词汇 |
@topic_religion-and-festivals_level=c2 |
释义 |
- abbessnoun
c2 - abbotnoun
c2 - absolutismnoun
c2 - acolytenoun
c2 - adventnoun
c2 - afterlifenoun
c2 - agnosticnoun
c2 - agnosticadjective
c2 - agnosticismnoun
c2 - All Saints’ Daynoun
c2 - All Souls’ Daynoun
c2 - almightyadjective
c2 - altarnoun
c2 - Anglicannoun
c2 - Anglicanadjective
c2 - animismnoun
c2 - archbishopnoun
c2 - archbishopricnoun
c2 - archdeaconnoun
c2 - archdiocesenoun
c2 - ascensionnoun
c2 - Ascension Daynoun
c2 - asceticnoun
c2 - asceticadjective
c2 - asceticismnoun
c2 - Ashkenazinoun
c2 - Ash Wednesdaynoun
c2 - atheismnoun
c2 - atheistnoun
c2 - atheisticadjective
c2 - avatarnoun
c2 - ayatollahnoun
c2 - babanoun
c2 - Baha’inoun
c2 - baptismnoun
c2 - baptismaladjective
c2 - Baptistadjective
c2 - Baptistnoun
c2 - baptizeverb
c2 - bar mitzvahnoun
c2 - basilicanoun
c2 - bas mitzvahnoun
c2 - bat mitzvahnoun
c2 - beatificationnoun
c2 - beatifyverb
c2 - Benedictinenoun
c2 - Benedictineadjective
c2 - Bhagwannoun
c2 - biblicaladjective
c2 - bishopricnoun
c2 - blasphemeverb
c2 - blasphemernoun
c2 - blasphemousadjective
c2 - blasphemynoun
c2 - Bodhisattvanoun
c2 - Bonnoun
c2 - bonzenoun
c2 - born-againadjective
c2 - Boxing Daynoun
c2 - brotherhoodnoun
c2 - buibuinoun
c2 - burkanoun
c2 - burqanoun
c2 - Calvinismnoun
c2 - Calvinistnoun
c2 - Calvinistadjective
c2 - canonnoun
c2 - canonicadjective
c2 - canonicaladjective
c2 - canonizationnoun
c2 - canonizeverb
c2 - canon lawnoun
c2 - cardinalnoun
c2 - cassocknoun
c2 - celebrantnoun
c2 - chadornoun
c2 - chalicenoun
c2 - chantnoun
c2 - chantrynoun
c2 - chapelnoun
c2 - chaplainnoun
c2 - chaplaincynoun
c2 - Chasidnoun
c2 - Chasidicadjective
c2 - christenverb
c2 - Christianadjective
c2 - Christian Sciencenoun
c2 - Christian Scientistnoun
c2 - Christmas crackernoun
c2 - churchgoernoun
c2 - churchgoingnoun
c2 - churchmannoun
c2 - churchwomannoun
c2 - churchyardnoun
c2 - circumciseverb
c2 - circumcisionnoun
c2 - clergynoun
c2 - clergymannoun
c2 - clergywomannoun
c2 - clericnoun
c2 - clericaladjective
c2 - cloisternoun
c2 - C of Eabbreviation
c2 - commandmentnoun
c2 - commemorativeadjective
c2 - communionnoun
c2 - confirmverb
c2 - confirmationnoun
c2 - congregationaladjective
c2 - Congregationaladjective
c2 - Congregationalismnoun
c2 - Congregationalistnoun
c2 - consecrateverb
c2 - consecrationnoun
c2 - conventnoun
c2 - crackernoun
c2 - creationismnoun
c2 - creednoun
c2 - cremateverb
c2 - cremationnoun
c2 - crosiernoun
c2 - croziernoun
c2 - crucifixnoun
c2 - crucifixionnoun
c2 - cryptnoun
c2 - curatenoun
c2 - deaconnoun
c2 - deadly sinnoun
c2 - deannoun
c2 - Deepavalinoun
c2 - deismnoun
c2 - deistnoun
c2 - deisticadjective
c2 - deitynoun
c2 - denominationnoun
c2 - dervishnoun
c2 - destinynoun
c2 - determinismnoun
c2 - deterministicadjective
c2 - devoteenoun
c2 - devotionnoun
c2 - devoutadjective
c2 - diocesanadjective
c2 - diocesenoun
c2 - disciplenoun
c2 - Divalinoun
c2 - Diwalinoun
c2 - dog collarnoun
c2 - Dominicanadjective
c2 - Dominicannoun
c2 - doomsdaynoun
c2 - Druidnoun
c2 - ecclesiasticnoun
c2 - ecclesiasticaladjective
c2 - effigynoun
c2 - Eidnoun
c2 - epiphanynoun
c2 - episcopacynoun
c2 - episcopaladjective
c2 - Episcopaliannoun
c2 - episcopatenoun
c2 - epistlenoun
c2 - Eucharistnoun
c2 - evangelicaladjective
c2 - evangelicalnoun
c2 - evangelicalismnoun
c2 - evangelismnoun
c2 - evangelistnoun
c2 - evangelisticadjective
c2 - exorciseverb
c2 - exorcismnoun
c2 - exorcistnoun
c2 - faithfulnoun
c2 - fakirnoun
c2 - fanaticnoun
c2 - fanaticismnoun
c2 - faquirnoun
c2 - fastverb
c2 - fastnoun
c2 - fatalismnoun
c2 - fatalistnoun
c2 - fatalisticadjective
c2 - fatalisticallyadverb
c2 - Father’s Daynoun
c2 - feastnoun
c2 - feast daynoun
c2 - Feast of Tabernaclesnoun
c2 - Feast of Weeksnoun
c2 - Five Pillars of Islamnoun
c2 - fontnoun
c2 - Franciscannoun
c2 - Franciscanadjective
c2 - friarnoun
c2 - fundamentalismnoun
c2 - fundamentalistnoun
c2 - fundamentalistadjective
c2 - godchildnoun
c2 - god-daughternoun
c2 - godfathernoun
c2 - godheadnoun
c2 - godmothernoun
c2 - godparentnoun
c2 - godsonnoun
c2 - Good Fridaynoun
c2 - gospelnoun
c2 - gracenoun
c2 - grailnoun
c2 - guardian angelnoun
c2 - gurdwaranoun
c2 - gurunoun
c2 - Guru Granth Sahibnoun
c2 - guynoun
c2 - hajjnoun
c2 - halaladjective
c2 - Hanukkahnoun
c2 - Hare Krishnanoun
c2 - Hasidnoun
c2 - Hasidicadjective
c2 - Hasidismnoun
c2 - Hassidismnoun
c2 - hassocknoun
c2 - heathennoun
c2 - heavenlyadjective
c2 - heresynoun
c2 - hereticnoun
c2 - hereticaladjective
c2 - hermitnoun
c2 - hijabnoun
c2 - Hogmanaynoun
c2 - Holy Communionnoun
c2 - hostnoun
c2 - humanismnoun
c2 - humanistnoun
c2 - humanistadjective
c2 - humanisticadjective
c2 - hymnnoun
c2 - hymn booknoun
c2 - iconnoun
c2 - Idnoun
c2 - idolnoun
c2 - ikonnoun
c2 - imamnoun
c2 - impietynoun
c2 - impiousadjective
c2 - incarnationnoun
c2 - incensenoun
c2 - Islamismnoun
c2 - Islamistnoun
c2 - Islamistadjective
c2 - Jainnoun
c2 - Jainismnoun
c2 - Jehovah’s Witnessnoun
c2 - Jesuitnoun
c2 - jilbabnoun
c2 - Judaicadjective
c2 - Kaabanoun
c2 - karmanoun
c2 - kippanoun
c2 - kosheradjective
c2 - Kumbh Melanoun
c2 - lamanoun
c2 - Lamaismnoun
c2 - lamaserynoun
c2 - layadjective
c2 - Lentnoun
c2 - maharishinoun
c2 - mahatmanoun
c2 - Mahayananoun
c2 - mallamnoun
c2 - mambonoun
c2 - mananoun
c2 - Mardi Grasnoun
c2 - martyrnoun
c2 - Massnoun
c2 - Maundy Thursdaynoun
c2 - May Daynoun
c2 - Meccanoun
c2 - meetingnoun
c2 - menorahnoun
c2 - Messiahnoun
c2 - Methodismnoun
c2 - Methodistnoun
c2 - Methodistadjective
c2 - Michaelmasnoun
c2 - millenariannoun
c2 - millenarianismnoun
c2 - ministrynoun
c2 - missionnoun
c2 - monasticadjective
c2 - monasticismnoun
c2 - monismnoun
c2 - monotheismnoun
c2 - monotheistnoun
c2 - monotheisticadjective
c2 - Mormonnoun
c2 - mortal sinnoun
c2 - Moslemnoun
c2 - Moslemadjective
c2 - Mother’s Daynoun
c2 - movable feastnoun
c2 - muezzinnoun
c2 - mullahnoun
c2 - mysticnoun
c2 - mysticismnoun
c2 - Navaratrinoun
c2 - nihilismnoun
c2 - nihilistnoun
c2 - nihilisticadjective
c2 - niqabnoun
c2 - novicenoun
c2 - novitiatenoun
c2 - nunnerynoun
c2 - observancenoun
c2 - observeverb
c2 - oraclenoun
c2 - oratorynoun
c2 - ordainverb
c2 - ordinationnoun
c2 - orthodoxadjective
c2 - orthodoxynoun
c2 - pagannoun
c2 - paganadjective
c2 - paganismnoun
c2 - pagodanoun
c2 - Pancake Daynoun
c2 - panditnoun
c2 - pantheismnoun
c2 - pantheistnoun
c2 - pantheisticadjective
c2 - pantheonnoun
c2 - papacynoun
c2 - papaladjective
c2 - parablenoun
c2 - paradisenoun
c2 - parishionernoun
c2 - parsonnoun
c2 - parsonagenoun
c2 - Passovernoun
c2 - pastoraladjective
c2 - patron saintnoun
c2 - penancenoun
c2 - Pentecostnoun
c2 - pewnoun
c2 - pietynoun
c2 - piousadjective
c2 - polytheismnoun
c2 - polytheisticadjective
c2 - pontiffnoun
c2 - prayer booknoun
c2 - prayer rugnoun
c2 - prayer wheelnoun
c2 - preachernoun
c2 - predestinationnoun
c2 - predestinedadjective
c2 - primacynoun
c2 - primatenoun
c2 - prophecynoun
c2 - prophesyverb
c2 - prophetnoun
c2 - prophetessnoun
c2 - propheticadjective
c2 - providencenoun
c2 - psalmnoun
c2 - psalternoun
c2 - pujanoun
c2 - pujarinoun
c2 - Purimnoun
c2 - puritannoun
c2 - puritanadjective
c2 - puritanismnoun
c2 - pyrenoun
c2 - Quakernoun
c2 - Quakeradjective
c2 - rabbinoun
c2 - Ramadannoun
c2 - Rastafarianadjective
c2 - Rastafariannoun
c2 - Rastafarianismnoun
c2 - readingnoun
c2 - rebirthnoun
c2 - rebornadjective
c2 - redeemverb
c2 - redemptionnoun
c2 - reformationnoun
c2 - Reformed Churchnoun
c2 - reincarnateverb
c2 - reincarnationnoun
c2 - relicnoun
c2 - reliquarynoun
c2 - remembrancenoun
c2 - Remembrance Sundaynoun
c2 - requiemnoun
c2 - resurrectverb
c2 - resurrectionnoun
c2 - reverendadjective
c2 - Reverend Mothernoun
c2 - ritenoun
c2 - ritualisticadjective
c2 - robenoun
c2 - Roman Catholicnoun
c2 - Roman Catholicismnoun
c2 - rosarynoun
c2 - Rosh Hashananoun
c2 - sabbathnoun
c2 - sacramentnoun
c2 - sacrilegenoun
c2 - sacrilegiousadjective
c2 - sadhunoun
c2 - saintedadjective
c2 - sainthoodnoun
c2 - saint’s daynoun
c2 - salvationnoun
c2 - sanctuarynoun
c2 - Satannoun
c2 - satanicadjective
c2 - satanismnoun
c2 - satanistnoun
c2 - scientologistnoun
c2 - Scientology™noun
c2 - scripturaladjective
c2 - scripturenoun
c2 - sectnoun
c2 - sectarianadjective
c2 - sectarianismnoun
c2 - secularismnoun
c2 - secularistadjective
c2 - secularizationnoun
c2 - secularizeverb
c2 - Sedernoun
c2 - Sephardinoun
c2 - Sephardicadjective
c2 - sermonnoun
c2 - Seventh-Day Adventistnoun
c2 - Shavuothnoun
c2 - sheitelnoun
c2 - Shianoun
c2 - Shiiteadjective
c2 - Shiitenoun
c2 - Shintonoun
c2 - Shrove Tuesdaynoun
c2 - Sikhnoun
c2 - Sikhadjective
c2 - skullcapnoun
c2 - solemnizeverb
c2 - spiritualismnoun
c2 - spiritualitynoun
c2 - (the) Right Reverendadjective
c2 - the Day of Atonementnoun
c2 - the Amishnoun
c2 - the Anglican Communion
c2 - the Church in Wales
c2 - the Church of Englandnoun
c2 - the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
c2 - the Church of Scotlandnoun
c2 - the Scottish Episcopal Church
c2 - the Episcopal Church
c2 - the Holy Spiritnoun
c2 - the last ritesnoun
c2 - the New Testamentnoun
c2 - the Old Testamentnoun
c2 - the Orthodox Churchnoun
c2 - the Protestant Episcopal Church
c2 - the Redeemernoun
c2 - the Rig Vedanoun
c2 - the Second Comingnoun
c2 - the Talmudnoun
c2 - the United Reformed Church
c2 - the Holy Ghostnoun
c2 - the Holy Grailnoun
c2 - the Eastern Orthodox Churchnoun
c2 - steeplenoun
c2 - Succothnoun
c2 - Sufinoun
c2 - Sufismnoun
c2 - Sukkotnoun
c2 - Sunninoun
c2 - Sunniteadjective
c2 - suranoun
c2 - sutranoun
c2 - swaminoun
c2 - synagoguenoun
c2 - tabernaclenoun
c2 - tanginoun
c2 - tantranoun
c2 - theologiannoun
c2 - theosophynoun
c2 - Theravadanoun
c2 - tilaknoun
c2 - toastnoun
c2 - toastverb
c2 - Torahnoun
c2 - transubstantiationnoun
c2 - trinitynoun
c2 - Trinity Sunday
c2 - turbannoun
c2 - Twelfth Nightnoun
c2 - ushernoun
c2 - Vedanoun
c2 - Vedicadjective
c2 - venialadjective
c2 - versenoun
c2 - Vesaknoun
c2 - vicaragenoun
c2 - voodoonoun
c2 - votive candlenoun
c2 - Whitadjective
c2 - Whit Monday
c2 - Whitsunnoun
c2 - Whit Sundaynoun
c2 - Whitsuntidenoun
c2 - wordnoun
c2 - Xmasnoun
c2 - yarmulkenoun
c2 - yashmaknoun
c2 - Yom Kippurnoun
c2 - Yulenoun
c2 - Yuletidenoun
c2 - Zennoun
c2 - Zend A’vestanoun
c2 - Zoroastriannoun
c2 - Zoroastrianadjective
c2 - Zoroastrianismnoun
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