2 - anesthesianoun
c2 - appointmentnoun
b1 - arthroscopic surgerynoun
c2 - art therapynoun
c2 - attendantnoun
b2 - autogenic trainingnoun
c2 - aversion therapynoun
c2 - Ayurvedic medicinenoun
c2 - bandagenoun
b2 - bandageverb
b2 - Band-Aid™noun
c2 - barium mealnoun
c2 - batheverb
c1 - bedpannoun
c2 - bedside mannernoun
c2 - biopsynoun
c2 - blood groupnoun
c1 - bloodstreamnoun
c2 - blood testnoun
b1 - blood typenoun
c1 - bracenoun
c1 - bypassnoun
c2 - cannulanoun
c2 - carenoun
a2 - caregivernoun
c1 - carernoun
b2 - castnoun
b2 - casualtynoun
c1 - catheternoun
c2 - CAT scannoun
c2 - cesareannoun
c2 - cesariannoun
c2 - check-upnoun
b2 - chemistnoun
a2 - chemonoun
c2 - chemotherapynoun
c2 - chiropodistnoun
c2 - chiropracticnoun
c2 - chiropractornoun
c2 - circumciseverb
c2 - circumcisionnoun
c2 - cleanseverb
c1 - clinicnoun
b2 - cliniciannoun
c2 - complementary medicinenoun
c2 - consultverb
b2 - consultantnoun
b2 - contraceptivenoun
c2 - conventionaladjective
b2 - cottage hospitalnoun
c2 - coursenoun
b2 - crutchnoun
c1 - cureverb
b2 - curenoun
b2 - defibrillatornoun
c2 - dental surgeonnoun
c1 - dentistnoun
a2 - dentistrynoun
c1 - dermatologistnoun
c2 - detoxificationnoun
c2 - detoxifyverb
c2 - diagnoseverb
c1 - diagnosisnoun
c1 - diagnosticadjective
c2 - dieticiannoun
c2 - dischargeverb
c1 - dispensarynoun
c2 - dispenseverb
c2 - dispensing chemistnoun
c2 - district nursenoun
c2 - doctornoun
a1 - dressverb
c1 - dressingnoun
c1 - dripnoun
c2 - druggistnoun
c2 - electroconvulsive therapynoun
c2 - electroshock therapynoun
c2 - emergency roomnoun
b2 - endoscopenoun
c2 - ENTabbreviation
c2 - examinationnoun
b2 - examineverb
b1 - faceliftnoun
c2 - faith healingnoun
c2 - family doctornoun
b1 - family medicinenoun
b2 - family practicenoun
c2 - family practitionernoun
c1 - first aidnoun
b2 - forcepsnoun
c2 - fringe medicinenoun
c2 - gastric bypassnoun
c2 - general practicenoun
c2 - general practitionernoun
c2 - geriatricnoun
c2 - government health warningnoun
c2 - gownnoun
c2 - GPnoun
c2 - graftnoun
c2 - graftverb
c2 - group therapynoun
c2 - gynaecologistnoun
c2 - gynaecologynoun
c2 - healverb
b2 - healernoun
c1 - healthcarenoun
b2 - herbalismnoun
c2 - holismnoun
c2 - homeopathnoun
c2 - homeopathynoun
c2 - hospicenoun
c2 - hospitalnoun
a1 - hospitalistnoun
c2 - hospitalizationnoun
c1 - hospitalizeverb
c1 - hypnotherapynoun
c2 - hypodermicadjective
c2 - hypodermicnoun
c2 - ice packnoun
c1 - ICUnoun
c2 - immunizeverb
c1 - implantverb
b2 - implantnoun
b2 - incisionnoun
c2 - incubatornoun
c2 - infirmarynoun
c2 - inhalernoun
c2 - inoculateverb
c2 - inoculationnoun
c2 - inpatientnoun
c2 - intensive carenoun
c1 - internnoun
c2 - internshipnoun
c2 - iridologynoun
c2 - isolateverb
b2 - isolationnoun
c1 - junior doctornoun
b2 - keyhole surgerynoun
c2 - life support machinenoun
c1 - lobotomynoun
c2 - locumnoun
c2 - masknoun
c1 - massagenoun
b2 - massageverb
b2 - maternitynoun
b2 - matronnoun
c2 - medicnoun
c2 - medicaladjective
a2 - medicalnoun
b2 - medicine mannoun
c1 - mental healthnoun
b1 - midwifenoun
c2 - midwiferynoun
c2 - monitornoun
b2 - mortuarynoun
c2 - MRInoun
c2 - MRSAnoun
c2 - naturopathnoun
c2 - naturopathicadjective
c2 - naturopathynoun
c2 - needlenoun
b1 - neurologistnoun
c2 - neurosurgeonnoun
c2 - neurosurgerynoun
c2 - nip and tucknoun
c2 - nose jobnoun
c1 - nursenoun
a1 - nutritionistnoun
b2 - obstetricsnoun
c2 - occupational therapistnoun
c2 - occupational therapynoun
c2 - opnoun
b1 - open-heart surgerynoun
c2 - operableadjective
c2 - operateverb
b2 - operating tablenoun
b2 - operating theatrenoun
b2 - operationnoun
b1 - operativeadjective
c2 - ophthalmic opticiannoun
c2 - ophthalmologistnoun
c2 - opticiannoun
c1 - orderlynoun
c2 - orthopaedicsnoun
c2 - osteopathnoun
c2 - osteopathynoun
c2 - outpatientnoun
c2 - oxygen masknoun
c1 - pacemakernoun
c2 - packnoun
c1 - paediatriciannoun
c2 - painlessadjective
b2 - paramedicnoun
c1 - paramedicaladjective
c2 - patientnoun
a2 - PCPnoun
c2 - pediatricsnoun
c2 - pharmacistnoun
b2 - pharmacynoun
b2 - physiciannoun
c1 - physician's assistantnoun
c1 - physionoun
c2 - physiotherapistnoun
c1 - physiotherapynoun
c1 - plasternoun
b2 - plaster castnoun
c2 - plastic surgeonnoun
c1 - plastic surgerynoun
c1 - podiatristnoun
c2 - polyclinicnoun
c2 - post-operativeadjective
c2 - practicenoun
b2 - practitionernoun
c1 - prepverb
c2 - primary care physiciannoun
c2 - primary health carenoun
c2 - privateadjective
b1 - probenoun
c2 - probeverb
c2 - procedurenoun
b2 - prognosisnoun
c2 - psychiatricadjective
c1 - psychiatristnoun
c1 - psychiatrynoun
c1 - psychoanalysisnoun
c1 - psychoanalyticadjective
c2 - psychotherapynoun
c1 - quitverb
b1 - radiographynoun
c2 - radiologistnoun
c2 - radiotherapynoun
c2 - readmitverb
c2 - rebirthingnoun
c2 - recoverynoun
c2 - reflexologynoun
c2 - registrarnoun
c2 - rehabnoun
c2 - reikinoun
c2 - rejectverb
b1 - residentnoun
c2 - rest curenoun
c2 - reviveverb
c1 - roundnoun
b2 - samplenoun
b2 - sanatoriumnoun
c2 - sanitariumnoun
c2 - scalpelnoun
c2 - scanverb
b2 - scannoun
b2 - screenverb
c1 - scrubnoun
c2 - sectionverb
c2 - senior nursing officernoun
c2 - setverb
c2 - sex changenoun
c1 - shiatsunoun
c2 - shock therapynoun
c2 - sisternoun
c1 - skin graftnoun
c2 - slingnoun
c1 - socialized medicinenoun
c2 - sootheverb
c1 - specialistnoun
b2 - specimennoun
c1 - speculumnoun
c2 - splintnoun
c2 - stethoscopenoun
c2 - sticking plasternoun
c1 - stitchnoun
c1 - stitchverb
c1 - stoolnoun
c2 - strapverb
c2 - stretchernoun
c2 - supportnoun
b2 - surgeonnoun
b2 - surgerynoun
b2 - surgicaladjective
c1 - swabnoun
c2 - swabverb
c2 - syringenoun
c2 - tapeverb
b1 - terminationnoun
c2 - testnoun
a2 - testverb
a2 - therapistnoun
b2 - therapynoun
b2 - thermometernoun
c1 - tourniquetnoun
c2 - tractionnoun
c2 - transplantverb
b2 - transplantnoun
b2 - treatverb
b1 - treatmentnoun
b1 - triagenoun
c2 - tucknoun
c2 - ultrasoundnoun
c2 - under the knifeidiom
c1 - unitnoun
b2 - vaccinateverb
c1 - vaccinationnoun
c1 - vaccinenoun
c1 - vasectomynoun
c2 - ventilatornoun
c2 - wardnoun
c1 - wheelchairnoun
b1 - X-rayverb
b2 - X-raynoun
b2 - Zimmer frame™noun
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