释义 |
- absentee ballotnoun
c2 - absolutismnoun
c2 - abstainverb
c2 - abstentionnoun
c2 - actnoun
b1 - activismnoun
c1 - activistnoun
c1 - affairnoun
b2 - alliancenoun
c1 - alliedadjective
c1 - allynoun
c1 - alternative votenoun
c2 - alt-rightnoun
c2 - ambassadornoun
c1 - anarchismnoun
c2 - anarchistnoun
c2 - anarchynoun
c2 - Antifanoun
c2 - apathynoun
c2 - apoliticaladjective
c2 - arenanoun
c1 - arms controlnoun
c2 - assemblynoun
c1 - attack adnoun
c2 - autonomynoun
c1 - axisnoun
c2 - back benchnoun
c2 - backbenchernoun
c2 - balance of powernoun
c2 - ballotnoun
c1 - ballot boxnoun
c2 - benchnoun
c2 - bilateraladjective
c2 - billnoun
b2 - blocnoun
c2 - bordernoun
b1 - bridge-buildingnoun
c2 - brinkmanshipnoun
c2 - brokerverb
c2 - budgetnoun
b2 - bureaunoun
c1 - bureaucracynoun
c1 - bureaucratnoun
c2 - by-electionnoun
c2 - cabinetnoun
c1 - campaignnoun
b1 - candidacynoun
c2 - candidaturenoun
c2 - canvassnoun
c2 - canvassverb
c2 - canvassernoun
c2 - capitalismnoun
c1 - capitolnoun
c2 - centernoun
b2 - centralismnoun
c2 - centralistadjective
c2 - centrenoun
b2 - centristnoun
c2 - centristadjective
c2 - chambernoun
c1 - chancellornoun
c2 - civil servantnoun
c1 - coalitionnoun
c1 - collectivismnoun
c2 - collectivistadjective
c2 - colonialismnoun
c2 - colonialistadjective
c2 - colonialistnoun
c2 - commercenoun
c1 - commissionernoun
c2 - common marketnoun
c1 - communiquénoun
c2 - communismnoun
c1 - communistnoun
c1 - compactnoun
c2 - comradenoun
c2 - Con.abbreviation
c2 - confederationnoun
c2 - conference committeenoun
c2 - conflictnoun
b2 - congressnoun
b2 - congressionaladjective
c1 - congresswomannoun
b2 - conservatismnoun
c2 - conservativeadjective
b2 - conservativenoun
b2 - constituencynoun
c1 - constituentnoun
c2 - constitutionnoun
c1 - constitutionaladjective
c1 - constitutionalismnoun
c2 - constitutionalitynoun
c2 - constitutionallyadverb
c1 - constitutional monarchynoun
c2 - contestnoun
b2 - contestverb
b2 - conventionnoun
c1 - corporationnoun
c2 - councilnoun
b2 - councillornoun
c1 - coupnoun
c1 - cross-borderadjective
c2 - current affairsnoun
c1 - customs unionnoun
c2 - debatenoun
b2 - debateverb
b2 - Dem.abbreviation
c2 - demagoguenoun
c2 - democracynoun
b2 - democratnoun
b2 - democraticadjective
b2 - departmentnoun
a2 - deputynoun
c1 - deselectverb
c2 - despotnoun
c2 - destabilizeverb
c2 - detentenoun
c2 - devolutionnoun
c2 - devolvedadjective
c2 - dialoguenoun
b2 - dictatornoun
c1 - dictatorshipnoun
c1 - diplomacynoun
c1 - diplomatnoun
c1 - diplomaticadjective
c1 - diplomaticallyadverb
c1 - diplomatic bagnoun
c2 - diplomatic corpsnoun
c2 - diplomatic immunitynoun
c2 - diplomatistnoun
c2 - dirty tricknoun
c2 - disenfranchiseverb
c2 - dissidencenoun
c2 - dissidentnoun
c2 - dissidentadjective
c2 - divine rightnoun
c2 - domesticadjective
b2 - economynoun
b1 - egalitariannoun
c2 - egalitarianadjective
c2 - egalitarianismnoun
c2 - electverb
b2 - electionnoun
b1 - electioneeringnoun
c2 - electiveadjective
c2 - electornoun
c2 - electoraladjective
c1 - electoral collegenoun
c2 - electoratenoun
c1 - embassynoun
c1 - enfranchiseverb
c2 - enfranchisementnoun
c2 - ententenoun
c2 - EUabbreviation
b1 - executivenoun
c1 - executive privilegenoun
c2 - exilenoun
c1 - exit pollnoun
c2 - expansionismnoun
c2 - expansionistnoun
c2 - expansionistadjective
c2 - extremismnoun
c1 - extremistnoun
c1 - extremistadjective
c1 - fanaticnoun
c2 - fanaticaladjective
c2 - fanaticallyadverb
c2 - fanaticismnoun
c2 - fascismnoun
c2 - fascistadjective
c2 - fascistnoun
c2 - federaladjective
b2 - federal government
b2 - federalismnoun
c1 - federalistadjective
c1 - federalistnoun
c1 - federallyadverb
b2 - federationnoun
c1 - fellow travellernoun
c2 - feudaladjective
c2 - feudalismnoun
c2 - floating voternoun
c2 - foreignadjective
a2 - Foreign Servicenoun
c2 - free tradenoun
c1 - frontiernoun
c1 - general electionnoun
c1 - geopoliticaladjective
c2 - geopoliticsnoun
c2 - globalizationnoun
b2 - governverb
b2 - governmentnoun
a2 - governornoun
b2 - greenadjective
b1 - greennoun
b2 - hard leftnoun
c2 - hard rightnoun
c2 - Home Secretarynoun
c2 - human rightnoun
b2 - hustingsnoun
c2 - idealnoun
b2 - idealismnoun
c2 - identity politicsnoun
c2 - ideologicaladjective
c1 - ideologicallyadverb
c1 - ideologuenoun
c2 - ideologynoun
c1 - imperialismnoun
c2 - imperialistadjective
c2 - imperialistnoun
c2 - inauguraladjective
c2 - inauguralnoun
c2 - inaugurateverb
c2 - inaugurationnoun
c2 - Inauguration Daynoun
c2 - incomingadjective
c2 - independencenoun
b2 - independentadjective
a2 - independentnoun
c1 - interest groupnoun
c2 - intergovernmentaladjective
c2 - internationaladjective
a2 - internationalismnoun
c2 - internationalistnoun
c2 - internationalistadjective
c2 - internationallyadverb
b1 - interventionismnoun
c2 - interventionistnoun
c2 - interventionistadjective
c2 - isolationismnoun
c2 - isolationistnoun
c2 - isolationistadjective
c2 - kingnoun
a2 - Lab.abbreviation
c2 - labournoun
b2 - landslidenoun
c2 - lawnoun
a2 - lawfuladjective
c2 - leadernoun
a2 - leadershipnoun
b2 - leaguenoun
b2 - leftnoun
b1 - leftismnoun
c2 - leftistadjective
c2 - leftistnoun
c2 - left wingnoun
c1 - left-wingadjective
c1 - left-wingernoun
c1 - legislateverb
c1 - legislationnoun
c1 - legislativeadjective
c1 - legislatornoun
c1 - legislaturenoun
c1 - Leninismnoun
c2 - Leninistadjective
c2 - Leninistnoun
c2 - Lib Demabbreviation
c2 - liberaladjective
c1 - libertariannoun
c2 - line-item vetonoun
c2 - lobbynoun
c2 - lobbyverb
c1 - mainstreamnoun
c1 - majoritynoun
b2 - majority whipnoun
c2 - mandatenoun
c1 - manifestonoun
c1 - marginaladjective
c1 - Marxismnoun
c2 - Marxistnoun
c2 - Marxistadjective
c2 - massnoun
b2 - mayornoun
b2 - Member of Parliamentnoun
b1 - militarismnoun
c2 - militaristnoun
c2 - militaristicadjective
c2 - ministernoun
b2 - ministerialadjective
c2 - ministrynoun
c1 - minority governmentnoun
c2 - moderateadjective
c1 - moderatenoun
c1 - monarchnoun
b2 - monarchynoun
b2 - movementnoun
b1 - MPnoun
b1 - multilateraladjective
c2 - multilateralismnoun
c2 - national conventionnoun
c2 - nationalismnoun
c2 - nationalistadjective
c2 - nationalistnoun
c2 - nationalisticadjective
c2 - NATOabbreviation
c1 - negotiateverb
b2 - negotiationnoun
b2 - neocolonialismnoun
c2 - neoconservativeadjective
c2 - neoconservativenoun
c2 - neoliberaladjective
c2 - neoliberalismnoun
c2 - nominateverb
c1 - nominationnoun
c1 - non-aggressionnoun
c2 - non-interventionnoun
c2 - non-interventionismnoun
c2 - non-interventionistadjective
c2 - non-partisanadjective
c2 - non-violencenoun
c2 - non-violentadjective
c2 - officenoun
a2 - off yearnoun
c2 - oligarchnoun
c2 - oligarchynoun
c2 - oppositionnoun
b2 - outgoingadjective
c2 - overall majoritynoun
c2 - PACabbreviation
c2 - pacifismnoun
c2 - pacifistadjective
c2 - pacifistnoun
c2 - pairingnoun
c2 - parliamentnoun
b2 - parliamentariannoun
c2 - parliamentaryadjective
c1 - parliamentary privilegenoun
c2 - partitionnoun
c2 - partynoun
b1 - party linenoun
c2 - party politicaladjective
c2 - party political broadcastnoun
c2 - party politicsnoun
c2 - passverb
b2 - passagenoun
c2 - passingnoun
c1 - pentagonnoun
c2 - platformnoun
c2 - play the race cardidiom
c2 - police statenoun
c1 - policynoun
b1 - politicaladjective
b1 - political action committeenoun
c2 - political capitalnoun
c2 - political geographynoun
c2 - politicallyadverb
b1 - political sciencenoun
c1 - political scientistnoun
c1 - politiciannoun
b1 - politicsnoun
b1 - pollnoun
c1 - pollingnoun
c1 - polling boothnoun
c2 - polling daynoun
c2 - polling stationnoun
c2 - populismnoun
c2 - populistadjective
c2 - populistnoun
c2 - postal votenoun
c2 - powernoun
a2 - power politicsnoun
c2 - premiernoun
c2 - presidentnoun
a2 - press gallerynoun
c2 - pressure groupnoun
c2 - primarynoun
c2 - prime ministernoun
b1 - pro-prefix
c1 - propagandanoun
c1 - proportional representationnoun
c2 - propositionnoun
c1 - push pollnoun
c2 - push pollingnoun
c2 - queennoun
a2 - radicaladjective
c1 - radicalnoun
c1 - radicalismnoun
c2 - rainbow coalitionnoun
c2 - rallynoun
c1 - rapprochementnoun
c2 - reactionaryadjective
c2 - reactionarynoun
c2 - recessnoun
c2 - redadjective
c1 - rednoun
c1 - red tapenoun
c2 - referendumnoun
c1 - reformnoun
c1 - reformverb
c1 - reformernoun
c1 - reformistadjective
c2 - regimenoun
c1 - relationnoun
b1 - relationshipnoun
a2 - Rep.abbreviation
c2 - repealnoun
c2 - repealverb
c2 - representativenoun
b2 - representativeadjective
c1 - republicnoun
c1 - republicannoun
c2 - republicanadjective
c2 - republicanismnoun
c2 - resolutionnoun
c1 - revisionistadjective
c2 - revisionistnoun
c2 - revoltnoun
c2 - revoltverb
c2 - revolutionnoun
b2 - revolutionaryadjective
c1 - revolutionarynoun
c1 - rightistnoun
c2 - rightistadjective
c2 - right-wingadjective
c1 - right-wingernoun
c1 - rulenoun
b2 - ruleverb
b1 - rulernoun
b1 - rulingnoun
c1 - runverb
b2 - running matenoun
c2 - safe seatnoun
c2 - seatnoun
b2 - second chambernoun
c2 - secretarynoun
b2 - Secretary of Statenoun
c2 - secularismnoun
c2 - secularistadjective
c2 - senatenoun
c1 - senatornoun
c1 - sessionnoun
b2 - shadowadjective
c2 - sitverb
c2 - slogannoun
b2 - smearverb
c2 - smearnoun
c2 - socialismnoun
c1 - socialistadjective
c1 - speakernoun
c2 - special interest groupnoun
c2 - speechnoun
a2 - spinnoun
c2 - spin doctornoun
c2 - spokesmannoun
b2 - spokespersonnoun
b2 - spokeswomannoun
b2 - standverb
b2 - statenoun
a2 - stateadjective
b1 - state housenoun
c2 - statesmannoun
c1 - statismnoun
c2 - statistadjective
c2 - statistnoun
c2 - statutenoun
c2 - statute lawnoun
c2 - the legislative branchnoun
c2 - the judicial branchnoun
c2 - the civil servicenoun
c2 - the Conservative Partynoun
b2 - the Communist Partynoun
c1 - the Diplomatic Servicenoun
c2 - the Democratic Partynoun
b2 - the European Unionnoun
b1 - the executive branchnoun
c2 - the front benchnoun
c2 - the Foreign Secretarynoun
c2 - the Foreign and Commonwealth Officenoun
c2 - the Home Officenoun
c2 - the Houses of Parliamentnoun
c1 - the House of Representativesnoun
c2 - the House of Lordsnoun
c2 - the House of Commonsnoun
c2 - the Labour Partynoun
b2 - the Leader of the Housenoun
c2 - the Leader of the Oppositionnoun
c2 - the Liberal Democratsnoun
c2 - the Republican Partynoun
c1 - the right wingnoun
c1 - the Schengen agreementnoun
c2 - the State of the Union Addressnoun
c2 - the United Nationsnoun
b1 - the Commonsnoun
c2 - straw pollnoun
c2 - summitnoun
c1 - supportverb
a2 - supporternoun
b1 - swing statenoun
c2 - swing votenoun
c2 - swing voternoun
c2 - thawverb
c2 - thawnoun
c2 - ticketnoun
c2 - Torynoun
c2 - Toryadjective
c2 - Toryismnoun
c2 - town hallnoun
b1 - tradenoun
b1 - transatlanticadjective
c1 - transnationaladjective
c2 - treatynoun
c1 - turnoutnoun
c1 - tyrantnoun
c2 - unelectedadjective
c1 - unilateralismnoun
c2 - unilateralistnoun
c2 - unilateralistadjective
c2 - unrestnoun
c2 - upper chambernoun
c2 - upper housenoun
c2 - uprisingnoun
c2 - utilitarianadjective
c2 - utilitarianismnoun
c2 - utopianadjective
c2 - utopianismnoun
c2 - votenoun
b1 - voteverb
b1 - voternoun
b1 - votingnoun
b2 - voting boothnoun
c2 - voting machinenoun
c2 - Westminsternoun
c2 - whipnoun
c2 - wingnoun
c1 - witch-huntnoun