词汇 |
@topic_phones-email-and-the-internet_level=c2 |
释义 |
- access providernoun
c2 - ad blockernoun
c2 - address barnoun
c2 - ADSLabbreviation
c2 - AFAICabbreviation
c2 - AFAIKabbreviation
c2 - anonymizeverb
c2 - area codenoun
c2 - bandwidthnoun
c2 - banner adnoun
c2 - beepverb
c2 - beepernoun
c2 - BFabbreviation
c2 - BFFabbreviation
c2 - bleepverb
c2 - bleepernoun
c2 - blogospherenoun
c2 - blogrollnoun
c2 - blue pagesnoun
c2 - bounceverb
c2 - BRBabbreviation
c2 - bulletin boardnoun
c2 - callbacknoun
c2 - caller IDnoun
c2 - call waitingnoun
c2 - cardphonenoun
c2 - carelinenoun
c2 - carpet-bombverb
c2 - carriernoun
c2 - ccabbreviation
c2 - ccverb
c2 - chatlinenoun
c2 - clickjackingnoun
c2 - clickstreamnoun
c2 - CMCabbreviation
c2 - cold-callingnoun
c2 - courtesy callnoun
c2 - cradlenoun
c2 - cybernautnoun
c2 - cybersexnoun
c2 - DDabbreviation
c2 - dialling codenoun
c2 - dial-upadjective
c2 - direct diallingnoun
c2 - direct marketingnoun
c2 - directory enquiriesnoun
c2 - DOIabbreviation
c2 - domain namenoun
c2 - dot-comnoun
c2 - DWabbreviation
c2 - earpiecenoun
c2 - eBayverb
c2 - ego-surfingnoun
c2 - EMSnoun
c2 - ex-directoryadjective
c2 - e-zinenoun
c2 - feednoun
c2 - feed readernoun
c2 - filternoun
c2 - flamenoun
c2 - flameverb
c2 - flash mobnoun
c2 - flash mobbingnoun
c2 - followeenoun
c2 - Freephonenoun
c2 - get hold of somebodyidiom
c2 - GFabbreviation
c2 - give somebody a bellidiom
c2 - give somebody a buzzidiom
c2 - groomverb
c2 - handlenoun
c2 - handsetnoun
c2 - hashtagnoun
c2 - hotlinenoun
c2 - hotspotnoun
c2 - hypertextnoun
c2 - IDKabbreviation
c2 - IP addressnoun
c2 - ISPabbreviation
c2 - kiosknoun
c2 - landing pagenoun
c2 - lolznoun
c2 - lolzexclamation
c2 - lulzexclamation
c2 - lulznoun
c2 - lurkverb
c2 - mailing listnoun
c2 - microblogverb
c2 - microblognoun
c2 - microbloggingnoun
c2 - mirror sitenoun
c2 - misdialverb
c2 - MMSnoun
c2 - mouthpiecenoun
c2 - mute buttonnoun
c2 - MYOBabbreviation
c2 - Myspace™noun
c2 - netiquettenoun
c2 - netizennoun
c2 - newsgroupnoun
c2 - newswirenoun
c2 - obvadverb
c2 - obvsadverb
c2 - off the hookidiom
c2 - OMGabbreviation
c2 - pageverb
c2 - pagernoun
c2 - person-to-personadjective
c2 - phone boothnoun
c2 - pingverb
c2 - portalnoun
c2 - predictiveadjective
c2 - push technologynoun
c2 - raiseverb
c2 - repreposition
c2 - redialverb
c2 - redialnoun
c2 - retweetverb
c2 - retweetnoun
c2 - reverseverb
c2 - reverse-chargeadjective
c2 - reverse-chargeadverb
c2 - ringbacknoun
c2 - scramblernoun
c2 - Second Life™noun
c2 - silver surfernoun
c2 - smileynoun
c2 - SMSnoun
c2 - SMSverb
c2 - social bookmarkingnoun
c2 - sock puppetnoun
c2 - sock puppetrynoun
c2 - spammingnoun
c2 - speakerphonenoun
c2 - spoofverb
c2 - spoofingnoun
c2 - the white pagesnoun
c2 - storefrontnoun
c2 - switchboardnoun
c2 - telebankingnoun
c2 - telegraph polenoun
c2 - telephone boothnoun
c2 - telephonistnoun
c2 - teleprinternoun
c2 - telesalesnoun
c2 - teleshoppingnoun
c2 - teletypewriternoun
c2 - telexnoun
c2 - telexverb
c2 - tollnoun
c2 - trollnoun
c2 - trollverb
c2 - unlistedadjective
c2 - unsubscribeverb
c2 - Usenetnoun
c2 - videophonenoun
c2 - videotelephonynoun
c2 - viral marketingnoun
c2 - VLEnoun
c2 - webcastnoun
c2 - Yellow Pages™noun
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