释义 |
- acceptverb
b1 - acceptancenoun
c1 - addictnoun
c1 - addictedadjective
b2 - addictionnoun
b2 - addictiveadjective
c1 - administerverb
c1 - administrationnoun
b2 - advocacy groupnoun
c2 - affinity cardnoun
c2 - affordable housingnoun
c1 - after-effectnoun
c2 - agitateverb
c2 - agitationnoun
c2 - agitatornoun
c2 - aidnoun
b2 - alcoholnoun
b1 - alcoholicadjective
b1 - alcoholicnoun
c1 - Alcoholics Anonymous™noun
c2 - alcoholismnoun
c2 - aliennoun
b2 - almsnoun
c2 - amphetaminenoun
c2 - amyl nitritenoun
c2 - anaestheticnoun
c1 - anaestheticadjective
c1 - angel dustnoun
c2 - antibioticnoun
b2 - antidepressantnoun
c2 - antidepressantadjective
c2 - antidotenoun
c2 - antisepticnoun
c1 - antisepticadjective
c1 - appealnoun
b2 - appealverb
b2 - ariseverb
c2 - aspirinnoun
b2 - assistverb
b1 - assistancenoun
b2 - asylumnoun
c1 - asylum seekernoun
c2 - bag ladynoun
c2 - barbituratenoun
c2 - bazaarnoun
c2 - begverb
b2 - beggarnoun
b2 - begging bowlnoun
c2 - bendernoun
c2 - benefactornoun
c2 - benefitnoun
b2 - biasnoun
b2 - biasverb
c1 - biasedadjective
b2 - bigotnoun
c2 - bigotedadjective
c2 - bigotrynoun
c2 - boosternoun
c2 - boozenoun
c2 - boozeverb
c2 - boozernoun
c2 - boozyadjective
c2 - bring-and-buy salenoun
c2 - campnoun
a2 - cannabisnoun
c1 - Caplet™noun
c2 - capsulenoun
c1 - charitableadjective
c1 - charitynoun
a2 - charity shopnoun
b2 - cigarettenoun
a2 - civil disobediencenoun
c2 - class strugglenoun
c2 - class warnoun
c2 - class warfarenoun
c2 - class warriornoun
c2 - cocainenoun
c1 - collectionnoun
b2 - community servicenoun
b2 - contraceptiveadjective
c2 - cough mixturenoun
c2 - cracknoun
c2 - cutbacknoun
c1 - deed of covenantnoun
c2 - demonstrateverb
b2 - demonstrationnoun
b2 - demonstratornoun
c1 - dependencenoun
c1 - dependentadjective
b2 - deportverb
c2 - deportationnoun
c2 - depressionnoun
c1 - deprivationnoun
c2 - deprivedadjective
c2 - designer drugnoun
c2 - detention centrenoun
c1 - diazepamnoun
c2 - dirt farmernoun
c2 - disadvantagedadjective
c1 - discriminateverb
c1 - discriminationnoun
c1 - dismissverb
b2 - displaceverb
c1 - displaced personnoun
c2 - dissipatedadjective
c2 - distressnoun
c1 - dolenoun
c2 - donateverb
b1 - donationnoun
b2 - donornoun
c1 - dopenoun
c2 - dopeverb
c2 - dosagenoun
c2 - dosenoun
c1 - dossernoun
c2 - downernoun
c2 - draftnoun
c2 - draughtnoun
c2 - drinknoun
a2 - drinkverb
a2 - drinkingnoun
b1 - drugnoun
a2 - drunkadjective
b1 - drunknoun
b2 - Eabbreviation
c2 - economic migrantnoun
c2 - ecstasynoun
c2 - egalitariannoun
c2 - egalitarianadjective
c2 - egalitarianismnoun
c2 - eliteadjective
c1 - elitenoun
c1 - elitismnoun
c2 - emaciatedadjective
c2 - emigrateverb
b2 - emigrationnoun
c1 - equaladjective
b1 - equalnoun
b2 - equalitynoun
c1 - equal marriagenoun
c2 - faminenoun
b2 - favelanoun
c2 - feminismnoun
c1 - feministnoun
c1 - fireverb
b1 - flag daynoun
c2 - flying picketnoun
c2 - food banknoun
c2 - food stampnoun
c2 - foundationnoun
b2 - freebasenoun
c2 - friendnoun
c2 - fundnoun
b2 - fundverb
b2 - fundingnoun
b2 - fundraiseverb
c1 - fundraisernoun
c2 - fundraisingnoun
c1 - fun runnoun
c2 - giveverb
a1 - glue-sniffingnoun
c2 - government health warningnoun
c2 - green cardnoun
c2 - habit-formingadjective
c2 - hallucinogennoun
c2 - handoutnoun
c2 - hard drugnoun
c1 - hardshipnoun
c1 - hard upadjective
c1 - harmonynoun
c1 - hashishnoun
c2 - helpverb
a1 - helpnoun
a1 - helpernoun
b1 - heroinnoun
c1 - homelessadjective
b2 - homelessnessnoun
c1 - homophobianoun
c2 - homophobicadjective
c2 - hookedadjective
c1 - housing associationnoun
c2 - housing benefitnoun
c2 - housing projectnoun
c2 - human rightnoun
b2 - hungernoun
b2 - hunger strikenoun
c2 - illegalnoun
c2 - immigrantnoun
b1 - immigrateverb
c1 - immigrationnoun
b2 - impoverishverb
c2 - impoverishedadjective
c2 - indigentadjective
c2 - industrial actionnoun
c2 - inequalitynoun
c1 - infuseverb
c2 - infusionnoun
c2 - injectverb
c1 - injectionnoun
c1 - in ragsidiom
c2 - intoxicantnoun
c2 - intravenousadjective
c2 - intravenouslyadverb
c2 - issuenoun
b1 - jabnoun
c2 - jobnoun
a1 - jobcentrenoun
c1 - joblessadjective
c1 - job seekernoun
c1 - jointnoun
c2 - junkienoun
c2 - justicenoun
b2 - ketaminenoun
c2 - laxativenoun
c2 - lay-offnoun
c2 - let somebody goidiom
c2 - liver saltsnoun
c2 - low-paidadjective
b2 - lozengenoun
c2 - LSDnoun
c2 - majoritynoun
b2 - malnourishedadjective
c2 - malnutritionnoun
c2 - marchverb
c1 - marchnoun
c1 - marginalizationnoun
c2 - marginalizeverb
c2 - marijuananoun
c1 - marriage equalitynoun
c2 - MDMAnoun
c2 - Medicaidnoun
c2 - Medicarenoun
c2 - medicateverb
c2 - medicationnoun
b2 - medicinenoun
a2 - mescalnoun
c2 - mescalinenoun
c2 - methnoun
c2 - methadonenoun
c2 - methamphetaminenoun
c2 - microdotnoun
c2 - microfinancenoun
c2 - migrantnoun
c1 - migrateverb
c1 - migrationnoun
c1 - militancynoun
c2 - militantadjective
c1 - minoritynoun
b2 - morphinenoun
c2 - movementnoun
b1 - narcoticadjective
c2 - naturalizationnoun
c2 - naturalizeverb
c2 - NGOnoun
c1 - nicotinenoun
c2 - non-citizennoun
c2 - non-cooperationnoun
c2 - ODverb
c2 - ointmentnoun
c2 - on your uppersidiom
c2 - opiumnoun
c2 - opportunity shopnoun
c2 - op shopnoun
c2 - outcrynoun
c2 - out-of-workadjective
c1 - outsidernoun
c1 - overdosenoun
c1 - overdoseverb
c1 - over the counteridiom
c2 - painkillernoun
b2 - painkillingadjective
c1 - paritynoun
c2 - passive smokingnoun
c1 - patchnoun
c2 - patronnoun
c2 - paupernoun
c2 - penicillinnoun
c1 - pennilessadjective
c1 - penuriousadjective
c2 - penurynoun
c2 - pep pillnoun
c2 - persecuteverb
c2 - persecutionnoun
c2 - persecutornoun
c2 - peyotenoun
c2 - pharmaceuticalnoun
c1 - phialnoun
c2 - philanthropicadjective
c2 - philanthropistnoun
c1 - philanthropynoun
c1 - picketnoun
c2 - picketverb
c2 - picketingnoun
c2 - picket linenoun
c2 - pillnoun
b2 - placardnoun
c2 - placebonoun
c1 - political asylumnoun
c1 - pooradjective
a1 - popverb
c2 - positive discriminationnoun
c2 - povertynoun
b1 - poverty-strickenadjective
c2 - poverty trapnoun
c2 - prejudicenoun
c1 - prejudicedadjective
c2 - prescribeverb
c1 - prescriptionnoun
c1 - problemnoun
a1 - protestnoun
b1 - protestverb
b1 - protesternoun
b2 - Prozac™noun
c2 - public housingnoun
c1 - quitverb
b1 - quota systemnoun
c1 - racismnoun
b2 - racistadjective
b2 - racistnoun
b2 - ragnoun
c2 - raiseverb
b1 - reactionnoun
b1 - redundancynoun
c1 - redundantadjective
c1 - refugenoun
c1 - refugeenoun
b2 - rehabnoun
c2 - reliefnoun
b2 - remedynoun
c1 - retrenchverb
c2 - revoltnoun
c2 - revoltverb
c2 - rightnoun
b1 - riotnoun
c1 - riotverb
c1 - rioternoun
c1 - riotingnoun
c1 - risingnoun
c2 - Rotary clubnoun
c2 - sabotagenoun
c2 - saboteurnoun
c2 - sackverb
c1 - sale of worknoun
c2 - salvenoun
c2 - sedativenoun
c2 - settleverb
b2 - settlementnoun
c1 - settlernoun
b2 - sexismnoun
c1 - sexistadjective
c1 - sexistnoun
c1 - shantynoun
c2 - shanty townnoun
c2 - shelternoun
b2 - shotnoun
c1 - side effectnoun
b2 - sit-innoun
c2 - sleeping pillnoun
b2 - slowdownnoun
c2 - slumnoun
b2 - slumlordnoun
c2 - smacknoun
c2 - smokenoun
b1 - smokeverb
a2 - smokernoun
b1 - smokingnoun
a2 - socialadjective
b1 - social consciencenoun
c2 - social housingnoun
c1 - social securitynoun
c2 - soft drugnoun
c1 - speednoun
c2 - sponsorverb
b2 - sponsornoun
b2 - starvationnoun
c1 - starveverb
b2 - the Samaritansnoun
c2 - the unemployednoun
b2 - stimulantnoun
c2 - stonedadjective
c2 - stoppagenoun
c2 - street peoplenoun
c1 - strikeverb
b2 - strikenoun
b2 - strike-breakernoun
c2 - strike-breakingnoun
c2 - strikernoun
c2 - strung outadjective
c2 - subscribeverb
c1 - subscriptionnoun
c1 - subsistencenoun
c2 - sweated labournoun
c2 - tabletnoun
b1 - telethonnoun
c2 - temazepamnoun
c2 - tenementnoun
c2 - tensionnoun
b2 - thrift shopnoun
c2 - tobacconoun
c1 - tolerancenoun
c1 - tolerantadjective
c1 - tonicnoun
c2 - trampnoun
c1 - tranquillizeverb
c2 - tranquillizernoun
c2 - trusteenoun
c1 - underclassnoun
c2 - under the influenceidiom
c2 - unemployedadjective
b1 - unemploymentnoun
b1 - unrestnoun
c2 - uprisingnoun
c2 - vagrancynoun
c2 - vagrantnoun
c2 - Valium™noun
c2 - vialnoun
c2 - victimnoun
b1 - visanoun
b2 - voluntaryadjective
b2 - Voluntary Service Overseasnoun
c2 - volunteernoun
b1 - volunteerverb
b1 - wastedadjective
c2 - weednoun
c2 - welfarenoun
b2 - welfare statenoun
c2 - winonoun
c2 - wiredadjective
c2 - withdrawalnoun
c1 - women’s liberationnoun
c2 - workhousenoun
c2 - work permitnoun
c2 - émigrénoun
c2 - zonedadjective